Hurt Me Harder [Kylo Ren X Reader ]
"I need you to tell me that this is what you want. Before we go further," he nipped at your jaw suddenly, causing a sigh of pleasure to spill from your lips, "I need your permission." His head moved lower, sucking at your collarbone, threatening your skin with his teeth. It was all you could do to keep your hips from erratically bucking forward. "With it," he continued, "you agree to trust me.
To trust that I won't hurt you." He pulled away then, face hovering inches from your own, his hand moving to lift your chin. "Much."
Your talent in English literature hasn't gone unnoticed by your professor, Kylo Ren, but you lack the focus and application to meet your full potential. Perhaps he can urge you to give in to that potential. And to him.
But the more you learn about Kylo Ren, the more you realize you can use his own tactics as a professor to help unravel the past that he refuses to face.
Or, you're infatuated with your dark and brooding English professor, Kylo Ren, who, to your surprise, returns the sentiment.
daniel99 · Movies
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