

2018-08-17 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • CrispIi
    CrispIi3 years ago
    bình luận

    Another girlfriend another 100 filler chapters. This story lacks motivation or a long term goal that is leading towards something. There is nothing at the moment that is keeping me here or looking towards something. While i am glad that he is slowly opening up and telling others the things he does, it just feels all so unnecessary. I hope we get some answers towards all these vaults. Do not just finish this arc after he cleanses his soul and get some upgrades. There should be some explanation on why those vaults are the way they are and who made them. This could potentially create a much more interesting world background, hinting at the existence of other very powerful wizards(not just dumble, grindel, flamel etc) who are good at soul magic(sins), ice, water and so on. They could still exist or have created their own schools or factions in the world. His occlumency teacher is the best example. Interesting character and also a goal to surpass him in this magic.

  • CrispIi
    CrispIi3 years ago
    trả lời LucasA25

    yep, 60 chapters are free to read

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  • CrispIi
    CrispIi3 years ago
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    This is not a review, i am just trying to put my thoughts for this novel into words. I think so far, the author did a great job. It is easy to follow the original book with its content but hard to expand on it in a way that still makes sense. So, if you like the Harry Potter Universe, i would recommend you to read this novel. Spoilers from now on(chapter 262) PROS Writing Quality/Stability of Updates: I dont really want to say anything about that. The author knows what he is doing. The sentences are easy to read and the updates are daily. Furthermore you can read this for free, so what more do you want. World Background: This is probably one of the better things about this novel in my opinion. The author does great in introducing the rest of the magical world. We see countries with their own native magic, different organizations, magical families and so on. It is always very interesting to see the main character experiencing new things and learing new magic Character Design(Side Characters): Honestly, at the beginning there were a few that i didnt like because of some misunderstandings but at this point i like them all. They all feel real, have their own ideas, quirks and character traits. It is easy to understand them. PRO and CON Story Development: This is Harry Potter, so we still follow the old routine of all the school years at Hogwarts, the looming dangers of Voldemort and his resurrection. Everything is just a bit different as this is a alternative Universe but to me this is definitely not bad. Apart from that, the author created hidden vaults at hogwarts that MC will try to explore every year. They are all very different but to me some of them just feel like fillers for the hogwarts year. I would have rather seen the MC take his classes than go through those vaults as they are only good to read, when the rewards after the completion are satisfying, like the water/black lake vault. Those vaults are a hit or miss thing. Overall the story feels more like a slice of life kinda story with bits of events happening. Its not a bad thing and i enjoy it. Con: Character Design(Main Character) I have come to realize what i dislike the most about this story is the main character himself. Initially i loved his obsession about magic and anything related to it. The author was very clear at the beginning of the story regarding his intentions towards the MC and how he wants to take the magical product creation route. Im not to big into this route but all fine because its the authors story. So no complaining about that. What i dislike is how I cant understand the MC, he just doesnt feel real anymore. I cannot immerse myself into the story when i cant follow the Protagonist of the story. Let me explain. In front of his colleagues he is a amazing, mysterious, friendly and helpful person, in front of his friends he is a great adviser and loyal friend, in front of his teachers he is the perfect student, in front of the adults he is the polite and perfect acting heir to the west family(of course its lia but i mean the etiquette of a noble heir) and in front of his family he is the great grandson, entrepreneur that has some problems but even they, the closest to him dont know him at all. It feels like he is always acting like society expects him to. In secret he always endangers his life by completing those vaults, creates new magical products, plays the vigilante by hunting death eaters and so on but even that feels like a different identity and not like himself. The author is portraying him like he always has the moral highground. The MC is not looking down on others but if others do wrong the MC has the right to judge them or play the Hero. I dont know, he feels very restrained all the time, playing different identities, being theatralic and kinda snobbish. Maybe its because of his Occlumency supressing all emotions. The closest we get to know him was when he lost his magic for some time or when he threw himself off the tower. That was my favorite chapter full of pure and raw emotion. Why is he still hiding all his magical abilities or what he does, you dont need to pronounce it to the world but at least u can tell your family or your closest friends or girlfriend if u take her seriously. That is another thing i want to mention Romance: Its not bad but it goes in a wrong direction. The authors is writing a very realistic modern style. I cant see this going where the MC is having multiple girlfriends at the same time. Yes, he can have more relationships but only when he breaks up with with the person he is dating. Its just cringe to me seeing him trying to get a harem or marrying multiple people at the same time. You can do that in a different fantasy setting but not in modern earth society. Sorry everyone. His current relationship is with daphne greengrass but he exchanged a kiss with another girl(not fleur) during his current relationship. He wants to keep this buried but thinking about this girls personality, this will at some point get back to him. It is so predictable. I hope if MC takes his relationship with daphne serious, he opens up to her more and tells her about himself. What is the point of hiding everything he does. If he respects her, he should just come clean and not do this wishy-washy thing between the two girls. It is hard to describe your own thoughts but at this point i just felt the need to do it. Whether you agree or disagree with my opinion as old or new readers, as a Harry Potter fiction, i would still recommend to read it. Dont get a misconception about the ratio between pro and con(I was ranting a bit at the end, sry). It is still a great thing to read and we should praise it where its due. Give it a try and drop it when u can no longer enjoy it. Have a great day everyone.

  • CrispIi
    CrispIi3 years ago
     công bố

    Great novel. One of my favorites at the moment. The world background is really interesting. Everything that is introduced feels fresh and unique. I also love the main character, as he is very confident and driven to reach his goals. Though his emotional up and downs are what makes me like this person the most. He feels very vulnerable and fragile at times but not in a sense that he is dumb. We can actually see how the war affects his mentality and how he is trying to handle all those feelings. Its not like other novels where one kills for the first time but acts like nothing happened. The greatest concern that i have at the moment is the direction the author is taking his character regarding women, love and romance. I dont know if its because of the emotional instability the main character has that he is seeking comfort or warmth from a women but after his last relationship he is literally flirting with every female character that is showing any signs of interest towards him. At the moment he is practically flirting with two at the same time. That is good and all but the most annoying part is how he always excuses himselfs and plays the victim card, "Ugh I know i will regret this", "It pains me so much, I cant betray my last girlfriend, it will only hurt me and you more". but then still does everything and flirts whenever he can. Honestly this is just stupid and at this point he should know better and no longer pull those excuses. Anyway i would still recommend this novel to everyone.

  • CrispIi
    CrispIi3 years ago
    bình luận

    Feels like triss vs yennefer from the witcher

  • CrispIi
    CrispIi3 years ago
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    I gave this one a chance and read the raws as it was quite entertaining at the start but that is also the best part about it. This novel is just frustrating as disasters to the family keep on happening. Dumb decisions and no character development made me drop this novel. Spoilers: There are enemies around every corner, ancient demons and old immortals trying to devour the baby as nourishment but what do they do, just taking walks around the wilderness, foreign cities and even going to secret realms. Why would u take a 6 month year old baby to an ancient secret realm??? Also he starts talking like a grown up after 6 months, scolding his father and other family members(haha my son is such a genius haha, its normal for him to curse me) 150 chapters in and the baby is still just a one year old, so no character growth. He sneaked out so he can go to a secret realm in the north where all other forces are at. For what? To compete with others for resources. He has a system and is a prodigy himself that advances almost every other day, so why cant he just stay at home for a few years and train there instead of courting disaster everywhere he goes

  • CrispIi
    CrispIi3 years ago
    bình luận

    what was the point of all this? he cracked his foundations just to give his token away and get one item from the cache? i thought he still needed the fire apex intent from that token of that woman or did i get all of that wrong?

  • CrispIi
    CrispIi3 years ago
     công bố

    b.faloo: 玄幻:悄悄拔剑十万次,出山即剑神, Fantasy: Draw a sword quietly one hundred thousand times, the sword god novel This is literally the same plot but magic is replaced by swordsmanship. Check it out Protagonist offended the saint and is forced to go into isolation > gets drawing sword system(draw 1, 10,100 times and get a reward; the last reward that i read was a hilt of an earth class sword) > master of his peak was injured by the troll sect > madman appaers and challenges the saint and all the geniuses > protagonist attacks him after he leaves the sect > little white Cat/tigers appers in isolation >... I think u all get it if u read the novel here. Not sure what kind of book webnovel released but the one on b.faloo was published a year ago.

  • CrispIi
    CrispIi3 years ago
    trả lời EternalMangekyu

    b.faloo: 玄幻:悄悄拔剑十万次,出山即剑神, Fantasy: Draw a sword quietly one hundred thousand times, the sword god novel This is literally the same plot but magic is replaced by swordsmanship. Check it out, its ridiculous. Protagonist offended the saint and is forced to go into isolation > gets drawing sword system(draw 1, 10,100 times and get a reward; the last reward that i read was a hilt of an earth class sword) > master of his peak was injured by the troll sect > madman appaers and challenges the saint and all the geniuses > protagonist attacks him after he leaves the sect > little white Cat/tigers appers in isolation >... I think u all get it if u read the novel here. Not sure what kind of book webnovel released but the one on b.faloo was published a year ago.

  • CrispIi
    CrispIi3 years ago
    trả lời Burger_for_vegan

    b.faloo: 玄幻:悄悄拔剑十万次,出山即剑神, Fantasy: Draw a sword quietly one hundred thousand times, the sword god novel This is literally the same plot but magic is replaced by swordsmanship. Check it out, its ridiculous. Protagonist offended the saint and is forced to go into isolation > gets drawing sword system(draw 1, 10,100 times and get a reward; the last reward that i read was a hilt of an earth class sword) > master of his peak was injured by the troll sect > madman appaers and challenges the saint and all the geniuses > protagonist attacks him after he leaves the sect > little white Cat/tigers appers in isolation >... I think u all get it if u read the novel here. Not sure what kind of book webnovel released but the one on b.faloo was published a year ago.