


I love reading, one of those things that make the world with living in.

2018-07-11 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • Fernizer
    trả lời KingPangolin

    Wouldn't 'Tune in' also work? I'm not native speaker, but that was what first came to my mind.

    Number of Participant(s): 3
    Welcome to the Multiverse Chat Group!
    Tranh châm biếm · EclypseX
  • Fernizer
    trả lời Lion_Comet

    Part 1 is in 431 iirc

    Non-Canon Omake: Through the looking Glass part 3.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Tranh châm biếm · AStoryForOne
  • Fernizer
    trả lời Beatupdreamer34

    Why? Doesn't it mean basically the same as 'man among men' but for women? Like doesn't it just mean she is an exceptional woman and nothing more?

    It is only Yun Yun was serious by nature and this greeting to the strongest person in the Xiao family seemed too official. At this moment, Xiao Ming, in a welcoming gesture, also stood up and said in an equally calm tone, "I have heard of Sect Leader Yun Yun's great reputation for a long time and seeing you today, you are undoubtedly a great woman among women."
    BTTH Life Simulator System
    Tranh châm biếm · Kisshot
  • Fernizer
    trả lời Sir_Squirrel

    Earlier she got a magic tablet. She mentioned it like in the beginning of the Chat Conversation. But it was just 'a' magic tablet. And now she talks about multiple tablets that helped her understand and my sleepy brain decided that those 'tablets' either appeared out of nowhere or it was the first one that multiplied. Now I would say that those are probably some kind of information window or something. Not sure honestly but that's my best guess.

    Exhibitionist: It's hard to believe, but these tablets in front of me have not helped me understand what they are. There's no magic in them at all.
    DC: Dimensional Luck
    Tranh châm biếm · Sothisq
  • Fernizer
    trả lời hado_90

    That sentence makes way more sense now, especially after solid 7 hours of sleep. Thanks

    Otherwise, he would've definitely worried about his 'offspring' and considered us a threat, and simply hired people to eliminate us.
    DC: Dimensional Luck
    Tranh châm biếm · Sothisq
  • Fernizer
    bình luận

    And that should be for a judge to decide, who of those criminals should die and who should not.

    Of course, they don't need to kill all criminals, but it's advisable to kill all the most dangerous criminals.
    DC: Dimensional Luck
    Tranh châm biếm · Sothisq
  • Fernizer
    trả lời CharaWingdings

    And let's be honest: it shouldn't be his job. He catches them and that should be more than enough. They sholud be put to death like rabd animals that they are. Definitely not thrown into a super-jail or something, just dealt with permanently. And that's government's job.

    Batman's trust in the law and his code that he doesn't kill is strange.
    DC: Dimensional Luck
    Tranh châm biếm · Sothisq
  • Fernizer
    bình luận

    'Dark side of the earth'? Really? You could go with 'supernatural shenanigans' or something and you went with 'dark side of the earth'? So you think you can get involved in 'the light side of the earth' or something?

    It would be stupid to get involved in the dark side of the earth without any strength.
    DC: Dimensional Luck
    Tranh châm biếm · Sothisq
  • Fernizer
    bình luận

    How is that obvoius? I may be a bit sleep deprived but it isn't that obvious to me. Did I miss something?

    "Erina still hasn't said anything, obviously immersed in cooking with the new berries that Rias sent her."
    DC: Dimensional Luck
    Tranh châm biếm · Sothisq
  • Fernizer
    trả lời LordOzzy

    And stating it outright didn't seem like it made any sense. I can see that someone went offline, but I never seen any notification about it, no matter the messaging app.

    Rias Gremory left the Group Chat
    DC: Dimensional Luck
    Tranh châm biếm · Sothisq
  • Fernizer
    bình luận

    Too cheap imo. Could make them work a bit for it and if he actually spend his points then that could help in establishing his personality a bit more. Would he ask for something in exchange? Let it go as 'good guy' should? Something else? You gave him points, you could have given a bit more too buy those stories and let us get to know him more.

    In my store, there was the DxD manga and anime each of them cost one point, but there was also a copy of the High School DxD that cost two points.
    DC: Dimensional Luck
    Tranh châm biếm · Sothisq
  • Fernizer
    bình luận

    I would focus more on the 'hidden task' part, as this could mean that doing more than required by mission could be rewarded, but I'm just an annoying reader so don't mind me.

    The system showed up in front of him, and it was nice which means that the Group Chat rewards attempts to learn more about it and its functions and limitations.
    DC: Dimensional Luck
    Tranh châm biếm · Sothisq
  • Fernizer
    bình luận

    You could try though? There is nothing stopping ou from trying to get stronger.

    It doesn't make sense to ask Rias for magic books because our magic is probably different since we come from different worlds.
    DC: Dimensional Luck
    Tranh châm biếm · Sothisq
  • Fernizer
    bình luận

    Really? 'The burning immortal rooster'?

    Anthony (Administrator): You mean the burning immortal rooster?
    DC: Dimensional Luck
    Tranh châm biếm · Sothisq
  • Fernizer
    bình luận

    First time I agree with Author: it wasn't bad idea, especially with how obsessed Rias seems to be with japanese culture. Others could react badly but that could in itself be nice idea to get some interesting interactions out of them as a group.

    Anthony (Administrator): It feels awkward even to say this is from some works of fiction. It was anime and manga.
    DC: Dimensional Luck
    Tranh châm biếm · Sothisq
  • Fernizer
    bình luận

    Author, do you maybe need some help with finding wiki? Because it's fourth chapter and you can't seem to get some basic facts straight. Searching 'Gasper dxd' took me about 10 seconds to find correct page and in first paragraph you can find that Gasper is a Bishop.

    Anthony (Administrator): The search for members didn't start until I became an administrator. The search seemed to be based on a pretty simple set of conditions. The administrator must know something about their world. I came to this conclusion when I learned your name, Rias. And to check, you have one of the pawns with a female appearance named Gasper, who is afraid of his powers and hides in some box. In addition, you "own" the territory of Kuoh City. Also, there is a sadistic cute girl named Akeno in your peerage, and another swordsman hates holy swords. Am I right?
    DC: Dimensional Luck
    Tranh châm biếm · Sothisq
  • Fernizer
    bình luận

    So yeah, again, why would she not know what berries are if she is in Totsuki? She cooks and she knows what strawberries are, so why?

    God's Tongue: It's quite a pleasant taste, and they can be used for my dishes! By the way, I didn't introduce myself... I'm Erina Nakiri, fifteen years old, and a member of the Elite Ten Council at Tōtsuki Culinary Academy."
    DC: Dimensional Luck
    Tranh châm biếm · Sothisq
  • Fernizer
    bình luận

    I know Erina's past was complicated (or is complicated? If it isn't 'past' yet, but 'present' for now?) but not knowing what berries were? She had some childhood before Azami started his 'training'.

    God's Tongue: Berries? Something like strawberries?
    DC: Dimensional Luck
    Tranh châm biếm · Sothisq
  • Fernizer
    bình luận

    Would reporter really use words 'guy in red'?

    "... dozens of robbers and three injured policemen. If it weren't for the timely arrival of the guy in red."
    DC: Dimensional Luck
    Tranh châm biếm · Sothisq
  • Fernizer
    bình luận

    Maybe 'They often try to capture the Superman, calling him "the Red Boy" or using other silly names'? Because now it sounds like they try to catch all of them: the Superman, the Red Boy and 'other silly names', not one person with multiple silly nicknames.

    They often try to capture Superman, the "Red Boy," and other silly names.
    DC: Dimensional Luck
    Tranh châm biếm · Sothisq