


F Webnovel/Qidian

2018-06-30 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • kennykangaroo2
    trả lời YourMaster

    Agreed, and with Supreme Magus, that author is just beating a horse for money that died somewhere between chapter 1700-2200 (for me at least.) The novels in the top 3 are NEVER going to end, even while they're releasing 22 chapters a week, when a year or two ago the fastest releases were 14 chapters a week. There's no way at all that these authors are putting much thought into the plot of their novels and are only focusing on filling and padding two tiny chapters for the day. I'd rather 3–5 chapters a week than 22 chapters a week of slop chapters that take you less than a minute to read.

    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    Du hí · Adui
  • kennykangaroo2
    trả lời Akeni0

    If he doesn't have the ability to seamlessly change appearances at that point in the story, he will eventually, so Noah will just keep that 2nd body as another part of himself. As a way to double up on the amount of clones, he can use from the 4 clones limit of the Blood Lord skill to 8 total clones, thanks to his 2nd body being able to conjure its own set of clones.

    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    Du hí · Adui
  • kennykangaroo2
     công bố

    The author: Zent keeps deleting reviews, I made a 2-star review a few days ago being the 18th review that brought the overall rating to 4.50ish, and today it's down to 16 reviews with a 4.92 overall rating. I can't be asked to retype out my thoughts on this novel's story for the 3rd time already that Zent has deleted reviews. My first review (this being the 3rd) was like a 3-star review, and he still deleted it. Stop deleting valid reviews, Zent and just make a better novel while not lazily churning out 3 shallow af chapters a day between the 3 novels you're working on concurrently. Just ask your 200 something "fans" in your Discord channel to read and rate your novel, for pete's sake if you're having to monitor and censor reviews here just to keep your novel on people's radar. Unless you did, and you had to remove most of those reviews from "fans". I agree that if a novel didn't have at least a 4.6 or 4.7 star rating, I wouldn't read it.

    Dead Man Walking: Living By Day, Dead By Night
    Thành thị · Zentmeister
  • kennykangaroo2
    trả lời Fleet

    "Worldbuilding?" you mean filler. This author is still not finished after several years and releasing 26 chapters a week! Whoever is still reading after 2000 chapters is a poor s_cker and is in too deep.

    The Mech Touch
    Khoa huyễn · Exlor
  • kennykangaroo2
    bình luận

    What a filler chapter, come on man. I know you can do better than this. So much padding in these chapter, I feel vindicated not spending a dime on this novel.

    Ch 416 Potential Threats to Galactic Stability
    Interstellar Age
    Khoa huyễn · Zentmeister
  • kennykangaroo2
    trả lời Isaiah_Tevin_1055

    "Best written" my brother, you must be an inexperienced reader to not see what I'm seeing, or you haven't read up to where I dropped it. Look at it from the big picture and then narrow down. The author posts two chapters a day where he finds innumerable ways of expounding on every little thing to fill up two chapters where the MC just accomplishes two tiny things. For your reference, an example of padding would be a day's part 1 chapter where the MC gets new skills and part 2 would be the MC just theorizing and explaining to the reader what is possible with the new skills and then done that's all you get for a day. I dropped it at around chapter 1290 where the MC has only achieved Master rank which was iirc tier 3, and he's maybe two tiers away from the clan heads who've haven't even gone through all the nightmares and reached the limit of power. How many more chapters do you think a novel like this needs to tell a complete story while bsing around wasting the reader's time with needless padding? If you don't fully know or still don't understand me then you haven't read a lot of books besides the slop that gets cranked out on this site, by the top ranked books.

    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • kennykangaroo2
    trả lời kennykangaroo2

    Nvm, who cares, this novel is a disappointing waste of time, I dropped it at around chapter 1200 after getting fed with the heavily padded filler arcs. The author only cares about the money and has been padding chapters since around chapter 600 and effectively phased out the system even though it carried the MC to where he is now, and he would've been nothing without it.

    Everyone knew a possibility existed where a pilot could spontaneously break through their current genetic aptitude. Those who scored an E could reach the level of a D. Those who toiled for years as an average pilot with a score of C could break through the level of a B.
    The Mech Touch
    Khoa huyễn · Exlor
  • kennykangaroo2
     công bố

    Dear lord, I just read from chapter 1170ish till chapter 1900 where the author shamelessly stretching one tiny little arc into over 100 chapters where he spent 90% of those chapters just filling chapters upon chapters with nothing but skill upgrades and descriptions ad nauseam, so much so he'd bring the plot of the arc to a complete halt even in the midst of a major battlefield filled with millions of enemies and allies just to add 5 back-to-back filler chapters filled to brim with a disorienting amount of skill upgrades and descriptions. This is terrible writing and outright disrespectful to the reader's time, brain cells, and potentially money if you're one of the fools actually spending money on this slop. What should've been one tiny arc got turned into the most jam packed bs laden thing I've read in this novel so far that will give your brain whiplash from how far the MC jumps power levels and accumulates strength faster than in any point of the story. Sure, you can try out the novel as long as you're not spending money and or you're searching around for the chapters elsewhere. For this novel, there's no end goal ___AT ALL___ that the MC/author is working towards. From the very beginning of novel till at least chapter 1900 the MC has progress past literally dozens of tiers of power and the author just keeps raising the ceiliing perpetually FOREVER. This novel will only receive an ending when the readers get bored and this money tree dries up and at that point the author will either drop/hiatus the novel or give it some lazily constructed cop out cliche ending.

    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    Du hí · Adui
  • kennykangaroo2
    trả lời TheEpic_Gamer

    I've read to chapter 328.

    Lord of Mysteries
    Kỳ huyễn · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • kennykangaroo2
    bình luận

    irrelevant chapter

    Ch 407 Consuming a Dying Star
    Interstellar Age
    Khoa huyễn · Zentmeister
  • kennykangaroo2
    trả lời Unb_Ekannt

    Shadow Slave(SS) is an extreme on the opposite end where instead SS just pads the chapter/word count with needless dialogue, explanations, Sunless' inner thinking, shallow schemes, with the story progressing at a snails pace each chapter. Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse pads it's chapter/word count with endless skill upgrades and raising what you thought was the ceiling by another notch of power to chase for every 200–300 chapters. This novel in question is just going to keep repeating this until it hits 5K chapters.

    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    Du hí · Adui
  • kennykangaroo2
     công bố

    Read to chapter 1394, so far the pacing of the story is light speed where you're barely given a chance to acclimate to the MCs new abilities, as the MC repeatedly breaks into higher and higher realms evolving and creating new skills several throughout each arc. Had to write the review now because the author keeps expanding the upper limits of power more and even more that you think to yourself "there's no end in sight" and it's not even a thought in the MCs mind of when he can stop, as the author posts 6 heavily padded chapters that just focus on two new "Quasi-Insuperable" tier skills of his that are going to steadily become obsolete over a hundred chapters then fully obsolete and then upgraded into the next tier or superseded and so on and so forth until the author writes his 5K chapters. If you know of the ways of the internet, you can binge read this till you either get bored with the repetition or until you catch up with the latest releases, where you can then get fed up with the typical 2-a-day filler slop chapters designed to stretch chapter counts. What's "CoIns" and "PrIvIlEgE"? I don't know, and I don't care to know.

    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
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  • kennykangaroo2
    trả lời BrabbitX

    Ironically, the author is a slave(bi_ch) to Webnovel, by cranking out these clearly incentive driven chapters with only a speck of substance just to run up that chapter count.

    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • kennykangaroo2
    trả lời Beachdude

    The author has from his word (in his personal discord) essentially dropped the novel because it wasn't bringing in the $$$ like his other novel at the time (Tyranny of Steel) and wasn't worth the time investment. As of late the author has been splitting his time between 3 other novels with the newest novel of his Dead Man Walking getting some focus over the other two at times. I think the author is just spreading his net across different genres to maybe get lucky and make his next moneymaker novel. The work he's been putting out lately has been quite the soulless, shallow, lazy, one minute read, directionless, short af, and slop not worth spending money on.

    Ch 387 A Convening of Hostiles
    Interstellar Age
    Khoa huyễn · Zentmeister
  • kennykangaroo2
    bình luận

    Don't care, Bruno will maybe get another chapter or two and never be mentioned again. Get on with it

    Ch 393 Reckoning
    Interstellar Age
    Khoa huyễn · Zentmeister
  • kennykangaroo2
    bình luận

    so many words, to explain so little.

    Ch 387 A Convening of Hostiles
    Interstellar Age
    Khoa huyễn · Zentmeister
  • kennykangaroo2
    bình luận

    But for real, what tf is the plot? What's the end goal? Is it simply to be the strongest? The author is skipping some important steps here.

    Ch 4 Is that a rookie...or?
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    Du hí · Adui
  • kennykangaroo2
    trả lời kennykangaroo2

    You just have to look at how many chapters there are, see what power level the mc is currently at, infer how many power levels/tiers are feasibly left, and average out how many chapters there are between each power level. Then you'll realize "God damn is it going to be 4000 chapters before the author ends this." Going by the current chapter count of about 1500 subtracted from 4k there's 2500 chapters left divided by 2(2 chapters daily) you get 1250 then divide by 365(days in a year) it will take 3 1/2 years if the author writes 2 chapters a day. Do you think any novel NEEDS so many chapters to tell a good story? No, webnovel is setting up a system of incentives to drip feed the readers content to have you hang around and spend money. The author here is beholden and a slave(lol the irony) to webnovel if he wants their money.

    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • kennykangaroo2
     công bố

    I stopped reading because the author started blowing the lid right open with the martial arts. Made the mc seem like the second coming, but in the end his civilization and strength only got up to rank D in some intergalactic competition where the rank A civilization could destroy planets. Wow, way to go destroying the mc ego.

    Ace Of Terrans
    Khoa huyễn · THE_WORDSMITH
  • kennykangaroo2
    bình luận

    Careful, pay very close attention. If you blink the chapter will end before you know it. So sad, so very sad, what this novel has become. This novel is only readable when you can binge at least 2 hundred chapters. Else, each individual chapter is so devoid of substance it leaves barely any time to register in your brain.

    Ch 723 Kru-gru-xa
    Chaos' Heir
    Kỳ huyễn · Eveofchaos