


Into edginess and pirates. Surprise?

2018-05-28 đã tham giaDenmark

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  • DavyDarkDaoist
    bình luận

    We know the man

    In other words, the countless dreams of the sea - the Logia-type Rumble-Rumble Fruit, could still be uneaten!
    One Piece: My Crew Is Trash!
    Tranh châm biếm · Zaelum
  • DavyDarkDaoist
    bình luận

    Should have been October. It’s horror movie season

    The outbreak of war affected all aspects of the world, and Flame Pictures was not in a vacuum. The originally scheduled early April release of "Saw" suddenly became inappropriate. Even though it propagated the preciousness of life, blood and horror weren't what the market demanded at the moment, so its release was postponed to November, and whether it would be delayed again would depend on the situation at that time.
    The Best Director
    Thành thị · Wallee The Robot
  • DavyDarkDaoist
    bình luận

    The Firefly tv Show is from 2002. It’s too late

    After recording everything, Wang Yang put the notepad and pen back and was about to lie down again when he inadvertently caught sight of a small light drifting past the balcony. UFO? He couldn't help but be surprised as he got out of bed and quickly walked barefoot to the balcony, the cool night breeze gently blowing against him, and he could see clearly what the light was. He chuckled and muttered, "Fireflies... Are there fireflies at this time of year?"
    The Best Director
    Thành thị · Wallee The Robot
  • DavyDarkDaoist
    bình luận

    Did Yang went to see a movie on the war in Iraq from the futur to say this ?

    "Because in this war, the only people who benefit are the oil companies! The price of oil will soar to a record high." Wang Yang adjusted the microphone, looking at the silent crowd below, and laughed heartily, "Do I understand? I don't know, these are just deductions made with common sense. I don't understand why Mr. Bush can't see it? Bush, if you want oil, go buy it at the gas station, stock up now at home! I guarantee you'll make enough for retirement later."
    The Best Director
    Thành thị · Wallee The Robot
  • DavyDarkDaoist
    bình luận

    Don’t say that to a bunch of Americans in 2002

    He laughed scornfully several times, pounded the podium, and said loudly under the astonished eyes of the reporters, "America is everywhere accusing other countries of their actions, yet runs off to the Persian Gulf to invade Iraq. Don't you find that embarrassing?"
    The Best Director
    Thành thị · Wallee The Robot
  • DavyDarkDaoist
    bình luận

    Won’t that cause an explosion ?

    "That giant whirlpool was actually a residual flow leaking from a super massive undercurrent beneath the sea. I just needed to deal with the small opening causing the leak, and the whirlpool naturally disappeared!"
    One Piece: My Crew Is Trash!
    Tranh châm biếm · Zaelum
  • DavyDarkDaoist
    bình luận

    Ah, the ship already has a spirit!

    The Endless Dream, overhearing the conversation, thought: If possible, could you also take me along? Getting sucked into a whirlpool must hurt a lot!
    One Piece: My Crew Is Trash!
    Tranh châm biếm · Zaelum
  • DavyDarkDaoist
    bình luận

    Yahoo had the chance to buy google for 1 million but they refused

    "I send a Chinese idiom to Bill Gates and Jerry Yang 'To Rear a Tiger is to Court Calamity'. Also, my advice, first, immediately buy out Google directly. If Larry Page won't agree, then go for it as soon as it goes public; second, cut off all business with Google." He commented that Yahoo was out of touch with reality, whereas Google clearly understood the convenient features that young people and the general public really needed. He added, "It's just that I chose not to go to Stanford, otherwise, watch how I'd deal with Google. Why? Because I love movies."
    The Best Director
    Thành thị · Wallee The Robot
  • DavyDarkDaoist
    bình luận

    You should

    "Action!" With the command, Valery-Fest and other crew members resumed work, and Natalie continued looking up at the standing Daniel Wu, speaking more quickly, "I have a question… The other two doors have goats, you chose one door, say it's number one. The host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens door number three, and there's a goat. He then asks you, 'Do you want to change your mind and choose door number two?'"
    The Best Director
    Thành thị · Wallee The Robot
  • DavyDarkDaoist
    bình luận

    Je suis trop heureuse!*

    "I'm sorry?" Wang Yang furrowed his brow in confusion, and Joshua behind him confidently translated, "That means 'I love you.'" Karen Mok paused for a moment, then quickly shook her head with a laugh: "No, it's just a joke, both in Italian and French, it means 'I'm so happy!'"
    The Best Director
    Thành thị · Wallee The Robot
  • DavyDarkDaoist
    bình luận

    English is an easy language to learn tho

    Since the release of this information and reaching out to agencies like CAA, many potential candidates had been sent to Wang Yang's desk, and some actresses had contacted him through various channels. For instance, Zhang Ziyi inquired about the possibility of her participating, but naturally, it was not suitable. Her demeanor and English proficiency did not match the requirements.
    The Best Director
    Thành thị · Wallee The Robot
  • DavyDarkDaoist
    bình luận

    Careful, that movie got the director in trouble with the woman who inspired the boss

    Standing in front of the bookshelf, Wang Yang glanced at the titles of these books, one after another, some he had read, some he kind of read, some he only read the introductions of... His gaze suddenly stopped on a book he had read, "The Devil Wears Prada". He blinked his eyes and smiled thoughtfully as he picked up the book, "'FUCK-YOU, Miranda, FUCK-YOU...'"
    The Best Director
    Thành thị · Wallee The Robot
  • DavyDarkDaoist
    bình luận

    I bet he’s gonna make the mcu

    Wang Yang chuckled softly, making a mock punch to Downey's chin, "Don't worry! If it's not a big production, I won't look for you." Downey played along by tilting his chin up as if hit, laughing, "Then I'll be waiting!"
    The Best Director
    Thành thị · Wallee The Robot
  • DavyDarkDaoist
    bình luận

    Jackson: next year

    Amid "oohs" and enthusiastic applause, the television camera switched between the big screen, the nominees, and Hanks, showing Stephen Daldry with frameless glasses clapping with a smile; "Peter Jackson for 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers'." Another round of loud applause as the bearded Peter Jackson gave a brief glance to the camera with a smile; "Rob Marshall for 'Chicago'," and even louder cheers arose as the suited Marshall smiled, revealing his upper teeth, while Renée Zellweger and others around him cheered and shouted.
    The Best Director
    Thành thị · Wallee The Robot
  • DavyDarkDaoist
    bình luận

    Hell production is a real thing

    A burst of laughter rose from the audience below, and Hanks continued with a smile, "Then there's the camera crew, the production team… A director is like the center of a storm, all troubles come to him, and he must resolve them all perfectly while also taking good care of his storyboard. He is a good director. I still can't do it, to become that kind of person, but they have!"
    The Best Director
    Thành thị · Wallee The Robot
  • DavyDarkDaoist
    bình luận

    He should already know that. He got oscar for best screenplay for Juno

    Wang Yang laughed as he held up the Golden Globe trophy, feeling its heft, and said, "Thanks, Robert! Wow, this award is pretty heavy, is it made of real gold? Now I'm really eager to get that damn Best Director!" He made a biting gesture towards the trophy and laughingly added, "Otherwise, even this trophy would be lost, and the thought is just pitiful."
    The Best Director
    Thành thị · Wallee The Robot
  • DavyDarkDaoist
    bình luận

    Usually they trie to minimize speech to 1 minute

    The audience laughed again at this interjection. However, the organizers didn't intend to rush him off. What's a few more minutes to them? The audience always loves these unique award acceptance speeches, and viewership is soaring.
    The Best Director
    Thành thị · Wallee The Robot
  • DavyDarkDaoist
    bình luận

    Going back with all the awards is reserved if you’re called The Return of the King

    Wang Yang laughed, giving up the formality was his style. He answered, "When you get nominated, of course you want to win all the awards. I even hope to take home the Best Actor in a Motion Picture Golden Globe, and not just Robert walking on stage." Claus laughed heartily at his words, and he continued, "But if I had to choose just one, Best Picture would be the highest honor for a movie and its entire crew."
    The Best Director
    Thành thị · Wallee The Robot
  • DavyDarkDaoist
    bình luận

    To be fair asian women age like wine and often you can hardly tell a 50 years old asian woman is a day over 25

    Mark Slant again said doubtfully, "How about Bai Ling?" Wang Yang burst out laughing, Googled Bai Ling, and laughed, "Why don't you check her age? 37! I'm looking for young people, so don't bring up Lucy Liu, Michelle Yeoh, and others... Oh please!"
    The Best Director
    Thành thị · Wallee The Robot
  • DavyDarkDaoist
    bình luận

    The thing is casino are card counters too, but professionally. They’re more likely tomake money out of fools thinking big of themselves rather than the contrary

    The casinos were concerned about their reputation and feared that if Wang Yang made "real card counting" public knowledge, it would lead to hordes of card-counting gamblers forming teams and truly taking over their establishments! Clearly, Wang Yang's film had a greater impact than Ben Mezrich's "Bringing Down the House." Who's to say "MIT-21-TEAM" wouldn't spawn a card-counting craze?
    The Best Director
    Thành thị · Wallee The Robot