Harsh critic at times.
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Depends. If quests are not repetitive, someone else could get what he could have gotten. First come and all that.
I have always been confused with this trope as the usual problem solvers in the day-to-day are women since they are relegated with most household responsibilities and nowadays, they work too. Not to mention that loudest and most annoying groups tend to be all male or drunk women groups.
Welp, I guess this is where I say goodbye. There is only so many forced plotlines I can take, if you take it into cheating and harem territory… not interested
Please keep your harem bull to yourself. Fucking hate that genre and it’s like a disease infecting mediocre and low quality books.
This is convoluted and difficult to understand? Wth do you mean by that first sentence? That because on earth Dogons were born Flesh Masters, he thought because he was from Earth , he was born like this as well?
What’s the color order again? Red, orange, gold, … what?
Oh, come on! He is smart, it’s just that his kills are luck and weakness based.
Under 50
It’s not slander. He’d a cheating hoe. The fact that these authors write women to be ok with this bull is the bull itself.
This makes me uncomfortable. It might not be grape but it’s the constant threat of it…