


If you know you know

2018-04-28 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • ptrage
    ptrage3 years ago
    trả lời ghostlybones

    Ofc he will kill the rapist he's mc after all. And you don't get my point. it's not about the rapist will be dead or not in the future, it's about the choice he made at that moment. The reason? read again my comment.

  • ptrage
    ptrage4 years ago
    trả lời ZeusTheOlympian

    Harem or not make it good to read and have logic involved with their progress. But if i would choose, i prefer only one wife but with big family. I don't like the MC spend most of his adventure in story as young person, in fact i love it when he plays the role as mature person or even old fart so it reduces the chance to have stupid plot.

  • ptrage
    ptrage4 years ago
    trả lời Nimero

    Interesting, tbh i don't mind it's harem or not as long as it's well written not like randomly meet girls after short conversation or scene then they just suddenly fall in love. Especially when they have to put unnecessary conflict for each future harem to the point it becomes toxic. There's always the MC alone will save the day when trouble comes. And the most annoying part is author keeps making their cultivation on par with MC easily with their magical fortunes, divine body or whatever for no reason while MC have to put his life in dead or alive situation MANY TIMES. Well, it's the time i know either i drop it or skim it really hard because there's no point to read it carefully since at the end of the day all the efforts and process will be meaningless.

  • ptrage
    ptrage4 years ago
    bình luận

    Here i am thinking, why didn't they make boundary, limitation, requirement or regulation before allowing them to read or learn those mind blowing topics, for example: should there be a warning like "need to learn this x book or able to accept this and that," so it would make them have more preparation at least and slightly accept the facts that will reduce the chance their head explode. It just crazy how easily and freely people to get access to the books/jurnals despite the risk. I guess this is the perfect case to say "you don't need to know before you're strong enough" or "you don't bite off more than you can chew".

  • ptrage
    ptrage4 years ago
    bình luận

    goddamnit, what the hell is awkward position? like suck his own d#ck? Can you give more descriptions about that? How lazy this author so he can't do that? This is novel, how could readers enjoy that if they can't even picturing a scene.