

2018-04-09 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • WebNovelDaoistGuru
     công bố

    Your story is reallly similar to super gene. From the teleporting to another world to the first soul he gets the levels of genes and needing to eat to get stronger etc. so far there is little difference in the two stories and super gene has something like 3000 chapters.

    Gene Evolution: Monster Simulator
    Kỳ huyễn · Death_Simulation
  • WebNovelDaoistGuru
    bình luận

    Is this still getting updated?

    Ch 20 chapter 18 fences
    revange of a nice and good husband
    Huyền huyễn · kaiden_sensi_01
  • WebNovelDaoistGuru
    bình luận

    Are you still writing the book about a single dad who starts a food truck then a restaurant and gets a new gf who was the girl that liked him in school?

    Ch 24 Chapter 24: The Queen's Sword
    The Dragon's Shadow
    Kỳ huyễn · haytham_
  • WebNovelDaoistGuru
    trả lời WebNovelDaoistGuru

    Forgot to mention about pregnant woman drinking during childbirth anyone from earth would know this is bad yet he keeps letting her drink…

    I Become The Villainous Last Prince
    Kỳ huyễn · Rafaiir_
  • WebNovelDaoistGuru
     công bố

    I’m on ch 96 so far a pretty good story but for a reincarnated person from earth who was supposed to be the head of a large business then the MC is not using his knowledge to the full potential. I get the business aspect of it but most people could figure out how to improve tools, weapons, strategy, technology etc from a medieval time to something more modern. Like even making a basic cannon since he is going to be fighting lots. Electricity, windmills, farming tools, axels and spring for wagons, rubber wheels come to mind. There was mention of a magical world yet the only magical thing so far is the MC has mind control and very limited at that. There is mention of archmages but they don’t seem to do anything magical besides making potions which to me is a fancy way to say doctor/pharmacist or better yet alchemist. There is no talk of schools either like at all that’s a basic thing to implement to improve things over time. These are just some ideas. Also don’t forget that his wife from eath was supposed to of crossed over but MC has no thoughts about it at all. These are just some ideas.

    I Become The Villainous Last Prince
    Kỳ huyễn · Rafaiir_
  • WebNovelDaoistGuru
    bình luận

    Is the still ongoing or dropped?

    Ch 68 The Devil himself
    Maxed Out in Another World
    Kỳ huyễn · Zerosum89
  • WebNovelDaoistGuru
    bình luận

    I like this story but you need to get your amounts right last chapter he told her to transfer a billion now it turns into 100 million that’s a big difference and it’s not the first time where numbers are so off.

    Ch 112 Chapter 112: Not Falling for It Anymore_1
    Ten Goddesses Insist to Marry Me
    Thành thị · Orange Fried Spicy Strips
  • WebNovelDaoistGuru
    bình luận

    Did Northern copy his moms healing talent. The story mentioned he wanted to but there is no indication if her did or not.

    Ch 17 School Awaits
    I Can Copy And Evolve Talents
    Kỳ huyễn · RighteousFilth
  • WebNovelDaoistGuru
    bình luận

    The Guo person aren’t they supposed to be a man? How come for the last few chapters they are a woman all of a sudden.

    Ch 194 Chapter 194: No one but you can do it_1
    Urban Supreme Doctor Daddy
    Thành thị · Who The Dusk
  • WebNovelDaoistGuru
    bình luận

    So in the synopsis it talks about dual cultivation yet he kills her right after? Is that it? Why mention it in the write up when she just gets killed off so early.

    Ch 163 Domain Expansion!
    I Regenerate 10,000 Times Faster
    Kỳ huyễn · RagingArtPunk
  • WebNovelDaoistGuru
    bình luận

    Has this been dropped again?

    Sách này đã bị xóa
  • WebNovelDaoistGuru
    bình luận

    Your math once again just the other chapter you mentioned a bottle with 100k for normal and 200k for advanced not they are only worth 50k…

    Ch 136 Convincing The Crowd
    I Regenerate 10,000 Times Faster
    Kỳ huyễn · RagingArtPunk
  • WebNovelDaoistGuru
    bình luận

    Didn’t he just have 3 million death points from selling things in the black market. Its like there was a time skip and now he has nothing left with no idea what he spent it on. You said he used 300k to buy ingredients but that would leave him with 2.7million DP.

    Ch 133 Thief Tyrion!
    I Regenerate 10,000 Times Faster
    Kỳ huyễn · RagingArtPunk
  • WebNovelDaoistGuru
     công bố

    This is one of the better stories that have come out recently. I only have two issues with it one being some of the grammer or words used don’t make sense but you still kind of get what the author is trying to say and the other is the constant recap of the previous chapter that takes up from a quarter to a third of the chapter and sometimes the recap is almost the whole chapter this feels like a waste of coins/free passes. Even with these negatives the story is good enough that I would still read it just hope the author would stop with the recaps if people forget what happened they can go back and read the previous chapter instead of wasting so much of a chapter.

    I Regenerate 10,000 Times Faster
    Kỳ huyễn · RagingArtPunk
  • WebNovelDaoistGuru
    bình luận

    Any chance of increasing the chapter release rate? Also will be be seeing Shiva again?

    Ch 61 Apex
    Rich Villain of the Ruined World
    Thành thị · DevilDarkness
  • WebNovelDaoistGuru
     công bố

    What happend to the story? Only one star on update because I wish more chapters to come out sooner!

    Sách này đã bị xóa
  • WebNovelDaoistGuru
    trả lời haytham_

    Do you have this story anywhere else?

    Sách này đã bị xóa
  • WebNovelDaoistGuru
    bình luận

    Thanks for the shout out. At first I wasn’t sure who it was then I realized the name was familiar and finally when I looked at my profile saw it was me. This book is in my top 5 for this genre. I hope you can keep going!

    Sách này đã bị xóa
  • WebNovelDaoistGuru
    bình luận

    Gave you some golden tickets for your other novel but I must say I like this one better. I’ll keep voting for both just hope you can increase a little the release rate for this one. Great story so far!

    Sách này đã bị xóa
  • WebNovelDaoistGuru
     công bố

    Your book starts off very interesting with the copy concept. A couple decisions the MC makes that to me make no sense and nothing is explained is one when fighting the creature with high darknes ability why not copy it since he only had an intermediate one. Two when fighting the fire lion in the trial when not copy the blaze strike skill? And the part where he goes to the desertt I get what your trying to do but this part of the story is really boring and to many chapters with no progress makes it boring. You need to wrap up the desert much quicker this is really hard to read and hoping it ends soon I liked the beginnin but at this point it’s hard to keep going. I would even consider rewriting this part to condense it into a few chapters instead of the like 15-20 it is so far.

    I Can Copy Talents Unlimitedly
    Huyền huyễn · Supreme_V