Tangerines are the answer.
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If you've read the books, you’ll understand that it’s not as easy as it sounds. Aegon himself tried this many years ago, and trust me, he was furious about it. Even with two of the mightiest dragons of the entire Targaryen dynasty, he spent two years trying to bring them down—and still couldn’t. There’s a reason behind my choice here, and it will be revealed later. Just keep in mind that Dorne, or any kingdom in this world, isn’t completely united. There are many factions eager to seize any scrap of power they can get their hands on, at any cost.
I can't please everyone at the same time, my dear reader ~ Just like the show and the books, there will be both melee moments and dragon-riding ones, have patience. And a personal opinion of mine is that it's rather boring to write about them just sitting on a dragon's back and destroying everything. I'm keeping most of those moments to when they face other dragon riders.
Agreed. Aemon is still very impulsive.
Only if discovered ~ And also it's not that easy, if it was they would have conquered it ages ago.
I've been having that thought too ~
And about them using their powers. Yes, I did skim through them for now, because I want them to shine in a more "final battle" sort of way. I've already written this chapter btw. But you have made your point, maybe I should review this a little more calmly and rewrite some things for the next chapters and rethink some of my takes on this.
More than 3 years* My bad.
Geez, you took this very personally, didn't you? Daemon took 3 years to "conquer" the Stepstones, and didn't really last long. Their powers aren't actually meant to be useful right now, I'm just introducing them. To be completely honest they won't really change the outcome of the war by much, the twins actions will. But I had to introduce them sooner than later, as they are important down the line. As for Otto, I've warned people before that I would change things from the canon before, not only because it aligns with my plans, but also because people kept complaining about following the canon to closely. I'm sorry if you got that disappointed for some changes that to me aren't even that big of a deal yet, but hey, I can't please anyone I guess. Thank you for reaching this far and reading my story, you are free to drop it if it's not something to your liking.
Sorry ~ I'll be releasing in the next few hours.