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2018-02-13 đã tham giaCanada

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  • CanadianTick
    trả lời professor_xcat

    I felt it was information that should have been told in the story itself. Author's notes mid-story always break the rhythm.

    A/N: I think it was the first time I did an Author Note mid-chapter in which I explained something instead of a placeholder for pictures. Did it break the flow of the chapter, is it better to have it at the end like I usually do it? Let me know.
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Tranh châm biếm · Draugzel
  • CanadianTick
    bình luận

    This author's note shouldn't be here, and that information should be told narratively.

    Raven rubbed her cheek, "Nate telepathically 'punched' me in the face. He is resisting me. If it wasn't now I would have admired his defenses while being unconscious." [A/N: She didn't know that it wasn't Nathan that had been resisting her attempts. The nth metal amulet rested on Nathan's chest and it was where she had focused her healing ability, which made it block her ability. Him lashing out at her was indeed Nathan's passive defense though after her power build-up to a dangerous degree.]
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Tranh châm biếm · Draugzel
  • CanadianTick
    bình luận

    You interrupt your own story way too often with your author's notes. Good luck.

    Ch 3 Hatsu X Plans
    Hunter x Hunter (HxH): Seeking Immortality
    Tranh châm biếm · Solar_Horizon
  • CanadianTick
    bình luận

    Judging from the grammar, I can only assume English is a second or third language. Good luck with your story!

    Ch 1 Chapter 1 Reborn
    The Saiyan Emperor ( Reborn in Dragon ball)
    Tranh châm biếm · Ranks_Blex_2955
  • CanadianTick
    bình luận

    Nice copypasta.

    Abandoned cause I had writers block
    Tranh châm biếm · Northeast
  • CanadianTick
    bình luận

    How does he not notice a giant dude running at him while inside a room with them?

    Seeing his chance, Viserys casts a Ray of Frost and sees the farthest knight freeze in place. He did not stop. He continued to cast his Ray of Frost until the knight's entire body froze solid. However, while he is focused on casting his spell, Viserys does not see Gregor charging at him and swinging down his sword.
    Silver Prince
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Fangrove
  • CanadianTick
    bình luận

    So much cringe.

    Aegis said and undressed his shirt with both Willow and running. Weiss blushed when they saw his perfect body full of muscles...
    Aegis Schnee The Juggernaut Of Glyphs
    Khác · Nisiris
  • CanadianTick
    trả lời Daoist139082

    I mean, even in canon chakra isn't something native to the humans of Naruto. It was first spread by Hagoromo. Sure, pretty much everyone has it by the time the story takes place, given however many generations later, but the point remains that "no chakra" was the natural state and it isn't a stretch that the occasional person wouldn't inherit the magic juice.

    Ch 4 4. Making of a Shinobi
    Naruto: The Weapon Shop Owner
    Tranh châm biếm · ForgottenLife
  • CanadianTick
    bình luận

    This kind of anomaly is EXACTLY the type of thing a soldier would tell his superior. Especially given that Minato doesn't know what "it" was, and it's in their village.

    "It's nothing Hokage-sama!"
    Naruto: The Weapon Shop Owner
    Tranh châm biếm · ForgottenLife
  • CanadianTick
    bình luận

    Hopefully the longer time between updates will result in a higher quality.

    Chương này đã bị xóa
    Tranh châm biếm · Sennengoroshi
  • CanadianTick
    bình luận

    What was the point of this?

    Chương này đã bị xóa
    Tranh châm biếm · Sennengoroshi
  • CanadianTick
    bình luận

    If turning off "speech-mode" was an option he already knew about, why wasn't it already off?

    Chương này đã bị xóa
    Tranh châm biếm · Sennengoroshi
  • CanadianTick
    trả lời Fapohogu

    All that means is that he would survive his maiming. I don't know about you, but I certainly wouldn't enjoy eternity without limbs. Or a penis.

    In order to test it, he would have to cut something off. What if that thing he cuts off doesn't regrow as he hopes? Tom would rather keep his appendages and not know than lose one and know for sure.
    I’m Voldemort (MCU Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • CanadianTick
    bình luận

    Why is Dragon Soul considered a second quirk entirely instead of the fire aspect being considered part of the "dragon" theme?

    Ch 13 UA Sports Festival: Obstacles
    The Dragon of MHA
    Tranh châm biếm · Chopstiksman
  • CanadianTick
    bình luận

    Why is his fire considered separate from his Dragon-based quirk? Would it not make more sense for it to be umbrella'd under the "Dragon" theme? Just seems weird.

    Let's see what you can do. Based on what I've seen, he has a strong fire quirk, but his report says that he has a second quirk called Dragon Soul. What the hell does that mean? Can he turn into a dragon perhaps or could that be the source of his strength?
    The Dragon of MHA
    Tranh châm biếm · Chopstiksman
  • CanadianTick
    bình luận

    Holy crap. This story went from "promising" to "dumpster fire" super quick. Now he's the heir to everything. What's the point? He's already what amounts to an SI with meta knowledge, this just means instead of reading an interesting story about them making a place for themselves everything is handed to him effortlessly.

    Ch 8 C8 Gringotts (3)
    I’m Voldemort (MCU Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • CanadianTick
    bình luận

    Sad you can't even contrive a reason for Nawaki's death beyond "HERP DERP, PEDO-BEAR OROCHI!~"

    Orochimaru looked at his completely distraught teammate and couldn't help but to feel bad. It should have been a simple mission. He shouldn't have even been the leader! He was only a casual observer! But... they just had to be ambushed! The stupid Senju boy just had to get out of sight when he was admiring the other boy, ahem, the skill of the other boy in the team, and walk onto an exploding tag!
    In Naruto: Reborn with Talent
    Tranh châm biếm · KasiCair
  • CanadianTick
    bình luận

    This entire chapter was just a disappointing low-brow bashing. Honestly, **** off.

    Ch 10 Ch10. The Consequences of said Mistake
    In Naruto: Reborn with Talent
    Tranh châm biếm · KasiCair
  • CanadianTick
    bình luận

    I don't really buy this. He's eleven, and she's (supposedly) a competent teacher. Can't really see her letting some kid go off on his own with no guardian. Especially when a skeevy (read:dangerous) place like Kockturn Alley is literally just a wrong turn away.

    "Kids these days wanting to do things on their own... fine I'll allow it. But if you get stuck even for a second or return to me with items missing from the list then Ill never allow you such a luxury again".
    The Wizard called Oz - HP
    Phim ảnh · BoiGeorge
  • CanadianTick
    bình luận

    How would he know if the people he's stealing from are annoying or assholes if they're just randoms walking by? You already established that you don't know how to read minds yet. The "moral compass" thing sounds a bit weak when you just claim to be stealing from whoever happened to be walking past you at the time.

    Finally the money side of things, Whenever the Orphanage has gone out on a trip Oz has sneakily pickpocketed people he's passed by, mainly aiming for people who he deems annoying or assholes to keep his moral compass somewhat neutral. At first he was terrible at it, nearly getting caught several times. Him being a kid allowed the situation to be played off as an accident. Eventually though just like many things he got better, improving his skill until eventually he was able to pickpocket up to 900 pound. If he was a master pickpocket that sum would probably be in the thousands but he was happy with what he had managed to achieve over the years.
    The Wizard called Oz - HP
    Phim ảnh · BoiGeorge