I like train.
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so is the mother dead
i didn't ask?
hey... cats are cool
illegal fight match
hope those two wont be the love interest. especially the hoe one.
those two can die of stress for all we care. it's a nice touch i say. of how progress the fire nation has become as a country. perhaps could have executed better but really not that surprising. electricity plays a great role in human civilization. If the Royalty refuse to share the knowledge of bending lightning after nearly half a century, there's something wrong with them.
lol webnovel great description.
are you trolling or just straight up stupid? the Avatar Gang stop Jet from destroying fire nation village as it also means killing innocent people. the Avatar universe might not see the exact war crime the same thing as we do. but a genocide is still genocide. killing innocent people is still killing innocent people the MC even threaten to kill an enemy wife and child just so he can get what he wants. and MC definitely will do it without hesitation since hes character is similar to that of MC from chinese story. the genocide part is partially a joke but really, the MC character type is the one who will unironically commit a genocide for whatever reason.
such an inferior backward mindset. Countless great literature, both original work and fanfiction write realistic politic, history and such. Not a single one of them use the excuse of "it is just fiction, thus it does not matter" for their lazy writing, differentiate what is a trash writing and what is good and the great. Lotr. GoT. Starship Trooper. and even the original work that this fanfiction is based on, Avatar The Last Airbender put effort into its history, politics and such. For example, when Uncle Iroh refuse to be one who will take down his brother, Firelord Ozai, as he realize the world and history will see it as brother killing another for power. That is some good realistic writing when it comes to politics. the writer could easily just give Iroh some unrealistic reason, basically lazy writing or a plot hole and hopes for the best that fanboy such as yourself will defend them by saying, "It just fiction. It does not matter." There's a reason why ATLA is one of the best cartoon series. It would not be if the writer of the series has similar mindset like yours.
man you need to get a life lol