Lost In A Universal Sandbox.
-currently paused due to writers block and a flooding of idea's-
Ever Wonder what it would be like to live in a world of a sandbox a video game like Minecraft or Terraria? I don't mean cube heads and bodies or the limited view! I’m talking about the progression and style of living the crafting and expansion the path to power!
Somehow being able to turn wood into a wooden pickaxe Magically. Mine chunks of stone that would usually need an excavating machine and eventually accomplishing something grand like building your own home within a day or two, you're town in a week, your city within a month, you're own Empire in a year….Become a Mighty Emperor who rules millions or a God who sweeps away the masses.
No this isn't a world where handouts are given so easy, forget making a house even if you knew how to make a simple pickaxe on Earth it wouldn't happen here no..not without a recipe. And if you want that Recipe you better get foraging...why you're thinking right?... heh you'll see.
Arzelium · Thành phố sách
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