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I couldn't continue beyond chapter 80, when he starts giving away mangas like Shougeki no Soma to Eriri, it's an instant drop, then he'll give away novels to the others, the author became stupid
vas a continuar el capitulo 52? en faloo esta solo pagando
I'm leaving my updated review after reading the Raw up to volume 6. If you're expecting trips through the worlds of Dragon Ball, Bleach, One Piece, or any other anime, this isn't for you. I've literally read 700 chapters and it still hasn't visited a single anime world. It only does so halfway through volume 6, where it spends about 30 chapters on Dragon Ball, almost at the end of the novel. Visit Marvel, DC, WOW, RESIDENT EVIL, Harry Potter and many movies, (does not visit any anime until the end of the novel)
I think this is a translation, so far I think it will be a generic novel where the MC follows the main group without contributing anything useful. The system has not even been explained in 15 chapters, I suppose that later he will give him a store with materials and food.
No lo entiendo que espera lograr entrenando 30 dias? si sabes que su condicion fisica no va a mejorar en nada en tan poco tiempo, una perdida completa de tiempo que pudo haber usado para otras cosas mas importantes
en todos los capitulos va a sufrir un ataque de panico que lo va a dejar al borde de la muerte? ya estan dando ganas de dropearlo, lo unico que hace es llorar por gente que acaba de conocer hace 24 dias, da igual si le implataron los recuerdos, son solo extraños
Demasiado drama, una persona normal no se tira al suelo y casi se muere solo por eso. solo diles que viene un apocalypsis zombi total seguramente lo tomaran por loco no hay que darle tanta vuelta
This novel is very confusing, everything was going well until chapter 92, then it plummets and it is no longer about mangakas but about battles with anime characters, parallel worlds, sharingan-type eye exchanges and something else, the MC IS A PEDOPHILE
Basura total, es MTL y en cuanto a la historia es lo de siempre, un chino reencarno con todos los mangas japoneses roba todos los mangas y gana el premio dragon superior god, luego vienen las peleas en la editorial porque hay que darle cara al chino supervisor y sale otro chino a pelear etc luego salen con cosas racistas, gana el super premio dragon volador basura
no es dragon national super coin, es moneda china estos enfermos creen que son dragones