


I'm really bad at everything

2017-08-24 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • Mysti
    Mysti2 years ago
    trả lời dammno

    This work is stolen without permission and without credits to the original author.The actual title is "Path of Ruin [Star Wars SI]" by "Rictus" over on the SpaceBattles Forum, where it is a complete and fantastic story. Don't give this thief a single cent on Patreon.

  • Mysti
    Mysti2 years ago
    trả lời mandimeo

    This work is stolen without permission and without credits to the original author.The actual title is "Path of Ruin [Star Wars SI]" by "Rictus" over on the SpaceBattles Forum, where it is a complete and fantastic story. Don't give this thief a single cent on Patreon.

  • Mysti
    Mysti2 years ago
     công bố

    This work is stolen without permission and without credits to the original author.The actual title is "Path of Ruin [Star Wars SI]" by "Rictus" over on the SpaceBattles Forum, where it is a complete and fantastic story. Don't give this thief a single cent on Patreon. You can keep deleting these reviews, I'm gonna keep posting them. Know some shame.

  • Mysti
    Mysti2 years ago
     công bố

    This work is stolen without permission and without credits to the original author.The actual title is "Path of Ruin [Star Wars SI]" by "Rictus" over on the SpaceBattles Forum, where it is a complete and fantastic story. Don't give this thief a single cent on Patreon. You can keep deleting these reviews, I'm gonna keep posting them. Know some shame.

  • Mysti
    Mysti2 years ago
     công bố

    This work is stolen without permission and without credits to the original author.The actual title is "Path of Ruin [Star Wars SI]" by "Rictus" over on the SpaceBattles Forum, where it is a complete and fantastic story. Don't give this thief a single cent on Patreon. You can keep deleting these reviews, I'm gonna keep posting them. Know some shame.

  • Mysti
    Mysti2 years ago
    trả lời Left_Nut_Of_Madara

    I agree! It's a great fic. So great it was worthy of theft. You can find the whole story on the SpaceBattles Forum, for free, under the title "Path of Ruin", by Rictus. This story was stolen without consent or permission of the original author, do not give this person a single cent. They are a thief.

  • Mysti
    Mysti2 years ago
    trả lời Darkest_Sage

    Author is now deleting comments on the story that call them out, because they know they are in the wrong

  • Mysti
    Mysti2 years ago
    trả lời malina01

    No need to pray for him to drop it, that would imply he made it at any point. He stole this off the SpaceBattles Forum, the actual title is "Path of Ruin" by Rictus, don't give this thief a single cent on Patreon. This entire novel is finished and free on SpacBattles.

  • Mysti
    Mysti2 years ago
    trả lời Arion_Sturmklinge

    because they're charging people for so called "advanced" chapters on patreon

  • Mysti
    Mysti2 years ago
    trả lời Darkest_Sage

    Aaaaand I just found out you're charging people for "advanced" chapters on Patreon. Wow, you've written so far ahead! It's like you made these are ones you prepared earlier! Oh wait, what's that? They were prepared earlier? Just not by you?