


https://linktr.ee/Skully5812 - linktr.ee has links to all my other novels, amazon page, discord, youtube and instagram.

2017-09-07 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • Skully
    trả lời SK33ZER9

    he's trying to get to the gatekeepers who provide the bodies.

    Ch 184 The Heist
    System Break
    Du hí · Skully
  • Skully
    trả lời Barruch

    I have taken inspiration from Norse Mythology with many things, but I twisted it into something new. Please dont expect it to be like the Eddas or Beowolf. But there are many things including Jotnar, Fomori and an origin strory behind the Alfar races - Myrkalfar, Svartalfar and Dokkalfar. While in the Eddas there were probably all different names for the same thing I have created three distinct races with a common ancestor.

    Ch 6 The Svartalfar
    System Break
    Du hí · Skully
  • Skully
    trả lời WWWena

    He had to sleep for this to happen - was waiting for it. Dont you like a rogue/stealth story?

    Ch 187 Send Them Packing
    System Break
    Du hí · Skully
  • Skully
    trả lời Aldrighi

    its a long story. dont fret.

    Ch 172 Remnants of a Battle
    System Break
    Du hí · Skully
  • Skully
    trả lời Night_whispers

    it doesnt say that. it says he applied and was accepted after due process.

    My dreams of pro ball were long forgotten. I had loved the army so much I applied for special ops as soon as I could. And when I succeeded on my first attempt, I excelled and was then recruited into an elite unit. One that wasn't on TV.
    System Break
    Du hí · Skully
  • Skully
    trả lời Dawnbreaker_72

    its early days and part of the main plot. but if you cant handle it go read some trashy easy opmc story with no twists and the mc cruises through all the paper thin face slapping antogonists one after the other.

    Ch 163 Ailen - Gan
    System Break
    Du hí · Skully
  • Skully
    trả lời Erikbongo

    he needs the info before he needs him dead anyway

    Ch 161 Unkillable
    System Break
    Du hí · Skully
  • Skully
    trả lời Bornbill

    your brain?

    I laughed. "What is wrong with your mind that you think the glass is always half empty."
    System Break
    Du hí · Skully
  • Skully
    trả lời Eric_Alers

    you know all your great comments are filtered. cant swear, cant even say damn or r18

    Ch 158 Kingdom Building - Sea power
    System Break
    Du hí · Skully
  • Skully
    trả lời Nathos_TheOnly

    The names of all three of the Alfar races are taken from the Eddas - Norse Mythology. But their descriptions and attributes are made up because the Eddas dont go into the details. And while their aspects are familiar the back story is my creation

    They were not dwarves from snow white, nor Tolkien or anything I was familiar with. They were shorter than the Svartalfar, and their colours varied from a dark grey to a dark blue. They wore large goggles over their eyes and the guards were dressed in light chain with patches of plate on their chest, elbows, and knees. They wore little skullcaps and wielded crossbows, hammers, and axes.
    System Break
    Du hí · Skully
  • Skully
    trả lời Nathos_TheOnly

    nice pickup

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    System Break
    Du hí · Skully
  • Skully
    trả lời AsurA

    You have my pledge no NTR. I hate weak MCs and you should be able to already tell from his personality what he is like.

    Ch 26 Crafting Skill
    System Break
    Du hí · Skully
  • Skully
    trả lời Dosithee

    1) the MC and the programmers of the "game" have nfi what xianxia is. Xianxia is fantasy you know that right? 2) MC was transferred to a game. Not a world. He didnt name it. 3) Game example: MC: I was transferred to a world that is based on warcraft Everyone: what is it called? MC: World of Warcraft Author... case closed

    Ch 1 Morphed
    System Break
    Du hí · Skully
  • Skully
    trả lời AsurA

    it is part of the main plot. at least for the two hundred chapters. Most of us have a knife hanging over us, very few are truly in control of all aspects of our lives. people have jobs, bosses. Self employed can have platforms whether they're youtube or webnovel. all these things can pull the rug from under you at any time. even a government can. they can claim public domain on your home and make you sell it to them. This is fantasy, but part of the conflict and struggle for the MC is the same as we all face.

    Ch 22 Qi Blade
    System Break
    Du hí · Skully
  • Skully
    trả lời blue_benjamin

    no he doesnt shrug it off - i just dont write about it here. when he thinks about it later he acknowledges that its no game to the npcs.

    Before I could ask another question, she disappeared into the tree. I shrugged and lay down in the comfortable glade. I looked up at the sky and a flash of lightning now and then lit up the clouds. It was awash with purple storms. Portal storms.
    System Break
    Du hí · Skully
  • Skully
    trả lời Alukadance

    F. You should know by now - I'm evil.

    Ch 163 Ailen - Gan
    System Break
    Du hí · Skully
  • Skully
    trả lời Kindredwolf78

    i know. im just a professional liar aka writer.

    My first instinct was to move out of the area just in case he had a hundred little green friends. It wasn't easy keeping track of the sun through the tree canopy, but moss grew reliably on the northern side of the trees, the mountainside. I was able to maintain a western heading with a casual glance at the base of a tree.
    System Break
    Du hí · Skully
  • Skully
    trả lời Caleb_YourMajesty

    I dunno I wrote this ages ago now. In the last battle he was in he was smacked down and killed. The second last he was unconscious.

    They faced just three from the Forest. Sakaala was in good shape and Ailen was out. His reset hit him hard, he'd lost all his skills and wouldn't be back in game for a day.
    System Break
    Du hí · Skully
  • Skully
    trả lời Blas_de_lezo

    Finally! I'm glad someone appreciated it. It's my favourite line.

    Ch 16 Hell Hounds
    System Break
    Du hí · Skully
  • Skully
    trả lời Bornbill

    no her axes were cold iron. if you go back you'll see and I totally didnt change it.

    He clapped. "I have saved the best for last. Your spears are cold iron which we forge from regular ore with our secret arts. But the last weapon is made from a rare ore found deep within the mountain. It is called Mithril and only a Divine weapon can best it."
    System Break
    Du hí · Skully