Just for ss
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To be fair, Qin Ran went out of her way to incriminate herself, actually straight up saying she beat him because she felt like it
Humans are hardcoded to like cold water because of evolution. Running water is colder and far less likely to be filled with bacteria and other parasites. Meanwhile a stale lake can be warm but the water will likely be filled with bad stuff
Says the person who died after only being nice and being betrayed her entire life lol How the hell do YOU believe in karma
So Yu Miao after resting a bit was a complete BEAST and just completely caught up to their number lol
First of all, aphrodisiacs arent real. Second, raping the person instead of taking her to the hospital is what makes you despicable. Fun fact, there can be several despicable partiea involved, the person who drugs is despicable, the perso. who takes advantage of it is despicable. Get control of your coomer brain lol
A long history of quackery and scamming Just like western medicine was basically just try what you think sounds good, and they did the dumbest shit before the scientific method
He could literally just google your name and you would be the top result lol
You already jacked it up by x20 lol
No, you stalking him is the source of your problems, if you acted like an adult and accepted a rejection nothing wouldve happened and you wouldve been fine