


Just basic nerd

2017-08-01 đã tham giaFinland

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  • kessu91
    bình luận

    The fact that they didn't expect it is the most R dogS ever... Just the presence of foreign operatives should have forced them to take precaution against S like this. If I was a spy and wanted to weaken an enemy country under the umbrella of a terrorist group I would have used the war as a cover to strike where it hurts. Yet neither your MC or Dumbledore even considered it against an enemy who was literally know for this type of war... Totally meaningless gore for shock value and nothing else while making the top of Britain look like children playing war games...

    The entire sense of security and the belief that the war was under control, which he and Dumbledore had created, was shattered by the attack on Diagon Alley. Fear and uncertainty completely reversed the morale on the battlefield. Even the victory of advancing on the battlefield did not change this feeling. Even the death of three level 1 wizards on the Death Eaters' side did not change anything.
    [HPxJJK] - Harry Potter and the Supremacy of Cursed Blood
    Tranh châm biếm · MaliciousPrince
  • kessu91
    bình luận

    As opposed to communists leaders who live in private cities build solely for them with tax money?

    These are the basic amenities for a super-rich individual. Stark, for example, had multiple luxurious villas, a collection of luxury cars, at least one of each available on the market, six private jets, several private yachts, and two private islands.
    With Ope Ope no Mi in Marvel (Multiverse)
    Phim ảnh · Mutter
  • kessu91
    bình luận

    Really? He has the exact same wand?....

    Ollivanders was another highlight. The shop was narrow and shabby, with boxes upon boxes of wands stacked to the ceiling. Mr. Ollivander himself seemed to appear out of nowhere, and he took one look at me and muttered something about "another curious case." After trying several wands that resulted in minor explosions and a few broken objects, I finally found my match: a 10¾ inch wand made of holly with a phoenix feather core. The moment I held it, warmth spread through my fingers, and sparks flew from the tip.
    A Magical Lease on Life
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · dudeavi001
  • kessu91
    trả lời EdwardJane


    Harry Potter: The Bard of Hogwarts
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Dark_Peace
  • kessu91
    bình luận

    Is this going to be a theme with this clown? He knows nothing about the subject so what the F is he to comment on its validity? Especially when he has himself literally reincarnated into a fantasy world?.....

    But if you were to talk about things like autonomous consciousness or character wisdom, sorry... he didn't feel anything of the sort.
    Harry Potter: The Bard of Hogwarts
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Dark_Peace
  • kessu91
    bình luận

    This is getting old. This constant mention of "it" and "it can't be it" and "it really is it" and "it" with no explanation given. There is no suspense since "it" is nothing. At this point either the author has no F idea what "it" is or he somehow forgot that readers can't divine answer with rituals. The fact that this chapter was wasted with talking about how amazing treasures MC is passing by instead of explaining what the F "it" is just made this entire arc somehow worse than it already was...

    Ch 118 Chapter 116
    Good or Bad, Does it matter? (Harry Potter Fanfic)[TN]
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Lucifer09
  • kessu91
     công bố

    What is the original name? Also your disclaimer means F all when you failed to provide the source.....................................................

    Harry Potter: The Bard of Hogwarts
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Dark_Peace
  • kessu91
    bình luận

    This was weird as F... What the H is wrong with this guy seriously? Second life and he makes himself a mother because he can't live without one?...

    Ch 15 Sanshi
    The Hagrid's son
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Cadenadeaventuras
  • kessu91
    trả lời God_Of_All_Godz

    And you just ignored the explanation of what that supposedly means? The BS about "classic" parry?............

    Parrying is when you redirect or deflect an opponent's attack. In order to accomplish a classic parry, you must strike an attacking opponent's blade at the base, just above the crossguard and direct the blade away from you. Most people would refer to any kind of deflection during swordplay as a parry, which is true enough. However, you will receive extra EXP to any [Sword Mastery] skill or [Swordsmanship] skill you possess should you accomplish this.
    The Gamer's Arsenal
    Tranh châm biếm · Nesto_
  • kessu91
    trả lời Kuvira123

    What kind of lesson would she have learned from taking a reductor curse to her face from point blank range? Honestly curious?....

    The lack of reaction his sister had after finding out about the attempt against his life was somewhat concerning. But something he didn't have time to worry about right now.
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Krio_Genix
  • kessu91
    bình luận

    This is the most retar ded plot device that exists. Her children are there on Earth. A God level angel told her its something dangerous. And shes doing nothing about it until something happens instead. Also I like how she has and infinity stone and outer god powered sacred gear of space and she can't tell a portal opened up next door....

    Ch 255 Chapter 255
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Phim ảnh · StarWaves
  • kessu91
    bình luận

    ????? How exactly is he eligible to inherit his legacy if he doesn't even have the bloodline for it? This is a mistake right? I mean think about it for a moment what it means that he can't speak to snakes....

    But to conquer the serpent, one had to be a Parseltongue, that is, to speak the language of snakes. This Asterion didn't know if he had, as he tried and never succeeded in speaking it. This indicated that he didn't possess the talent for speaking with snakes, like his ancestor – Salazar Slytherin.
    [HPxJJK] - Harry Potter and the Supremacy of Cursed Blood
    Tranh châm biếm · MaliciousPrince
  • kessu91
    bình luận

    Isn't his innate technique some kind of omnidimensional cheat to begin with so the things he creates are more like pieces of himself than actual separate entities?

    Asterion just scoffed coldly. He wasn't afraid of Mahoraga going out of control; once created by him, the cursed spirit would always be his slave.
    [HPxJJK] - Harry Potter and the Supremacy of Cursed Blood
    Tranh châm biếm · MaliciousPrince
  • kessu91
    bình luận

    Don't go JJK route lol... Everyone is just dead or useless...

    Author's Thoughts: Honestly, he's a character I really like.Poor Filius... should I kill him or not?
    [HPxJJK] - Harry Potter and the Supremacy of Cursed Blood
    Tranh châm biếm · MaliciousPrince
  • kessu91
    bình luận

    The infinity stones only work in the universe they were created in and have no power in any other. So no. The snap has no effect on other universes.

    Of course, this was a future plan. Visiting other worlds wasn't just about sightseeing; it was a contingency plan against Thanos' snap. He doubted the snap's effects extended to other worlds.
    With Ope Ope no Mi in Marvel (Multiverse)
    Phim ảnh · Mutter
  • kessu91
    trả lời nunya_business_3493

    No problem. After all how stu pid do you need to be to expect a Chinese fanfic have western fanfic tropes in it?

    Lockhart buried these thoughts deep as he followed Kaecilius to the library. There, he meticulously selected books suited to his current level of study. He couldn't take everything; the library's rules allowed him to take only three books at most. Using a system glitch related to time, he took several books to study back in the Harry Potter world, planning to return to Marvel within a month without any timeline discrepancies or discovery.
    Marvel's Hogwarts Professor
    Phim ảnh · GarudaTranslation
  • kessu91
     công bố

    Its generic Chinese trash and the MC is as always a racist sociopath who keeps hyping himself as a good natured scholar. This can be seen with how he deals with children asking questions of him in the school or employees in his shop doing their actual F job they were hired for. 60 chapters in and this trash is modifying peoples memories for no other reason than they failed to understand MCs genius for setting up a shop as a front, something none of them knew about since they aren't part of the hidden world. This clown actually treats the manager he hired as some useless subhuman because she brought him the tea he himself ordered and the Fwit forgot to soundproof the room he was doing deals in. Then immediately decides to get rid of her because she's doing her actual job she was hired for. I guess she failed when she forgot shes a woman and should not be talking when men are present...

    Marvel's Hogwarts Professor
    Phim ảnh · GarudaTranslation
  • kessu91
    trả lời nunya_business_3493


    Lockhart buried these thoughts deep as he followed Kaecilius to the library. There, he meticulously selected books suited to his current level of study. He couldn't take everything; the library's rules allowed him to take only three books at most. Using a system glitch related to time, he took several books to study back in the Harry Potter world, planning to return to Marvel within a month without any timeline discrepancies or discovery.
    Marvel's Hogwarts Professor
    Phim ảnh · GarudaTranslation
  • kessu91
    trả lời nunya_business_3493

    The duplication charm is not permanent that's a fanfic trope.

    Lockhart buried these thoughts deep as he followed Kaecilius to the library. There, he meticulously selected books suited to his current level of study. He couldn't take everything; the library's rules allowed him to take only three books at most. Using a system glitch related to time, he took several books to study back in the Harry Potter world, planning to return to Marvel within a month without any timeline discrepancies or discovery.
    Marvel's Hogwarts Professor
    Phim ảnh · GarudaTranslation
  • kessu91
    trả lời YojeG

    And what exactly would have stopped them from selling wands in the continental Europe and then migrate to the isles like MCs own family? Or many of the so called wizarding nobility?

    Seeing the sign, Wayne curled his lips in disbelief. Over 300 BC, this land was not the territory of the Anglo-Saxons. Even the Roman army had not invaded. There were only Celtic tribes, and Ollivander opened a wand shop?
    Harry Potter: Please Graduate From Hogwarts Soon and Go Away!
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · FFAddict