Chào mừng bạn đến đọc tác phẩm truyện tranh "The Duke's Cute and Tough Sweetheart" của Webnovel Comics, cập nhật chương mới nhất và tải xuống hoàn chỉnh, bao gồm kiểu Lãng mạn, v.v. kiểu. Cuốn sách này chủ yếu nói về: Ye Liusha had a blind date with a man, but surprisingly, the man was the young uncle of her ex-boyfriend, and he insisted on marrying her. What should she do?He said, "If you marry me, you'll be the Duchess, and your ex-boyfriend will have to call you aunt.""Aunt?! Okay!" she said excitedly.So, Ye Liusha married Murong Mobai. However, what she…
Ye Liusha had a blind date with a man, but surprisingly, the man was the young uncle of her ex-boyfriend, and he insisted on marrying her. What should she do? He said, "If you marry me, you'll be the Duchess, and your ex-boyfriend will have to call you aunt." "Aunt?! Okay!" she said excitedly. So, Ye Liusha married Murong Mobai. However, what she didn't expect was that, although her husband always looked aloof and serious, he was actually lively, tricky, and jealous inside! His brain was filled with all kinds of ways to "trick" her into doing it with him. What could she do now? Run away with her baby of course!