Chào mừng bạn đến đọc tác phẩm truyện tranh "The Curse of Flower Town" của U17, cập nhật chương mới nhất và tải xuống hoàn chỉnh, bao gồm kiểu Trường học, v.v. kiểu. Cuốn sách này chủ yếu nói về: ----This comic is not for those under 18----This comic contains explicit lesbian sexual/horror/bloody content, please read based on your own judgement!This is a horror story, the eerie tale of what happened at Flower Town's Yin Shiliu Academy.Did you know? There's a crossroads at the top of the hills behind Yin Shiliu Academy, in front of a shrine. If you stand…
----This comic is not for those under 18 ----This comic contains explicit lesbian sexual/horror/bloody content, please read based on your own judgement! This is a horror story, the eerie tale of what happened at Flower Town's Yin Shiliu Academy. Did you know? There's a crossroads at the top of the hills behind Yin Shiliu Academy, in front of a shrine. If you stand in the middle of those crossroads at midnight, close your eyes, and think about the person you like, the two of you will become a couple...