Chào mừng bạn đến đọc tác phẩm truyện tranh "Dawns the Gods" của URSTOFF, cập nhật chương mới nhất và tải xuống hoàn chỉnh, bao gồm kiểu Tiểu thuyết phương Đông, v.v. kiểu. Cuốn sách này chủ yếu nói về: In this world, there are wods worshiped by people, and there are also gods never worshiped. Among the unworshiped ones is the Chao God, the God of the Eye. The Chao God makes a living by lying and decpetion. Once the god confesses his wrongdoings, then he will gradually wither away. This story is about the encounters of the God…
In this world, there are wods worshiped by people, and there are also gods never worshiped. Among the unworshiped ones is the Chao God, the God of the Eye. The Chao God makes a living by lying and decpetion. Once the god confesses his wrongdoings, then he will gradually wither away. This story is about the encounters of the God and the human beings.