
The Waiting Room

This story starts off like any other, with a completely normal situation where nothing can go wrong...

Liz and Michael; a young, crazy newly wedded couple enjoying their honeymoon in Rio decided 'Hey! Why don't we take a trip through the Amazon Rainforest?' It was an amazing idea where you can enjoy the views and take in the fresh, crisp air on a Saturday morning. What could go wrong?

They went online looking for tours and found a tour that looked suspiciously cheap but since they were young and foolish, they jumped at the offer and booked themselves a tour for the coming Saturday, in a helicopter!

The day had finally came, their helicopter trip above the Amazon Rainforest! Liz ran around getting Cameras and Hats, while all Michael did was make Breakfast and packed a handful of snacks. They shoved everything in bag and set off for the tour groups headquarters. When they arrived, the building didn't didn't seem as fancy and well, professional as they website portrayed it to be. They still went inside the building towards the wooden, worn down desk just of the right of the entrance. The woman behind the desk seemed tired, like she'd been up all night partying.

"Welcome to Rio Amazon Rainforest Tours, have you made a booking?" The woman said, sounding almost half asleep.

"Good morning! Yes we have made a booking for the 'Supreme Helicopter Flight Deal'." Liz said, with the excitement of a puppy receiving a new toy, in her voice.

"Your name please," The woman behind the desk asked.

"Liz and Michael Sierra," said Michael.

"You may be seated in the waiting area until your captain is ready for you," moaned the woman.

"Alright, thank you!" Said Michael.

Michael linked arms with Liz and the walked over to the waiting area.

~Some Time Later~

"It's taking the captain a while to come get us," Liz said, with a little less excitement in her voice.

"Maybe they might be doing some last minute checks," Michael said.

"Yeah you might be right," Liz said, leaning her head to Michael's shoulder as he threads his hand through her silky brown hair.

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