
Chapter 1


In a dark, eerie forest, you can see a man with green hair and a scar on his left eye lying under a tree.

"Where am i?"

Rubbing his eyes he looked at his surroundings, but before he could properly see what's arround him, he sensed someone behind him.


He draw his katana and easily blocked something behind him.


Then he swung his katana and hit something hard enough to produce a sound of two metals colliding, he looked in front of him and saw a dark blue-long-haired creature sticking his tongue out and you could also see its forehead and forearms throbbing veins.

-Somewhere in the forest-

There is a teenage young man having a dark red brown hair wearing a blue kimono with a pattern of white clouds and on left side of his head there's a fox mask and a big scar on his left forhead.

While running the young man is holding his katana with his left arm on his left waist.

'Seven days?'

'I just have to know how to survive'

After running for a while, he found a giant rock and decided to take a short break.

He took a cover with it, crouching while cautiously looking left and right.

'First, I have to live through tonight'

'After sunrise tomorrow, the demon won't show up'

'That will give me a good rest'

After having a short break, the young man got up and began to run towards east.

'For that, I need to head east'

'I need to head towards where the sun rises the earliest'

Sensing something the young man quickly stopped and focused his sense of smell.

He became alert and ready to draw his katana.

'This scent...'

'A demon is really close'

*clang* clang*

Looking alert he looked left and right to see if some demon might pounce on him, then he heard some clashing sound.

'Where is it?'

'Where is it coming from?'

'I can't tell where the scent and clashing sound is coming from'

Then he sensed something and looked up.

Opening his eyes wide and got ready and said.

"It's from above!"


He quickly rolled to the side to avoid the demon who had fallen above him earlier.

After stabilizing his footing, he looked towards where the demon slammed down.

After waiting for the smoke to come out because of the demon slamming down the ground, he saw a bloody demon with dark blue-long-hair having sword cuts on it's whole body twitching on the ground.

"Nandatte, Suddenly attacking me out of nowhere"

He suddenly heard someone's rough voice and looked where the voice came from.

I'm a newbie author and if you can give me some tips to become better it's appreciated.

And btw this is really hard to make lol i took 2 hours of time just for this 500-ish word chapter needed to plan it out and edit.

Now i know why some fanfic and novel takes some time lol

And uhh no advance chap and wont upload for sometime cuz imma stock it like 5 to 6 chaps in case for emergencies.

Basically this is like a trailer in movies lol

Anyways have a great day.

Zer0_Sense1creators' thoughts