
Zombie Apocalypse: Gaming System

[Congratulation on obtaining the: Gaming System] Jordan Blade was an Orphan his whole life. He was bullied often for being an Orphan and having no parents. On his 19th birthday, an infection spread out. The infection caused the human's bodies to rot away and turn green-ish color and their mouth to split open. 'Zombies' were what they were called. The Zombies' attacked anyone they saw, wether it was a child, a woman, a man, a dog, or a cat. Any living thing was eaten by the Zombies. A divine voice helped the remaining millions of humans by giving them in-human powers. Using these powers, the humans set a goal: The goal to avenge their loved ones that were killed and destroy the Zombies. Jordan? He received the strongest gift. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The book cover is not owned by me, if the original cover owner is reading and want me to take it down, please, you can just ask me.

Bloody_War · Du hí
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14 Chs

C5: Dungeon level 5

Jordan had tried almost all the tabs except 'Wold Chat' and 'Dungeon'. The World Chat didn't use to be important in his opinion, but since he needed to wait for a few minutes, he decided to check the World Chat.

[TalhaDaBest:!Important! Emergency in front of the hospital at section 13. We need a Healer ASAP!!!]

[SimonSaj: Is there a healer in section 7? I will pay 3 crystals each week as payment.]

[UnknownAssasain: Does anyone know that the rankings of levels, tressures, and attributes will be announced after two days?]

[Shikary: Ha! I will bet 20 crystals that I will be in the first place. Do you know which grade my ability is in? It's a C grade. Getting a D grade is hard enough, so, I am considered the boss of section 5 till 10!]

[Amy: C grade Ability! Big brother Shikary, you are so awesome!]

[Downblade: Damn! Your luck is so good big brother Shikary. I only got an E grade ability!]

[OliverInk: E grade? I got an F grade ability! It's so useless, that I can't even kill a Zombie without luck.]

[Downblade: Ha! Good to know that I am not the only useless man in this world.]

The first thing Jordan noticed was the rarity of healers in the world.

Healers were already considered a rare sight because the lowest grade a healer could have was a D grade. There were no F or E-grade healers.

Healers, Mages, priests, etc, have a special stat only they have. It was the MP stat.

The SSS-grade moon sword was special, it didn't use MP, instead, used a small part of energy inside Jordan, which was why he was so tired yesterday.

The second thing he noticed was that the crystals were also rare. A healer should at least get 5 crystals in his opinion, but [SimonSaj] had only offered 3.

And yet, there were thousands of views on the chat. Some healers were also fighting over who would go. The weakness of healers were their weak bodies and strength. Even a low-grade crystal would help them evolve in their strength and at the least, protect themself from the Zombies.

The last thing was the rankings. The rankings of attributes were those who had the highest Strength, Dexterity, and Defence combined. Of course, it will only show the name of the person and won't show the real attributes. It was the same with Rankings of treasures and levels.

The attributes panels for everyone else other than Jordan were on their wristband. But, only after they level up did they get the points. Jordan was lucky to have the System for giving the quests for points. He would Undoutably be the first in the Ranking of treasures, levels, and attributes. He had an SSS-grade weapon, the Moon sword which was the strongest weapon till now. The moon sword was both the highest-grade weapon and the strongest weapon in existence.

[The Frozen Ice Emperor Wolf {Hugo} has finished resting. Do you wish to take {Hugo} out of the frozen Space?]

"Take him out." The same portal appeared in front of Jordan and Hugo appeared out. Hugo ran towards Jordan while barking happily. Even if Hugo was in a small state, it had knowledge far surpassing the other animals.

Hugo knew about his Master's powers and how strong Jordan was. Hugo was different from others. He was the 'Frozen Ice Emperor Wolf' His sense of smell, Perception, was 20 times higher than a normal wolf. Even in a weak state, the wolf emperor was still an Emperor.

Hugo could sense the strong aura radiating off of his master, but what Hugo didn't know was that the strong aura was of the 'SSS-grade Moon Sword' in the inventory and the '???-grade The Gaming System'.

Hugo was also not dumb, he knew that Jordan was the one that summoned him. His only job was to protect Jordan or help him in combat. His loyalty was {100 (impossible to lower)} meaning he wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice himself for Jordan.

[New {Unknown Level} Quest given]

A look of confusion appeared on Jordan's face as he stared at the notification. He opened the quest panel to look at the new Unknown quest.

[Unknown/Secret/Random Quest]

[Complete Level 5 {Red-eyed Rabits} Dungeon]

[Rewards: ???]

'A Dungeon Quest?'

Surprisement was the first thing that Jordan felt. He had just randomly gotten a Quest to complete the level five Dungeon.

But, he wasn't worried. Because the {Moon Sword} was capable of taking on a level 10 elite boss. Compared to a level 5 dungeon, the dungeon was nothing! In fact, He was pretty sure Hugo himself could complete the Dungeon. Even if he hadn't seen Hugo's abilities, he was confident that the small Wolf was strong.

Even more so because the description of the Wolf clarified it.

"Alright, Hugo, we will complete a dungeon." The Wolf Emperor just barked in agreement towards Jordan happily. Hugo was excited to help his master clear a dungeon. But he was more excited about getting his first kill to help its Master.

[Teleporting to the Dungeon gates!]

A bright light appeared, and the next second, Hugo and Jordan were gone.

Soon, they were in front of the large gates of the dungeons. In the middle of the gates, was a 1-minute timer.

[59... 58...57...56...]

The timer continued onwards while Jordan took out the Moon Sword from his inventory. He slashed in the air a few times, and the sound of the air piercing was heard throughout the area.

Jordan had become a master at swords. Not only did he learn new ways to attack his opponents, but he also learned to counterattack strikes in different ways.

Learning swords in just a few hours was not easy, it was just that every time he used it, he gained more experience in the sword. Only later did he see the:

[Mastary in Swordsmanship: Level 3 (250/350)]

Even with level 3 mastery in swords, he felt like an expert. He could slash 5 times in just a second. And it was not an easy feat, but his reaction speed and striking speed were multiplied.

Finally, the timer had reached 0.

[3...2...1...0! The Level 5 Dungeon has been opened.]

The large dungeon doors swung open.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

1 power stone= 1 Extra Chapter

2 power stone= 2 Extra Chapter

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Bloody_Warcreators' thoughts