

I pack my suitcase full of my belongings to put in my soon to be dorm room. It's filled with pretty much the things you'd expect. Clothes, phone, earbuds, a murder mystery novel. Well, I do have one thing I'm bringing with that's out of the ordinary but you don't really need to know about that, right? Well, I guess I'd better mention it anyway. Due to me being extra when it comes to self defense, I am bringing along a small foldable pocket knife that slips into my sweatshirt that I literally where all the time. I love my maroon sweatshirt with bones on it. But other than that, I'm just bring your normal stuff. I mean, I'm an average 19 year old whose heading into an art university, nothing weird. Just don't expect me to bring stuff like working UFOs or some weird alien crap. I'm not really a new face in the crowd, just your every day semi edgy teenage girl. My neighbors still hate the fact that I dyed my hair turquoise but you know what, I couldn't care less about their complaints since they just like to complain about everything. The reason I ignore them- I have better things to do with my time. Like imagining me and my two friends Ruby and Chester having fun at the university. Ruby is my best friend who basically shares my opinion of life. We both think the exact same thing about it. Screw it. We both joke about burning life because, well, we're very dark souls. Ruby dyed her pretty long hair blue after I dyed mine turquoise, however she didn't get it cut short like me. She likes her hair long and wavy and I'm not going to be the person to stop her. She also sports a red dinosaur hoodie matched with devil horns. When she's defensive, (usually over friends) she pretty much becomes the devil himself. And then there's Chester. Chester's, well, Chester. He never talks and for some reason he wears a TV on his head. But, he's incredibly smart and talented. He may not talk, but he knows how to comfort. Sad? Chester will sit next to you and show you a small section of a book, and he makes sure to choose one that sounds comforting. He's practically an angel that fell from Heaven. I have no idea what I'd do without Ruby or Chester. Anyway, I need to pack things into the car.