
Zieg's quest to punch Odin's face

After getting hit by a truck again, Zieg decides to keep his word to punch Odin in the face.

dervishscyth · Tranh châm biếm
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49 Chs

Vacation in Orario

Within the labyrinth city of Orario. An inconspicuous building was practically erected overnight. However for some odd reason, no one questioned the oddity and found themselves ignoring it.

"Okay first things first before we go out. The only rule I have is to please avoid killing people, it'd be annoying if we had to cut this vacation short. Any questions?"

Zieg only had one rule. They just had 5 years of killing, it was time to move away from the killing before they developed a natural aura of bloodlust that couldn't be hidden.

"What if it was an accident?" Slane asked with a raised hand.

"In that case, please hide the evidence or don't get caught." Zieg deadpanned, beginning to become concerned about leaving them to their own devices.

Seeing as no one else in the room had anything else to add, he nodded his head before making his way out.

"Okay, well if you'll excuse me I need to go borrow a forge because my armor was destroyed at the end of the war."

The group split up to enjoy their vacation.

I honestly didn't have a real destination for this short vacation. I just thought of a world that wouldn't be much danger to me and my companions.

Still, Danmachi... I only watched like one season of it. The rest of the knowledge I could possibly have from it would be fanfics. Oh well, not like I'll need it since I'm just here for vacation.

Although I'm here on vacation, I need to get my armor fixed. When I got hit by the E-bomb and the Aka Si Anse, my armor was ruined. Luckily I still have enough materials to fix it, but I'll need a forge. Don't have one in this world, so planning on borrowing one. However, I've been having some issues on that front.

"Excuse me, do you have any spare forges that I could rent out?"

I asked the receptionist. This was the third store I've been to, bearing the Hephaestus brand.

"Ah, my apologies but we don't have any spare forges at this location. If you want, you can commission a job and we can have one of our fine smiths handle it." She smiled and offered an alternative.

Unfortunately I can't let others work on this armor besides myself. It's not that I'm afraid of people asking questions about where i obtained materials and stuff. It's that I don't trust their skills. While I'm not as good as Scathach or Hewg, I'm still leagues better than the smiths in this world. Seriously if you call a broken phantasm a magic sword, then I will obviously look down on you.

So unless I can get a god to work on my armor for me, I'll have to do this myself.

"It's alright, I'll just check the next place."

"Are you sure? Hephaestus Familia guarantees quality, regardless of the job."

"Yes, I'm quite sure."

I shook my head and began making my way to the next store. Seriously, I just needed one spare forge room. At this rate, I might have to wait until I got back home to do it in my workshop.

2 hours later

...I'm generally a pretty calm and reasonable guy when it doesn't involve battle but.

"WHY IS THERE NOT A SINGLE SPARE FORGE AVAILABLE!" I roared to the damn sky, completely ignoring the looks I was getting by random people around me.

I've been to pretty much every single one of the Hephaestus familia's branch stores in town. Not a single one of them could spare a forge, even if I offered to pay! The fuck is going on here!?

"Man, I'd give it up if I were you."

"And why's that?"

I turned to the random guy and asked with a raised brow. He shook his head with a sigh.

"I've seen you around town now, and I'll be honest with you. You're not gonna get to use any Hephaestus brand forges without being a member of their familia. It's a branding kind of thing."

"Oh?" So basically they're keeping all the good forges to themselves. To keep up the quality name of their Familia.

"Yeah, they've got the best forges. Mainly since besides lord Hephaestus, only lord Goibniu's familia can be said to be on par with them. However lord Goibniu's familia never cared about that, and opted to just speak with their creations."

"I see, I imagine lord Goibniu's familia is much smaller in comparison as well."

I hummed, crossing my arms with a sigh.

"By any chance, do you know where the Goibniu's familia workshop is based at?" I asked the random man.

"Thanks, if fate wills it. I'll ask your name if we meet again."

I thanked him and waved him goodbye. Hopefully it'll be easier to get a meeting with Goibniu, if I remember right he's an irish smithing god.

Within the dungeon, three bipedal lizard men were exploring the depths in curiosity.

"This dungeon feels odd." Draig noted as he felt the dungeon wall.

"Yes, it feels as if it's alive." Albion stated as he inspected another wall.

"Truly marvelous, how it just spits out random beasts!"

Slane marveled at the sight of random monsters attacking them out of nowhere. Of course they weren't capable of piercing their thick scales.

"I wonder strong the dragons in this dungeon are."

"Speaking of which, Slane have we arrived yet?"

The two heavenly dragons turned to their blue friend.

"Arrived where?" Slane blinked at being questioned.

"To the dragons, you were supposed to lead us to them remember?"

"Oh. So I was." The blue bipedal lizard nodded with a hum, taking out a piece of paper. "It says that there are wyverns and infant dragons around floor 11-12. While the earliest dragon we can find would be a green dragon on the 24th floor."

"Oh, so what floor are we on right now?" Albion asked in interest.

"We've been exploring for a few hours now, I imagine we've made some progress."

They had been following Slane for awhile now, since he was the one with the guide.

"Hm.. I don't know." The blue lizardman bluntly stated

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I mean I don't know."

"...Kid, are you saying we're lost?" Draig asked incredulously.

Slane for his part, didn't look perturbed at the heated gazes of the two dragon emperors. Instead he nodded silently.

"In my defense, I did not realize the dungeon layout changes on it's own." He shrugged, completely stonefaced.

"What the hell? What are Lizardmen doing this high up?!"

The three dragons in bipedal lizard forms turned to the sight of a large group of people.

"Who cares, we need to get rid of them before they get closer to the surface!" some random guy was freaking out.

"Now hold on-"

*BOOM sfx* Slane tried to begin speaking until he was cut off by a fireball exploding his face.

"Hm, if I recall Zieg said not to kill anyone."

"Sounds easy enough, they all look weak enough. Hey red one, I'll take the 300 on the left. You can have the 300 on the right."

"Screw off, I'll take 301."

"I call the middle!"

An emergency notice of 3 powerful lizardmen on the early floors was posted shortly after.

Within the city of Orario, across from the hostess of fertility. The sounds of people having foodgasms could be heard, making some people look in with curious interest.

"This is amazing!"

"Why is this so good!?"

"Do you serve beer here too!?"

"Apologies, there are no alcoholic beverages on the menu here."

Somehow a new resturant called 'A taste of Emiya' had sprouted overnight. The design was sleek and brightly lit. Yet it somehow gave a homely atmosphere.

But the main thing was that the food was just incredible.

Not only that, the shop had incredibly good looking waiters in the form of two fallen females and males from Kokabiel's legion. Pretty much everyone from DXD could pass as a supermodel regardless of gender. Mil-tan excluded.

Across the street, the people of the Hostess of Fertility were glad that they didn't serve alcohol. Or else all the customers would have gone to Emiya.

Emiya wasn't sure why Kokabiel was so enthusiastic about helping him open up a small resturant, but he didn't question it.

On the second floor of the building, the windows were blocked by large curtains. The room itself was dark, lit up only by some candles.

Kokabiel stood in front of a large table, a giant map in front of him. The map revealed they layout of every single building and place of interest in Orario.

His legion stood silently behind him, awaiting orders.

"Kuhahahahahaha!" Kokabiel began to laugh maniacally.

"Soon, all of Orario shall be under our control!" The angel of the stars declared with a fist promising violence in the air.

Even if Zieg were here, he wouldn't understand what the hell was going on. But he would probably ignore Kokabiel acting like a B-rated villain.

"Greetings, Lord Goibniu" Zieg bowed towards the short god.

Goibniu looked like an old man with long straight white hair and a silver beard. He was short, but had a strong and healthy build.

"Speak, what did you come for."

The god got straight to the point. Ignoring the fact that Zieg had come out of nowhere without asking for a meeting.

"Just came to ask if I could borrow a spare forge. I need to fix my armor."

"You could just commission the job to be done."

The god suggested like everyone else, but Zieg just shook his head at that.

"No offense to any of your smiths, but they don't have the skills necessary for the job."

"Hoh? If that's the case, then one of Hephaestus's kids could probably do it."

Goibniu stroked his beard in intrigue.

"I guess I should have been more clear. None of the mortal smiths within this world are anywhere near capable of doing what I need." Zieg clarified.

"And you are?" The god raised a brow.

"Just barely."

"You a smith yourself?"

"Not at all, just picked up a few tricks from those who've mastered the craft."

"Is that so? Got any of their works?"

"My spear, although I broke it once. I had it repaired by another after I prepared the materials for him."

"Let me see it. If it's as good as your boasts. Then I'll work on your armor myself, free of charge."

Zieg didn't expect the offer. He silently mulled it over for a moment. His ability as a blacksmith, while better than the regular people of this world. Was definitely not enough to match up to a deity. Having a god reforge his armor might even make it better than before.

"Very well."

With a nod, Zieg revealed his Gae Bolg. Stabbing the god-slaying spear within the concrete floor. However to his surprise, the spear was quickly taken by the smithing god who gently held the spear close to him.

"Damn brat, you need to take better care of something like this."

Goibniu muttered out in annoyance. Slowly moving the spear to a nearby table. Zieg silently allowed the god to inspect every nook and cranny of it. It must have truly been a marvel to him, because it was supposedly rare for Goibniu to show this much emotion for something.

"Does it have a name?"

"Gae Bolg Alternative. It was just Gae Bolg before it was reforged."

Zieg was never good at names, so it was just Gae Bolg Alternative after Hewg reforged it.

"Something like this never should have been reforged. I imagine it was beautiful the first time around. What did you use her for anyway?"

"To slay gods."


Despite the outrageous claim, the god didn't doubt it. He gently stroked the shaft of the spear, all the way to the tip. Admiring it in full.

"Names of those who worked on her?"

"The Witch of Dun Scaith Scathach forged it and it was reforged by Blacksmith Hewg. Both deceased."

Zieg stated solemnly. He would remember them both for as long as he lived, or until he lost his memory again.

"Scathach huh... I would have never guessed." Goibniu muttered lowly for a moment. He firmly grabbed the spear and turned around presenting it back to him.

"You've got yourself a deal kid. But for the love of all that is good make sure you treat her better." The god actually glared at him.

Zieg actually chuckled a bit before reaching out to take his spear back.

"I don't think she needs to be coddled." Zieg smiled fondly, gently gripping his spear again.

"Hey boss! Is my Urga fixed yet?!"

The two's moment was interupted as a dark skinned girl burst into the room, followed by a blonde girl.

"Ah, did I come at a bad time?" Tiona asked embarrassed as the god Goibniu and Zieg were both still gripping the spear and deeply staring into the other's eyes.

Ais blinked at the odd sight until Goibniu sighed and let go.

"Come back tonight kid, I'll have my hammer ready then."

Zieg nodded before dematerializing his spear and walking out, not paying any attention to the gazes sent his way.

It was an odd sight, two white haired guys ignoring two beautiful girls who loudly barged into the room.