
Zieg's quest to punch Odin's face

After getting hit by a truck again, Zieg decides to keep his word to punch Odin in the face.

dervishscyth · Tranh châm biếm
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49 Chs

Making a quick deal

You know sometimes it baffles me how good some of these anime characters look. Even the average ones look as if they could have been super models in the regular world.

'I can't understand since I'm not attracted to the human body.' Draig commented

'Same.' Albion agreed with him.

Well shush, you two are battle maniacs. As if you could understand beauty!

'You say that as if you aren't a battle maniac yourself.'

'Didn't you beat a Goddess of Rot to death with a stick because you ran out of energy to make a blade?'

Nonsense! I am a very sophisticated man with a noble pursuit and desire for research and information to very philisophical question in life!

'Yeah like how many whacks does it take to cave in someone's skull?'

'What's that line that you usually say at the start of a fight? Something about having their heart?'

I could feel my eye twitching at the sarcasm.

Well back on topic. I am here at this school filled with girls who wear uniforms that don't leave much to the imagination because I am here to get Asia registered into school. It really isn't healthy to keep a girl her age cooped up in a basement. Even I felt bad for her, whenever I randomly glanced at her just staring off into space with a blank expression.

"According to her message, someone should have met us at the entrance." Slane informed me as we stood outside the entrance of the school.

I enchanted his pair of glasses with an effect that made it so that anyone who looked at him wouldn't be weirded out by his lizard-like appearance. He really doesn't like hiding his appearance with transformations, so this was the best I could do for him.

"No rush, it's not like we have much else to do."

"Um, thank you for this again." I glanced over to Asia who bowed at us. Emiya was teaching her japanese, but since she only had 4 days of lessons. I gave her a little trinket to auto translate her speech to others and vice versa. Unfortunately it doesn't work for reading, so she'll still have to learn the old fashion way eventually.

"It's no issue Asia, I look forward to this meeting myself!" Slane pounded his chest in anticipation of meeting his friends made during the Kyoto anime and manga fest.

I turned after picking up a slightly dark presence. A blonde guy in the male school uniform. I'm guessing this presence is natural due to his incarnation as a devil. Neat.

"Pleased to meet your acquaintance, I am Yuuto Kiba. Sorry I'm late, I got caught up with some unexpected things." Kiba greeted us with an apologetic smile. I imagine random fangirls stopped him on the way here.

"It's no problem comrade Kiba!" Slane laughed good heartedly while patting the guy on the back with a bit of force. Surprisingly the blonde wasn't surprised and took the pats like a champ.

"Good to see you again as well, Slane." Kiba returned the greeting.

"Ah right, this is my boss. Zieg Aversis and our ward Asia Argento." Slane introduced us

We exchanged greetings before Kiba began to lead us to the entrance of a building on the side.

"And that's why I'm here." Zieg said as he sat in front of the desk of the Occult Research club. Across from him was the Devil Heiress herself, Rias Gremory and her Queen Akeno Himejima. Zieg had changed out his usual casual clothes for slightly more formal attire consisting of dress shirt, tie and slacks.

"...You didn't explain anything though. You just came in, sat down and said 'And that's why I'm here.'!" Rias nearly shouted at the absurdity.

Rias looked to be a beautiful young woman with blue-green eyes, a buxom body and long crimson hair that reached down to her thighs. She was wearing the school's uniform which consisted of a white button-down shirt, with a black ribbon on her shirt collar worn under a black shoulder cape.

"Oh right, I keep forgetting other people can't hear my internal monologues." Zieg nodded in realization that he blundered once again.

"Are you okay in the head?" Rias was rightfully concerned. This was not the meeting she was expecting when Slane asked her if she wanted to meet with his boss.

'I can't help but wonder if you're doing that on purpose.' Albion quipped.

Slane noticed the odd first meeting and decided to cough. "Apologies friend Rias. My boss is a bit eccentric but I can assure you, he is quite capable!" He assured her.

"Well.. if you say so." She gave a hesitant smile.

"Well, would you like some tea?" Akeno offered, holding up a teapot.

Akeno was a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, very long black hair and violet eyes. Her hair was tied in a long ponytail which reached down to her legs. She was also wearing the Kuoh academy's uniform.

"I'm fine thanks, I have some oolong tea myself." Zieg smiled, raising his glass that appeared out of nowhere.

"Also thank you for taking care of Slane. Honestly I was worried he would have trouble making friends, considering how he's usually cooped up by himself, indulging in anime and manga." he smiled and sincerely thanked her. He wasn't worried about Slane being an otaku at first, but even he began to get worried at how indulgent he was of this hobby. He could understand enjoying manga and anime, but Slane seemed to be a legit neet at times.

"It's no trouble, we enjoyed his company. It's nice to meet with people who share similar tastes." Rias was being genuine, mainly because she was apparently an otaku herself.

"Well I don't want to keep you too long, so let's get to business. I'd like to ask if you could let my friend Asia Argento here, attend your school." Zieg gestured to the girl who was awkwardly standing to the side. "I will be upfront with you. She is currently being watched by your peer Diadora Astaroth. I'd like you to look out for her, should you allow her to attend this school."

"So you want us to shield her. That won't be easy, but then again it isn't his territory." Rias crossed her arms in thought. "Normally we try not to get in each other's way."

"Even if he has a fetish with capturing and breaking down holy women?" Zieg raised a brow.

"That's a bold claim, especially without evidence." Rias countered. Although she didn't know the truth or not, Diadora was still part of her faction.

"True or not. I would like to bargain with you." Zieg smiled, as if he wasn't at all phased with her rebuttal.

"Oh? And what are you offering?" The crimson haired girl seemed to lean closer in interest.

"In return for your cooperation with shielding miss Asia here. I will help you get out of your marriage contract with Riser Phenex." Zieg immediately offered. It really wouldn't be difficult, considering there were multiple methods he could employ to end it. If Issei could do it, then he sure as hell could do it himself.

Rias was visibly surprised. Whether it was due to the fact that Zieg knew about her situation or that he claimed he could help her out of it.

"How do you know about that?" She asked tentatively as Zieg continued to sip his oolong tea.

"It really isn't difficult to find out. If there is one thing I have in spades, it's knowledge about things that I shouldn't know about." He spoke with confidence evident in his tone.

"Then, can you really help me?" She seemed like she was pleading.

"I can and will if you accept." Zieg took out another cup of oolong tea. "If you accept, we can toast here and begin cooperation." he spoke nochalantly as if it would be a simple thing.

Rias looked like she was mulling it over in her head. Akeno was actually focused on her, she knew how desperate she was to get out of the marriage contract.

"Friend Rias." Slane interrupted her moment of thought, making her turn her attention to the bipedal lizard man. "I can assure you, that my boss is a very capable man."

"..Alright. I accept!" Rias grabbed the 'oolong tea' and toasted with him.

The two clanked glasses before Rias took a gulp.

It was unfortunate that Zieg didn't know how poor her ability at handling alcohol was.

"Buchou, I'm back!" Issei Hyoudou. The current Red Dragon Emperor barged into the club room. It had been a day since he was approached by Rias Gremory to be offered to be a devil. Needless to say he jumped at the offer when the possibility of his own harem in the future was mentioned.

He had returned from his first contract as a devil. However when he opened the door to the club room, he froze on the spot. Eyes completely wide, blood rushing to his face.

"WOO!!!!" Rias Gremory was currently on her desk, an empty glass raised and cheering in the air. Without any clothes on.

"Huh, I wonder if the fact that she enjoys being nude plays into this. Or maybe she's a drunk that likes taking off their clothes." He could hear a random guy muttering out loud, but it was too much for the current Red Dragon Emperor.

Issei Hyoudou found himself passed out, blood gushing out of his nose like a proper anime protagonist.

"Hm, I think I may have a problem." I muttered out loud. My brows furrowed and arms crossed.

'You think?'

'I think you have more than just one problem.'

I ignored the two and opted to continue staring at the gigantic piles of books that came out when I decided to dump all the books I had collected out of my scroll's inventory.

Azazel had recently came through, and guided me to the land that was officially mine in the underworld. Naturally the first thing I did was trace as many structures as I could after clearing out a plot of land.

Removing trees and flattening the land wasn't too difficult, I ended up summoning a bunch of things to assist with the process.

Afterwards I traced a manor, close to a mansion. I would work on the basement for a workshop later. Next to the manor was the Emiya household that I copied from my time at Shirou's place.

However after creating a structure that I deemed to be my library. I found an issue that made itself abundantly clear soon after.

I had too many books.

Like I took hundreds of thousands of books from both The Lands Between and Rivellon, along with my collection of books that I had from Remnant. That's not even counting all the manga and anime I had from the life before.

I even had a bunch of books that I acquired from the Nasuverse during my stay there. I began to realize that I had a problem when it came to collecting books.

Currently I think I had around 620,000 books. Most of them weren't exactly legally acquired...

"Shit, I need a librarian..." I frowned and realized that a librarian would be nice. I turned my head to see Raynare, who was staring at the piles of books with a blank expression.

She turned her eyes to me and silently hinted that she would rather die than be a librarian. I nodded, silently allowing her to walk away.

I'm not cruel enough to just force this on the unwilling. She can keep her current position as a house maid.

"Still... this is a bit much." I sighed, taking my scroll out again. Which had recorded all the knowledge in digital form.

While that was convenient, I liked the physical copies better. There's just something satisfying about being able to hold something you owned with your own two hands.