
Your Whispers Still Haunts Me

Vincenzo Moretti, a name that shook the underworld, none was aware of that man's origin. However, they do know one thing-that man is Yama, the God of Death, who had descended on earth. As the time passed, clock started ticking backwards, stopping at 6 years ago when there was only Vince, at 19 years of age, excited for his new journey of his university life. An incident, First love, Unheard confession, And death, Molding a new shell with hollow inside.

Snow_blue_55 · LGBT+
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Does love could really change someone?

Or is it just a myth?

Regardless the answer, Vince fall for a guy; a one-sided love.

A prestigious university, where admission reflected students caliber, was Vince dream.

"I finally made it to my dream university!" he felt elated, his loud voice attracted attention, though no one really paid him any heed as they had witnessed such scenes multiple times.

He adjusted the straps of his bag as he walked towards the grand archway of the university, feeling everything with his eyes.

"These really feels illusory, wha-ah!" Vince didn't get to complete his complement as someone bumped into him, causing the both person to fall.


It was Vince's heart that started beating violently at the sight of a beautiful boy falling on top him, the boy tried to got up with a frown on his face.

"Are you blind? Idiot!" That boy fumed at Vince, though his voice only made Vince's beating more.

Vince's eyes closed when a certain memory flashes across his eyes.

"A gangster doesn't need to feel emotions, what he need is to make people submissive to him, understand?" A middle aged man smoking cigarette said while puffing the smoke out.

"How could one be human if they don't feel anything!?" Vince vehemently protested against those words of his father.

"Yes, we are not human, what we are is death, if not for you then for others." That voice sounded again.

With nearly a year passing, that boy and Vince had grown more close to each other, Vince invited that boy to a beautiful location.

"I...wanted to say something to you for a very long time, will you listen?" Vince voice trembled, the nervousness cast on his face.

With a brimmed smile, that boy said, "Yes."

Before Vince could even confess anything, gun firings were heard.

"No!!" Vincenzo jolted awake, panting heavily, those nightmares are haunting him again, taking his sleep away.

It has already been 6 years of that incident, though Vince hadn't forgotten it, and lately those things are happening often.

A regular drive to his home, in the evening, however someone got hit by his car.

Vincenzo Secretary stepped out of the car to saw a guy fell on the ground sustaining minor injury.

He glanced at that guy, sitting all along in his car, his breath got caught in his throat as that man had the same face of his love that had died 6 years ago in that incident.

Would he able to stay indifferent after a faithful encounter with his first love?

Would he be able to leave from the shadows of ghost of the people he had killed?

Would he be able to feel emotions in his life and be a human again?

My new novel! finally!!, guys I'm very excited for this one and hoping you would be too to read it!

I have dropped the prolugue first, though I tried my best to balance the mystery without spoiling much!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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