
your poisonous love

one look at you and it felt like thousands of butterflies fluttering in my stomach... what is this feeling is this what they call love..it feels unique am seeing signs of my fate turning twisted because of you but still am sinking faster than I can think ..... why..why...why can't you treat me just like you do to her.. you say you love me but your love just keeps on hurting me... yet...I still can't bring myself to turn around and leave ..... every pain you cause me I want you to suffer it all just like I did.. is she that precious to you...then I will take her away from you so you experience what it means to lose everything ..... why won't you die..why won't you live the world for good hehe...your fate is tied with mine you won't die if am alive and I won't die if you are around it's so pitiable that all we want our lives is the death of the other if to make you disappear for good I have to die,then am ready to be prepared as I am bringing you along with me ..... I love you..I really do. after all joining the other in death is a way of staying together even after death thinking about ways to kill the other is a form of missing the other So... ling Chun do you love me ***bloody smilesmile

superfisher · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
3 Chs

chapter 2

while in thoughts and also informing the readers of the history about Huang mountain I climb up the steps

something also seen as a tourist attraction in white mountain resort

climbing the steps the with your lover met being together forever

well no scientific result on that but quite a lot of rumors about it

all in all Haung mountain or white mountain resort is a temple of love

the place were one found true love.


the sound of flesh hitting flesh sounded followed by a low cry of pain as I felt my butt ache

are you okay...


a low yet magnetic voice sounded as ling lanfeng view landed on a pair of brown leather shoe


ling lanfeng breath hitched up a notch as she raised her head up to look at the owner of those shoes

this was the lastest vivo pair of snake leather office shoe with only about twenty of them in the whole world each having a variety of different colors

for someone to be able to wear such pair of shoes

haa..has to be someone higher up

I can't believe this,I just had an accident with someone I shouldn't have༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶthis isn't an encounter I want

if I were to ruin those pair of babies I wouldn't be able to pay my debt even if I spend this lifetime working on it

haa...th..this... boohoo someone please come and save me,am just a writer with just a few hundred fans

I only have this much money to spend on m...

are you going to stand up or keep in sitting there.

that same magnetic voice sounded but now sounding impatient and irritated

ha...only then did ling lanfeng realize the fact that she was still on the floor with quite a few people looking at her

sor.sorr..humm sorry


apologizing as she stood up in a rush the sound of flesh hitting flesh resounded again

but this time ling lanfeng was too stunned frozen to feel the pain

s.so..so sorry I really didn't mean it are you okay does it hurt..

panicked tears filled ling lanfeng eyes as she bowed hastily at him

Wang chun felt irritated as he frowned looking feeling the pain coming from his chin

was this girl a walking disaster,he came here for a meeting and now he was late and had even suffered considerable physical damage

yet looking at her tears filled eyes that look like she would cry at any moment he suddenly couldn't bear to shout at her

it's nothing don't think too much is your head okay...


the sound of hiccup sounded particularly loud and funny to Wang chun

...'was she crying

embarrassed at her self ling lanfeng covered her face with her hands as her face turned fairly red like a ripe tomato

looking at the blushing face in front of him Wang chun suddenly felt the clumsy stranger looked cute

it's nothing really,are you sure you aren't in pain...

with her embarrassment considerably gone ling lanfeng suddenly remembered the question once asked looking worried and concern she stared at his chin which was no partly swollen

he suddenly felt the wound at his chin feel cool, like taking a relaxing bath after a jog,Wang chub felt relaxed

looking down he stared at the small head so close he could smell her fragrance which.. seemed nice

sorry I didn't say anything.i ju..I just thought it would make it heal quicker and don't let it have and infection hope you don't mind

ling lanfeng voice sounded low so low it almost felt like a whisper

it's nothing really

Wang chun said as he mind raced along with his heart beats,he could still smell the fragrance coming from her hair and he didn't hate it which was weird as someone who hated physical contact with others he didn't feel repulsed by her

she was cute and clumsy he felt she was interesting and he wanted to dig deeper than the info he had..he wanted to know more about her

this cute stranger

he smiled with eyes filled with meanings hidden in depths

oh..okay then,humm do you have time I kind off wanted to treat you to an apology dinner

sounding a little disappointed the embarrassed ling lanfeng played with her fingers which he noticed and kept looking at it a little more than once

weird right...

enn..an apology dinner does that even exist

unfortunately even if he wanted to spend more time with her and accept her offer he still came here for a business meeting and it couldn't be delayed any longer

Wang chun lifted his left eyebrow in a questioning behavior as his thoughts became sorted out

unknown to him this slight and casual detail of him left a mark in ling lanfeng heart

looking at that handsome face she just wanted to scream how could someone be so devilishly handsome with s

just a casual movement

haa.. the heavens are so unfair

mmm... Wang chun furrowed his brows slightly hearing her sigh as he suddenly felt the other was thinking too much

his close mouthed word woke ling lanfeng from her thoughts about the unfair parts of heaven

as she ended her thoughts with a'' complain all you want the heaven doesn't know if you exist

ouch that was harsh...

it would be great to take you up on your offer but unfortunately am busy right now besides if we do meet again I will take you up on the offer and maybe the Haung mountain magic is working

with a teasing look on his face as he spread his hands wide in a farce he bent down slightly to stare at her in her level before turning to leave

hope I so see you again later after all it would be a shame to miss you for good,the entire white mountain resort is just so big that it can only fit the size of so much people and among them is you...all in all if I can't find you with fate I can also use my connections so the little bunny I have set my eyes on shouldn't escape

ling lanfeng face turned red hearing his words but the last words above were all his thoughts which she couldn't hear

if not maybe she wouldn't have to fall into the deception coming her way or had been able to withdraw from the flames quickly before the flames burned dangerously into her life

he is gone... sounding a little disappointed ling lanfeng turned to walk away

humm..right I still don't know your name

this..."we talked for so long yet I don't even know his name he also doesn't know mine

with her head down ling lanfeng climb up the stairs in disappointment but only a few steps more were steps were filled with energy

haha like he said...fate if they could meet agai,she could only rely on fate and if not

she would take this encounter as something that wasn't meant to be and enjoy her holiday after all they were nothing but strangers