
Your life system

Note: This will be a linear novel. The MC will be calculative( over time) as he will learn what he wants in life and must make the necessary decisions to achieve it. It is a set in a Modern world with limited fantasies (system & few supernatural or beyond human comprehension abilities). It will mimic real world powers but names of places will change seemingly feeling like an alternate world however real life persons may be incorporated to get a point across, understanding of characters or just world build in general. Synopsis: Zhang Nan Ke an above average (genius) orphan who is trying to live his life in this world to best he can, struggles with the day to day life like any other. Only after coming into contact with local powers within his city he starts to realize that to live the life where he is not at the mercy of others he needs absolute power. Ding. [Host detected.. binding system to the host] [System bonding complete] [Welcome to Your Life System] Join Nan Ke as he strives to builds his foundation so he can live freely. P.S. There is heavy influence from Chinese novels such as the “xiaobaiwen, shenhao and martial arts” with less face slapping. This is my first time writing a novel Slow updates. (1500-2000 words/chapter) 1-2/chapters per week no specific time Extra tags #martialarts (they will a whole realm system but nothing to drastic like shooting fire out of your hands) #multipleloveinterest (Harem? up in the air, depends on if I like the progress of the character relations however if any as a disclaimer they will be only 3-4 waifus)

Mind_Medicine · Thành thị
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30 Chs

First Steps & Ninth Heaven

As Nan'Ke had just finish formulating his short-term future plans, he yawned, tired from all the happenings of what went on during the afternoon and now with the amount of information he had digested from Dawn he was exhausted. Putting aside everything for now he went to bed thinking 'tomorrow will be the start of a new journey, the start of 'ZHANG'. The room fell into silence as Nan'Ke drifted to sleep until a voice spoke [I really hope that this host intrigues me, I don't want to be stuck here for next 100 years without any entertainment]. Quietness return to the room as Dawn finish speaking.


Si City, Shan Prefecture

In the City of Si, the only other city located in Shan prefecture, a motorcade of blacked out vehicles was just arriving at 'The Lounge' a famous restaurant across the prefecture where people from other districts would come over to Si City just to go to The Lounge. As the cars arrive at the entrance a young man steps out, fixing his luxurious suit before proceeding to enter the establishment. He was Mu Chen who arrive at the restaurant for a meeting with the leading members of Ninth Heaven, the organization he had created since he was just 18 years old. His only goal was to take over the underworld whether it be from local gangs, outside influencers or the local powerful families.

"Are the rest of them here already?" He ask his assistant, who replies that they were waiting for him on the top floor in the VVIP room. There were currently six figureheads including Mu Chen himself leading Ninth Heaven, all having special status of their own. They were Gu Wei the second young master of the Gu family in Shan Prefecture, Wang Ming an expelled descendant from the Wang family in the capital, the Mei Twins Mei Yan & Mei Yi who were former leaders of a local gang but was subdue and integrated into Ninth Heaven and Mako an overseas mercenary who is currently trying to start over his life here in Long country, he was involve in shady dealings for gang leaders before being offered a new path by Mu Chen in becoming a leader himself.

Mu Chen had already entered the room and exchanges greeting with his fellow members before getting down to business. "Gu Wei the Deputy Mayor is no more, is your older brother Gu Wen ready to take his place?" Mu Chen asked. "Yes big brother Chen everything is put in place he would assume office three days later, they are just finishing the formalities. He sent his thanks for giving him the opportunity.'' Gu Wei replied, his brother Gu Wen was a high ranking civil servant in the municipal office and with the death of the Deputy Mayor and the help of Mu clan he would become the new Deputy Mayor.

"The Xiao Clan isn't going to take this lying down, the former deputy mayor was a blood cousin of the current patriarch son, they will retaliate" Wang Ming said making sure that everyone wasn't complacent and the job is not done. (A/N: R.I.P Kobe) Hearing this Mako replied "don't worry my spies would report back if they are panning something so we would be a step ahead of them at all times". He was responsible of the groups intelligence network seeing only he had the experience while the rest was mainly contributed through resources and connections. However the same can't be said about the Mei Twins as they provided the muscle, if there were any battles or fights to be had they would provide the necessary force to deal with the situation.

As everything they discuss was inline with the plan they had sent out, the group didn't converse for long and disperse into the night until their presence were required again. On his way back home Mu Chen face was buried into his phone as he was reading the headlines on one of the most popular social media app in Long country called 'Chirp' where users would spread the latest gossip they heard hoping others would also hear it to either confirm or deny the said news. Currently the headlines read; "Superstar Jiang Chen to go abroad for new movie role", "Singer Ming Yu new song releases today, would it bit a hit or miss?" His eyes directly fell on the last report which said "Xiang Hua, one of the capitals' princess is travelling to the country, her next stop Mu city".

Mu Chen smiles when reading this because he knows who Xiang Hua is, the only granddaughter of Xiang Tong the current head of the Xiang family. The Xiang family is an ancient clan that dates back to the era before the war started 80 years ago and are still involve in the government to this day. He was planning on having his younger brother approach her during her time in Mu city, he would do it himself but she was still 17 years old the same age with his brother, and would turn 18 later this year. If he approach her to start a relationship even if she would be an adult soon, the optics wouldn't look good seeing how well known she is. 'Well Mu Yen would have to do, I just hope his incompetence don't mess my plans'. He thought thinking about his brother who he deemed to be trash.


Attaché Hotel

Morning rolls around as the sun rose from the east, Nan'ke was already up having since breakfast ready to start the day, he was excited because the first thing he though of doing was to use the system shop to get the necessary parts to build his computer. Just then his phone received multiple text message from his bank;

(Your Bank Account ending in xxxxxxxx3598 has received $180.00. Thank you for Choosing Long national Bank, have a nice day.)

(Your Bank Account ending in xxxxxxxx3598 has received $180.00. Thank you for Choosing Long national Bank, have a nice day.)

(Your Bank Account ending in xxxxxxxx3598 has received $180.00. Thank you for Choosing Long national Bank, have a nice day.)

(Your Bank Account ending in xxxxxxxx3598 has received $180.00. Thank you for Choosing Long national Bank, have a nice day.)


His phone had been ringing until the tenth message before it stops each time receiving $180 adding up to a total of $1,800. This was his income from his fix-bugs job he did yesterday, seeing the money a smile appeared on his face as he never thought it would be so easy to earn money. Before he could revel in enjoyment;


[New Daily Quest (Repeatable)

Get Active!!!

Run 2.5km/day; Reward 200 LP

Do 100 push-up/day; Reward 150 LP

Do 100 sit-up/day; Reward 150 LP

Work for 4 hours/day; Reward 300 LP

(Note: each one would give you a different amount of Life Points, you can choose to complete one or more. The more you complete the more life points you get)

[This is your first quest, but be mindful that all quest are optional as its Your Life, but as your so called guide to a better life all quest offered to you would be beneficial in some way or form]

Hearing Dawn voice for first time for day the he breathed a sigh of relief thinking that yesterday was only a dream now he can confirm it was all real. Listening to what she was saying he couldn't agree more and decided to get started right away. He did his push-ups and sit-ups right there in the room, it only took him about an hour and a half which considering his current strength is a decent output. He decided not to go for the run today be would start doing that after he move into his new condo. But first before he leaves he decide to improve his attributes using a few of his life points.


Name: Zhang Nan'Ke

Level: 1 (0/1,000)

Age: 18

Life Points: 33,002 (gift pack + daily quest reward + LP generator)

Strength: 5 (average strength 10)

Intelligence: 13 (average intelligence 10)

Vitality: 15 (average vitality 10)

Charm: 6 (average charm 10)

Innate skills: Genius Mind, Perception.

Skills: Computer Programming: level 6 (15,500/60,000)

Business Management: level 2 (35/500)

Arts & Graphic Designer: Level 3 (50/1,000)

Life Point Generator: 1pt/day

Auxiliary System: Not chosen (needs shop)

Quests: Daily, Main, Hidden

Shop: (waiting for input) ]

Before doing anything he decided to ask Dawn because he needed more information, 'Dawn what is the ratio for life points to attribute point because you never mentioned it' [you didn't ask]

[Anyhow, attributes differ from your personal level and skill level experience so the ration is 100LP is equal to 1AP. It would increase after your attributes has reach a max limit for your current level] [This means that if your attribute for strength has reach its maximum when you at level 1 you would need to increase your level before being able to increase your attribute again] [Your maximum attribute point at level 1 is 20] 'Okay use 500LP to increase my strength to 10 and use 400LP to increase my charm to 10'. [Done]

Just then a considerable amount of energy pass through his body strengthening his bones, muscles and his overall body structure, its not painful yet as it feels fulfilling like a hunger was being satiated. After that though became pain 'ugghhh' he scream in his head, his skin was on fire as he felt like a bunch of ants biting him all over his body. This lasted for 10 minutes before stopping. Drench in sweat he rush to take a shower, after bathing he came out the bathroom and look at himself in the mirror he was speechless. He didn't have much drastic change but the milk in his face disappears and he is more lean in terms of muscle mass and it felt like he a grew a couple of inches taller.

"Is this me?"


Name: Zhang Nan'Ke

Level: 1 (0/1,000)

Age: 18

Life Points: 32,102

Strength: 10 (average strength 10)

Intelligence: 13 (average intelligence 10)

Vitality: 15 (average vitality 10)

Charm: 10 (average charm 10)

Innate skills: Genius Mind, Perception.

Skills: Computer Programming: level 6 (15,500/60,000)

Business Management: level 2 (35/500)

Arts & Graphic Designer: Level 3 (50/1,000)

Life Point Generator: 1pt/day

Auxiliary System: Not chosen (needs shop)

Quests: Daily, Main, Hidden

Shop: (waiting for input) ]

Alright alright alright-Chapter 6 baby- so yeah our mc is now going to get a move on things but it wouldn't be overnight as you know life gets in way of things and its not easy to---ahh who I'm kidding a distraction is coming(Fmc) is he going to simp or play like a pimp. tune in next time on waynes world.

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