
Your life system

Note: This will be a linear novel. The MC will be calculative( over time) as he will learn what he wants in life and must make the necessary decisions to achieve it. It is a set in a Modern world with limited fantasies (system & few supernatural or beyond human comprehension abilities). It will mimic real world powers but names of places will change seemingly feeling like an alternate world however real life persons may be incorporated to get a point across, understanding of characters or just world build in general. Synopsis: Zhang Nan Ke an above average (genius) orphan who is trying to live his life in this world to best he can, struggles with the day to day life like any other. Only after coming into contact with local powers within his city he starts to realize that to live the life where he is not at the mercy of others he needs absolute power. Ding. [Host detected.. binding system to the host] [System bonding complete] [Welcome to Your Life System] Join Nan Ke as he strives to builds his foundation so he can live freely. P.S. There is heavy influence from Chinese novels such as the “xiaobaiwen, shenhao and martial arts” with less face slapping. This is my first time writing a novel Slow updates. (1500-2000 words/chapter) 1-2/chapters per week no specific time Extra tags #martialarts (they will a whole realm system but nothing to drastic like shooting fire out of your hands) #multipleloveinterest (Harem? up in the air, depends on if I like the progress of the character relations however if any as a disclaimer they will be only 3-4 waifus)

Mind_Medicine · Thành thị
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30 Chs

Chapter 26: C0D3-X Returns

Yang Yu had to delay her trip to Mu City for the time being as the death of the Mu brothers became her top priority. She was sent to investigate what was now dubbed the 'Mu Massacre' by city officials and news reporters. In the briefing she received from her branch manager Song Yan before coming here, it mention that the young masters of the Mu family were alive as they were not at the Mu family courtyard at the time the massacre occurred. 'So whoever kill them did it after they spoke to the local police, its either they are brave or stupid'. She thought for the time being. It was now night time and she probably wouldn't get much done so she decided to get a fresh start early morning tomorrow. She headed back to the outpost to get some sleep before her days restless nights began, when doing the investigation.


The sun rose from the eastern side of Long country. Another day had come for its citizens as they carried on with their adulting life, while for the younger generations and children it bode one less day of summer vacation, while foreshadowing the return of school days. It was now the 1st of August in the year 2019. Nan'Ke had awoken with smile on his face, and a great beauty in his arms. Bai Xiu Xiu had spent the night after their romantic rendezvous under the tress in the park while bathing in the moonlight. Although they became closer than before no labels were put on their relationship as yet, seemingly confirm by last night 'no intimacy' rule impose by Bai Xiu Xiu on Nan'Ke.

Nan'Ke didn't mine as he enjoyed the spooning and closeness he felt throughout the night with Xiu Xiu. After they both got up from bed they started getting ready for the day ahead. Bai Xiu Xiu was heading to work while Nan'Ke also had some plans of his own he needed to complete. Firstly he would look at his foreign trading account that was left to his own devices for three nights which was the morning time for the two foreign markets he entered. With his 'TradeMoore' program he didn't need to actively watch the stock market as it would do all the necessary trading for him.

After getting ready she kissed him goodbye for the day before heading out to her job. He smile and reminded her to "stay safe" which she greatly appreciated. Now left alone for the time being he powered on his laptop and started looking at the results of his trading activities. Over the past three days his program had traded a magnitude of 80 million shares from different company's across the western hemisphere. The price of this shares were brought for a pocket change, as little as low as $0.35 cents to the most expensive share price at $84.75 in the variety of companies who had issues shares in the millions to generate financing.

In addition, the true pride of the program was in its predictability, as it would know when to sell the shares at its peak price for the day. This meant that shares would cost $0.35 cents per share would be sold at $15.86 per share throughout the day, Making $15.51 profit per share. For example using 40 million shares his total profit would have been $620.4 million dollars. However in reality not all the 80 million shares yielded this sort of profit, making his actual earnings capped at $431,250,000 Freedom dollars total for the past three days. This is equivalent to $3.45 billion Long dollars with the exchange rate of 1:8.

It stands to reason that this program can destroy the stock market and crash the economy so he was very careful in using it as it would not always be operational and could be filtered or program to stop operating after a give time or having reach a certain amount of profit. He could have already completed a main quest had he done this operation with one of his registered companies but he wasn't faze by it at all. His only operational company was 'Shenghou Logistics' which didn't have an official office building. It was mainly so the 'Reapers' can get around but he thought, 'Maybe I should rent a couple of floors in the business square for them to use, to actual show that the company really does operate. It can actually be use as networking as they would come into contact with certain people with great origins who wanted to use their services, which would deal with, transportation & delivery of items'.

They range from all kinds from the common to the sensitive through, vehicles, ships and airplanes. He quicky transferred out $3.445 billion dollars from his trading account to his bank account, leaving the remaining five (5) million dollars for future use. After that he called 'Ariel' leader of his 'Reapers' "I will transfer $780 million dollars for the organization to use. I want you to buy or rent a couple of floors in the business square to operate out of from time to time." He told her his desire for the 'Reapers' to actually look legit and not just only on paper. "I understand boss, anything else" she responded calmly but she was shook at the amount of money that just fell into her lap. When she was part of 'The Correction' their operating budget didn't exceed $10 million dollars.

"Yeah buy a few cars for our members to use and have them work in team of 4 for now. I know the total amount of members is 670 so you can buy 150 cars for now. I will handle the phones in the meantime." He mention to her while she took note of everything before saying there goodbyes to handle their own task. His plan was to buy phones, but he will be placing his own OS within them while also creating an encrypted network for them to communicate over. With his level of skill he would be making a military grade mobile phone network.

After that he went own to do what he really set out to do today, becoming C0D3-X once more. He was currently at level 3 and the max level was 5. The companies he thought would come after him didn't so he wanted to create another wave in the computer science community by tackling the most advance task to date.


Evening had arrived when Nan'ke had just finish completing the relevant task for his promotion to level 4. He needed to wait until his work was approve by the client before proceeded to level 5 but his plan did bare fruit as his activity on the platform created a rave of fan boy and computer science enthusiast activity. They idolize C0D3-X and his ability to produce results that exceeded the clients request in terms of quality and efficiency of work. He would normally had to wait at least twenty-four (24) hrs. before getting the greenlight but because of his fame and recorded ability his clients wasted no time in review his work for approval.

He was having a late dinner when the message came that he had reached level 4 on the platform. Bai Xiu Xiu would not come tonight so he was all alone to do more task, in which he did do. It was only early in the morning he had finished all necessary task to reach level 5 as the he took longer than usual, for him, on some task within level four.

Now his ability had been proven by various low and medium level companies as well as a few large corporations, all he had to do was wait for the rumors to spread across the community and business world before those large companies came calling. His goal wasn't to just update their existing security, no he wanted them as a retainers. During his coding craze he transferred $1 billion dollars into one of his company accounts.

This company was known as 'Shenghuo Technologies' however currently the company would not be selling products and services to the average consumer but would work as a partner for major corporations to handle their technology for them, whether it may be, database management, network service or something as simple as maintenance, it would comprehensively handle all things related to technology.

With his company already registered and his start up capital already deposit, he was raring to go, well his lawyer would be the one to handle the meeting between the companies. 'I should just buy the law firm and have it work for me. This would save money and countless time as instead of one lawyer I could have hundreds working on my dealings at the same time.' He thought to himself as he consider the benefit of such action.

However Nan'Ke believe that it would take the companies a week to reach out to him before anything else as they do their verification checks and what not. This gave him ample time to get an office space and a few unsuspecting employees. 'Thinking of employees I should reach out to the two college ladies for the position of my secretaries, but first lets get some sleep.'

Chapter 26: Kawabungah! Thanks for the support. Let me know your thoughts on the novel so far.

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