
Your life system

Note: This will be a linear novel. The MC will be calculative( over time) as he will learn what he wants in life and must make the necessary decisions to achieve it. It is a set in a Modern world with limited fantasies (system & few supernatural or beyond human comprehension abilities). It will mimic real world powers but names of places will change seemingly feeling like an alternate world however real life persons may be incorporated to get a point across, understanding of characters or just world build in general. Synopsis: Zhang Nan Ke an above average (genius) orphan who is trying to live his life in this world to best he can, struggles with the day to day life like any other. Only after coming into contact with local powers within his city he starts to realize that to live the life where he is not at the mercy of others he needs absolute power. Ding. [Host detected.. binding system to the host] [System bonding complete] [Welcome to Your Life System] Join Nan Ke as he strives to builds his foundation so he can live freely. P.S. There is heavy influence from Chinese novels such as the “xiaobaiwen, shenhao and martial arts” with less face slapping. This is my first time writing a novel Slow updates. (1500-2000 words/chapter) 1-2/chapters per week no specific time Extra tags #martialarts (they will a whole realm system but nothing to drastic like shooting fire out of your hands) #multipleloveinterest (Harem? up in the air, depends on if I like the progress of the character relations however if any as a disclaimer they will be only 3-4 waifus)

Mind_Medicine · Thành thị
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30 Chs

Chapter 25: First Date

Yang Yu had already left the officer toward the airport, she wanted to get started on her mission right away. She wasn't far way from a promotion to a level 5 NIB special agent which would allow her to get a deputy manager position of a branch. It was more paperwork but the benefit especially for an agent who has been in the field for more the seven (7) years is there is no more mandatory field assignments. She would be twenty-eight (28) years old this year, and she was ready to meet someone, and eventually start a family of her own. Being in the field prevents that so she was more adamant to delivered a result in this case.


While Yang Yu was on her way to Si city, while Mu City held the port Si city had the airport in Shan Prefecture, that is why both Cities are so develop and more importantly it is why the Port in Mu city is so coveted. Nan'Ke was on already home in Jade community with Bai Xiu Xiu. The pair had not discuss the arrest of him as yet but it wasn't long before he brought it up, "How about I cook you some late lunch/early dinner for having our date plans squashed and I will clarify some things?" He mention to Xiu Xiu not wanting her to leave without a proper explanation, and she agreed.

While cooking a meal, which was neither extravagant or either a paupers dish, it was rice with stew beef and vegetables. He wasn't a five-star Michelin chef but he had learn to cook in the orphanage to eventually fend for himself in the adult world. He explain the situation to Bai Xiu Xiu in great detail, however he didn't openly say he was the perpetrator of this massacre, Bai Xiu Xiu accepted his 'non-confession' as an admission of his part in the crime. She didn't find him repulsive in the slightest but looked at him with a certain aspect of pride. She didn't say anything to him yet but she was fully supporting his decision to go after those that came after him.

"I understand why you did what you did, but if you have any troubles next time, remember to call me" she told him. "How can I hide behind a lady? As a man I should take action" he replied to her which caused her facial expression to change to one of anger and frustration. "Nan'Ke I am being serious right now, although we haven't known each other long, I think of you as someone very important to me, without you I wouldn't have gain a promotion in my career." Some tears came to her eyes which caught Nan'Ke off guard but she continued, "If it wasn't for you appearing on that day I would have been force back to family to be married off to some smock for business or political gain."

"You don't know how grateful I am for that, the long conversations we had on the phone just talking about mundane stuff, you are truly my first friend I have made since coming to Mu City, even though your six (6) years younger than me, I don't want anything bad to happen to you, I feel like....." She couldn't finish her sentence and slopped to the floor. Nan'ke hurried over to pick her up while bringing her into his arms for a hug.

They just stayed like that for thirty minutes. After coming out the hug they both didn't say anything, Nan'ke just kissed her forehead before carrying her like a princess to the dining table before serving his delicious beef stew. After the meal Bai Xiu Xiu had calm down a bit more, but she was embarrassed by the display she had just shown to Nan'Ke. She was even more worried now that she let it slip somewhat of her eventual arrange marriage.

"How about we go for walk in the park?" He asked her. She said yes and they immediately left Jade Community towards the park while using Bai Xiu Xiu's car which was a A4 Audi. Upon reaching the park they stroll for a while before Nan'Ke brought up what she had said earlier, "What do you mean by going back to the family?" "My family is located in Youke Prefecture. We are one of the three 3 main families within the Province. My father Bai Sheng has dealings with many other powerful families and he wants to strength that connection by use me as a pawn for marriage."

She took a breath before continuing to speak, "My family owns a multitude of companies, however my older brothers oversees them while I was suppose to go under bride training. I was enrage by this so I told my father that I want to take part in the family business, and made a deal that if I can become the Directing Manager of one of our family businesses he would leave me to decide my marriage, in which he agreed." "So you came to LongWei Real Estate to succeed in your plan?" Nan'Ke asked.

"That is right, LongWei is own by my family so if I could take the Managing Directors' spot and wrestle back the control of the Real Estate agency back towards my family I would eventually be able to deicide my own fate." "How long until the deal suppose to last?" He asked. "I made this deal three (3) years ago, it will end by the end of this year. Thanks to you and our previous dealings I made Senior Manager but it is still far from becoming the Managing Director." "What do you need to become Managing Director?" He spoke in a concerning tone.

"The current Managing Director is one of my families' partners descendants. He would have to abdicate his position considering he has brought success to the agency since his inauguration. I would also need to bring in a big client to show that under me the agency can continue to thrive." "Do you want my help?" He said plainly looking into her eyes as there walk became to an abrupt stop under the trees where the moonlight was now starting to bare it glorious transcendent light. "Would you?" "Just as you said that I was an important person to you, you are greatly important to me. I don't think I would be in the position I'm in without your help, so what do you say?" She launch herself at him giving a big hug while uttering the words, "thank you...thank you."

As they came out of the hug and stared into each others eyes a feeling of profound affection was etch in both their hearts as he lent forward plant a very gentle kiss on her lips. She responded by doing the same however she took a step further by opening her mouth to interlock their lips together exchanging saliva with one another. After a moment of what might consider fleeting love, passion broke in and their tongues were not shy either as they bask in each others taste. Sounds of smooching echoed out under the tree, as night descended on Mu City the park became quieter.

After sucking on each other, they broke the kiss to catch they breathe still holding on to each other, their relationship may have started to business dealings but from here on out it would develop into something so much more. "Lets go home" she said as they both headed back to the car however this time Nan'Ke was the one to drive as he headed back to the Jade Community.


[Congratulations to the host for gaining a life achievement: First Date

Objective: Have a date with the sex of your choosing.

Reward: 10,000LP

Multiplier: 1.2

Total LP: 12,000LP]


Name: Zhang Nan'Ke

Level: 2 (0/5,000)

Age: 18

Life Points: 27,833

Strength: 20 (average strength 10)

Intelligence: 20 (average intelligence 10)

Vitality: 20 (average vitality 10)

Charm: 15 (average charm 10)

Martial Artist Realm: Minor Apprentice

Martial Arts: Basic MMA, Slight Steps (level 1/3), Refined Fist Set (level 1/3), Great Wall (level 1/3), Eagle Eyes(N/A)

Innate skills: Genius Mind, Perception.

Other Skills:Gun Play,One-Shot,Driving

Skills: Quantum Programming: level 4 (3,500/5,000)

Business Management: level 2 (35/500)

Arts & Graphic Designer: Level 4 (100/5,000)

Weapon Smith level 4(4000/5000)

Life Point Generator: 10pt/day

Auxiliary System: Life Point Multiplier: 1.2 (Applicable on LP Received and not stored)

Quests: Daily, Main, Hidden

Shop: (waiting for input) ]

Money: 56,283,520]

The system sounded out which surprise Nan'Ke if he had know he would not of given himself to Xu Qin earlier on. Thinking about her he notice that the similarities between her and Bai Xiu Xiu are the same, 'Do I attract the princesses of all big clans or is just this a coincidence'. He thought to himself, while he made his way back home.


Meanwhile Yang YU had just land in Si City Regional Airport. She wasted no time as she hurried over to the NIB branch to state her presence and as well her overall authority on the case she is working and if she ever needed assistance they should provide her with the necessary resources. To be concise the NIB branch was more of an outpost or rest station for field agents, no one at these location are above level 3 so she would be the SAC (Special Agent in Charge). After making her presence known to those below her she went to the local policing authority which was just a police station in Si City.

Upon her arrival the station was in an uproar as they received a big case last night however they unable to make any sense or headway on it. After gaining some information form the local Chief about the appearance to two charred corpses at an apparent abandoned building, she didn't really seem to interested as it wasn't connect to her case whatsoever until she heard the identities of the deceased which were the Mu brothers. All she said was "The Fuck".

Chapter 25: Thanks for the support. More to follow

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