
Your life system

Note: This will be a linear novel. The MC will be calculative( over time) as he will learn what he wants in life and must make the necessary decisions to achieve it. It is a set in a Modern world with limited fantasies (system & few supernatural or beyond human comprehension abilities). It will mimic real world powers but names of places will change seemingly feeling like an alternate world however real life persons may be incorporated to get a point across, understanding of characters or just world build in general. Synopsis: Zhang Nan Ke an above average (genius) orphan who is trying to live his life in this world to best he can, struggles with the day to day life like any other. Only after coming into contact with local powers within his city he starts to realize that to live the life where he is not at the mercy of others he needs absolute power. Ding. [Host detected.. binding system to the host] [System bonding complete] [Welcome to Your Life System] Join Nan Ke as he strives to builds his foundation so he can live freely. P.S. There is heavy influence from Chinese novels such as the “xiaobaiwen, shenhao and martial arts” with less face slapping. This is my first time writing a novel Slow updates. (1500-2000 words/chapter) 1-2/chapters per week no specific time Extra tags #martialarts (they will a whole realm system but nothing to drastic like shooting fire out of your hands) #multipleloveinterest (Harem? up in the air, depends on if I like the progress of the character relations however if any as a disclaimer they will be only 3-4 waifus)

Mind_Medicine · Thành thị
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30 Chs

Chapter 13: A Canon Event?

As the morning sun shines throughout Mu City signaling another start to a beautiful day for some, as it's summertime in Long Country majority of the younger generation would go to the beach almost everyday to enjoy themselves before heading off to college or returning back to high school. While many were starting the day some were not so enthusiastic.

In a Villa located at north west of Mu city in a gated community where only the rich and famous live, Mu Yen was waiting eagerly looking at his phone waiting for confirmation of what he had task the member of 'The Correction' organization. He was somewhat nervous as he had yet to hear any news in regards to the mysterious young man that crossed his path. A bit of fear crept in as well 'Damn it, what is taking him so fucking long. He should have reported at least the background of that boy if he couldn't kill him' he said while contemplating his next move.

Trying to distract himself he went on social media to see what's the buzz about today and sure enough he received a personal message from someone name 'Alicia'. He thought for a while but he couldn't remember meeting anyone name like that but he was sure she was foreign given the name and he did meet a few overseas ladies on his few nights out.

Thinking along the lines he check the person profile and was stunned as she was a glorious beauty. She had gorgeous blond hair, blue eyes with a face that had a hint of oriental heritage while her assets are so profound that if she had liabilities it could be excuse as her working capital was a perfect ratio.

(A/N: Some accounting humor if you will)

Caught in a trance it took him a while before getting a hold of himself, taking a deep breath he replied to the message "Forgive me but I don't think we have met because I wouldn't have forgotten such a beautiful face" he typed tryna bring out his inner Casanova. After sending the message he wait for while and seeing she had not replied he went back thinking about how he hadn't received any news from the mysterious person in black. Now he it was getting really scary for him as this task was off the books he had no support from the organization or his family and if he would come forth with this he would be skinned or maybe even worst, stripped of his standing as second young master of the Mu family considering he had broken the accord. 'Fuck, fuck,….what should I do? I can't ask my brother as he would use this against me. Maybe ask father but that is even worse. Okay okay think for a second, no one knows of this except for me and the person in black so if something happened to him no one will know I was involved and I don't think he would spill his guts either knowing the oath he took for the organization'. Trying to keep himself from freaking out he came up with a reasonable solution to keep himself out of trouble for now until he can make sense of what actually occurred and to do this he needed to confront the young man he had followed.

While Mu Yen was one of the few that couldn't enjoy the glorious morning sun and sea breeze there was another just the same albeit for different reasons. Nan'Ke awoken from his truncated slumber plagued with visions of his 'would be killer' turn victim screams begging for his life. His eyes were fixed on Nan'Ke in this vision or memory from a different perspective. Nan'Ke felt as if wherever he looked those eyes would be staring back at him.

'I killed someone. Really, I fucking kill someone. Fuck me, why why why the fuck did he have to pull his dagger' he thought as he looked at the scar that had already started to heal on his abdomen. 'I could of kept him alive, he was subdued and I could've call the police and let them arrest him, why did I do it' he berated himself for the decision he made last night as tears came flooding out of his eyes, he bawled but not a sound was heard. He continued sobbing himself to sleep but just as he was about to close his eyes a he heard a few notifications; one from his phone and the rest from his system. He checked the system first;

[Congratulations to the host for his life achievement: First Time Killer.

Reward: 25,000LP]

[Congratulations to host for his life achievement: Surviving An Assassination.

Reward: 15,000LP]

Seeing the notification he was brought out of his sobbing to a an immense amount of disgust as he was rewarded for taking a life. He couldn't fathom that killing someone would allow him to benefit in such away, his whole outlook on the system has change it was never a blessing to have such abilities it was much, much more callous than that.

'D-Da-Dawn why am I being rewarded for killing a person' he his said as his voice carried a feeling of hopelessness as if he had reached the end of a journey that promised him glory but only met with ridicule. [As I said before, the system would always reward the actions you take in life as it is YOUR LIFE SYSTEM] Dawn said with and a certain emphasis on the last few words as if she held contempt for Nan'Ke. [I have never said that an action had to be one of what you humans call moral. Some repeated actions would generate LP but the more you do the same thing the least you get. And besides if you didn't kill him he would of killed you…and maybe that would have been better seeing you act like a hypocrite] Dawn bluntly said. 'What do you mean hypocrite?' [Aren't you the one that doesn't want to be under someone's thumb? Didn't you say you wanted a piece of the worlds' underbelly for yourself? Don't remember saying you didn't want to be a casualty in someone else's game?] She said reminding him of his own thoughts, after a pause she continued, [You are a hypocrite if you feel 'bad' about what you did. No one gets to the top without climbing over the one ahead of you. You want to be King but you don't have the head to wear the crown. Think about it wouldn't you be a casualty in this situation, a insignificant person squashed by someone else's thumb, a piece of the dark world you want to obtain but never stop to question those individuals actions and retaliation who you want to obtain it from. Are they just gonna hand it over to you? Huh…Cat got your tongue…hypocrite, you are truly pathetic]

*Frozen Still*

His tears welled up even more after listening to what Dawn had to say about him, he was still as a statute and his eyes flowed water. Dawn words cut deep so deep that a pit form in his stomach. His thoughts ran wild with memories of his past actions and his own declarations. Unable to utter any sound or even move from his bed he just stared off into the distance contemplating the berating he had received as it brought some of his repressed trauma from the orphanage.

Two hours later

Nan'Ke had just woken up after he fell asleep thinking about what dawn had said to him and more importantly his own personality. 'I really am a hypocrite aren't I. I keep saying I want this type of life but the consequences that come from choosing this life I complain about it. So either I get use this or just walk away but can I? Being someone who is just a cog in the machine instead of the engineer, would living that type of life truly be worth it? I just want to be someone that can live freely, but in this country or even in this world only those with power are the ones that are truly free, the rest are pawns playing a game that they don't even know exist.' He pause his seemingly self therapists moment before continuing, 'I rather not be a player but the game master himself, yes I don't care anymore, I still think that killing is not something I should do or something I want to do, but if it means achieving the goal that I so desperately claim to want I will proudly acknowledge my hypocrisy. Besides as a game master, whatever I say goes'.


[Main Quest 2

One's Becoming

Description: A man's conviction is set by his actions and beliefs.

Objective: Become a Tycoon or Tyrant within Long Country

Requirements: Own seven(7) companies under your name by using any means necessary. Each company must be valued at $250 million dollars or more.


Time limit: none]

Seeing this quest he then remembered of his other main quest he forgot to check out.

[Main Quest 1

Start A Business: Create your first business venture.

Requirement: Must achieve $1,000,000 in profit.

Reward: 50,000LP

Time Limit: none]

After reviewing the two quests Nan'Ke got off his bed before showering and having a late breakfast. He was in no way over what happened last night and what he felt this morning, he would at least need a few more self help sessions before completely moving on but currently he moves forward with his new found conviction on his path to conquest within the dark realms of the world welcoming the life and death challenges he would now have to face.


Name: Zhang Nan'Ke

Level: 1 (0/1,000)

Age: 18

Life Points: 40,806 (10,706-900-1000-8000+25000+15000)

Strength: 20 (average strength 10)

Intelligence: 13 (average intelligence 10)

Vitality: 20 (average vitality 10)

Charm: 10 (average charm 10)

Martial Artist Realm: Minor Apprentice

Martial Arts: Basic MMA, Slight Steps (level 1/3), Refined Fist Set (level 1/3), Great Wall (level 1/3), Eagle Eyes(N/A)

Innate skills: Genius Mind, Perception.

Skills: Quantum Programming: level 4 (2,250/5,000)

Business Management: level 2 (35/500)

Arts & Graphic Designer: Level 4 (100/5,000)

Life Point Generator: 1pt/day

Auxiliary System: Not chosen (needs shop)

Quests: Daily, Main, Hidden

Shop: (waiting for input) ]

Money: 6,020]

Chapter 13:- A difficult night for our MC but he survive now what is next? retailiation? hmmm...a force can only be applied when there is someone or soemthing doing it....did that make sense? meh...Thanks for the support.

Mind_Medicinecreators' thoughts