
Youngest Master Doha Wants To Live Peacefully

Once a Catastrophic rank Hunter and now the weakest child of the Tang Family, Doha is again given another chance in life. The war with the demonic cult is only years away and it's up to Doha to save the GangHo. But he wants to live peacefully!

rimuru_sama · Huyền huyễn
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3 Chs

2. Chuu chuu?

It was a tiring day.

From being stuffed with weird, vomit-tasting medicines to being cuddled up like the kid I am in my mother's arms. Everything was tiring.

I didn't even realize that half a day was over just from being next to her smothering love.

And I swear to god, one of these days I'm going to die out of love instead of my original sickness.

"So tiring," I yawned as I walked slowly over to the place where the guards who guarded the Miso Garden stood.

Though the Tang Clan's martial art wasn't to be looked down upon, they were renowned for their poisons and their healing. It wouldn't be an understatement to say they reigned over the poisons. For the most part, poison sects were well versed in poisons, but their martial art capabilities and antidote yield wouldn't even come close to the quality that Tang Clan produced. And unsurprisingly, they created a lot of gardens where they grew poisonous plants which made them easily extract the needed ingredients and experiment to create newer degrees of poisons.

Though the Miso Garden used to be one of those gardens that yielded highly essential ingredients, it was soon abandoned because of a fire that had taken place ages ago. Though the Tang Clan might look more peaceful than the other clans on the outside, the family feud is unavoidable in every sort of life, especially in the Jianghu where people always walk on eggshells. According to Doha's memory, the fire was initiated by the Sect Leader's older brother, who was rebelling against the sect for not choosing him as the heir.

He had started by burning down Miso Garden to the crisp, and then went on to the Gardens on the East side of the clan, and destroyed them down as well. But of course, he was stopped midway by the Sect Leader. What he did was something that deserved punishment according to the Clan's rules. After coming to a conclusion on how to deal with him, they ended up destroying his dantian.

Destroying a martial artist's dantian is equivalent to killing them.

He had been confined within the Lotus Chamber for over a decade now.

But it's quite interesting.

They destroyed the dantian of someone who rebelled against the sect, just because he wasn't chosen as the heir?

Don't make me laugh. That's the silliest reason to punish someone.

Why would someone go out of their way to burn down the gardens for that? If it were me, I would have gone for the Sect Leader's head instead.

Now, that's actual rebelling.

Though Doha didn't know much at the time, as he grew up, he eventually realized what the Tang Clan was actually planning on. Something far more dangerous and brutal than a silly family feud.

Well, that story is for another time and I have no intention of being dragged into it.

For now, I have to focus on the task at hand.

I really didn't have to do this. And I'm not helping her out of my kind heart or whatever. It's just the bare minimum.

Even though I did say that I had nothing to do with the family matters, she really makes me worry. I don't know if it's because she raised me for four years, or if it's because I feel guilty about taking over her son's body.

In my previous life, I had parents who I never had the chance to meet. They were hunters who had awakened as S ranks during the initial days of the invasion of monstrous species called 'Parasites.' Even after I was born, I had only seen them on television or in magazines, their fame inspiring many to join in as hunters. And a few years before I awakened, they had passed away during one of the dungeon raids.

It's quite unfortunate, but I never really missed them. Maybe it's because I didn't grow up within their comfort as a child, the idea of having parents who were always away from me, eventually made me distant from them.

Maybe that's the reason why I'm helping her. Because she is defining and fulfilling that comfort for me.

But in all honestly, this was definitely taking a toll on my puny body.

"Huk..." I croaked, spitting blood for the tenth time since I got outside my room. "Tch...damn it."

Getting outside was alright, but walking was the problem.

Though most kids my age are able to walk around freely, I struggle with it. I take two wobbly steps and my stomach starts aching as if it's being stabbed. It's a foreshadowing that I'm going to cough up a handful of blood if I take another two steps.

I wonder how Doha made it through all those years. Although people haven't come up with the reason as to why some are born with a weak constitution, many debates it's just a natural occurrence. Also, since it's very rare, it adds to the fact that maybe it's just normal.

Yeah, very normal.

In the far future, the Heavenly Doctor Jin Saebyok is going to come up with a cure, and the reason why there are people who suffer from this fate. I could wait until then, but the dinner is the day after tomorrow. I'll have to find the cure before him since I can't waste a lot of time either. I have to get this done today.

Coughing up blood isn't my forte, but it's alright. I have always been doing that when I faced stronger enemies during battle. This much was bearable, though it hurt a lot.

I turned on my super ninja stealth technique to hide behind the bushes, studying the guards.

There were two guards who guarded the East Gate that lead to Miso Garden. There wasn't much to be guarded since everything was burned down, but for a huge sect, I guess a formality is still a formality.

The guard who stood on the left had an aloof and bored expression on his face. He looked tired as well. I kind of feel bad for him, since all he has to do is stand and guard all day.

The other guard though had an unreadable face. More like, he had his iron facade levelled up to the maximum. If someone saw him they might think he wants to start a fight with them. Yeah, his face looked so dead to the point that I knew he hated his job, but he couldn't complain. Or maybe it's just loyalty. We never know.

Mr Bored Face didn't seem that strong but Mr Stern Face sure did. In fact, the aura he exuded was greater than the guards who stood at the front gate of the sect, who are said to be stronger than average guards. Why is he here then? He should be at least a first-rate martial warrior upon my analysis. He could easily do secret missions and raise his status, rather than guarding this place. Well, I'm sure he must have his own reasons.

Though I could easily take them both out since I'm stronger. Well, at least my previous self could have. It's going to be a piece of cake to accomplish that in this life since I'm going to fix myself anyway. But I don't have any motivation for that. After helping my mother just this once, I'm going to retreat to my peaceful life.

I tried to be as natural as possible, trying to slip into the place that denied my access unofficially a while ago. Praying to all the gods who look upon me---

"Young Master Doha, you are not allowed here."

Shit those gods.

One of the two guards blocked the path that led to the huge gate to the garden. It was the Mr Bored Face guard.

I saw this coming a mile away when I decided to do this. It's true that I don't have a name for myself within the family. But what right does a mere guard have to block a child of the Tang clan?

And he looked at me as if I was one more thing to his already boring life.

"But, why?" I asked, tilting my head as if I were confused. I had decided that I would be acting like a child, instead of forcing my way in. It's annoying but this is all I can manage with my current powerless self.

"Ehh well," the guard scratched his head, trying to come up with something. "You are weak."

[Crtical Hit -1]

He really said that to my face.

He wasn't wrong. But the solution for my weakness lies behind that gate. And I needed them to let me in.

"B-but I want to see the garden!"

Tch, having to act like a kid is really the worst.

"That's great but there is nothing much to see in there," he retorted. "Also, how did you get out of your room? You aren't supposed to be out in the open, Young Master. Have you asked for permission from Miss Haeran?"

This was getting out of hand. I know I'm restricted to staying within my room with closed doors, but how can you stay in there for so long? It's suffocating. Also, he wants me to ask permission from my mother? Like, heck I would do that. She is already worried about the tiniest bit of hair falling on my shoulders, and you want me to ask her? You clearly don't how hard it's to beat an S rank boss who specializes in concern.

"I see. So you left the room on your own accord?" The guard asked, leaning in after noticing my hesitation. "Young Master, you shouldn't do this. Miss Haeran must be waiting for you. Let me take you back."

"I don't want to!" I crossed my arms, turning my face away in a pout.

What do I do? If he gets me back to my mother, then my plan would fail. And if my mother gets to know about this incident, then she would never let me out of her sight.

What other choices do I have? Oh right, there was one.

"But Mister, my father would let me in! He is the Sect Leader, isn't he?"

The guard looked taken aback that I could even say it. Everybody knew that my father, or the Sect Leader, despised me more than any other children of his. You could say it's a bit exaggerated since it's more like he doesn't care. I wouldn't be surprised even if he didn't know of my existence.

But still, I'm his child. There should be some fraction of a benefit I get from using his name?

"Young Master, the Sect Leader clearly said nobody can access beyond these gates."

Benefit, my a-

"But I'm not nobody! I'm his son!" I tried again, half-regretting that I had to use the daddy route. "Should I let father know?"


The guard looked unsure. This was my chance.

"Just once! Please? I won't tell anyone! Including father!"

"Well..." he looked over to the other guard who didn't bat an eye, before turning back to me. "Your body is very weak, Young Master. Please understand."

"But I'll be fine! I'm strong!" I raised my arms, trying to show how strong I am. But it ended very badly since I spit another cupful of blood. Damn it. Why did this have to happen now?

"Young Master---"

"No, I'm fine," I said, wiping the blood away. "Please let me in."

"We can't take the risk, Young Master," the other guard spoke up. He had a stern look on his face, which clearly read 'You are not getting past me.'

This guy seemed way more hard to convince than Mr Bored Face. Upon closer look, he had a very intimidating face. Though scars are cool, the one that seemed like a sword cut on his cheek matched those grey, domineering eyes and added to his sterness.

"Let's go back, Young Master," said Mr Stern Face, whose height loomed over me like some kind of tower. "I'll escort you there."

He seemed dead serious and I knew this was a dead end.


"Give up, Young Master,"

Give up? Did he say give up? After coming here all this way with a plan, you want me to give up? Yeah, there is no way that is happening.

I internally sighed, realizing I had to use my final weapon.

I really didn't want to do this. Praying to all those shitty gods up above once again, I calmed down my mind and hoped that this would go well.

"But Mister..." I took the stern-faced guard's hands within my tiny palms, which freaked him out as his mouth went like 'What in the third world of your f-'

Calm down, my guy. I have no zero interest in you.

It was just a pretence so that I could get this done quickly without much trouble.

"Young Master, what are you---"

"Mister, Mister!" I did my best impression of the copied-down puppy face [Lv. 1] that I had inherited from my mother. "I heard their lots of flowers in the garden! And lot's of butterflies as well!"


"And that there are jewel-like stones as well! I heard they sparkle a lot like wink wink!"

I winked twice with a gleeful look on my face but the guard showed no sign of budging.

"Young Master, stop playing around. Let's leave before the sun sets," He said, his tone sounding darker than earlier.

I thought that he would be affected at least a bit, but he seems more disgusted instead?

But why? I think I'm quite cute.

'Wait, what am I even thinking?' I shook my head, trying to concentrate so I could focus on my current predicament.

Is there really no other way? I was planning on acting like a child for sorting things out if something went south, but why? How come I can't even convince a guard?

Should I...use the Ultimate Card now? But...tch, I guess I really have no choice.

'This is it, Doha.' I thought, trying to wrap my mind around it. 'It's now or never.'

After this, I'm no longer a human. I would have already degraded to the level of slime.

I tugged onto his attire for my one final attempt.

"Mister...I heard that the butterflies kiss your cheeks..." I pouted, looking depressed. "I heard...that they kiss like this...like chuu~~"

I puckered my lips as if I was going in for a kiss.

"Like chuu chuu~~ and sometimes moo~~"


I levelled up my puppy face to [Lv. 2] with the addition of puppy eyes that had imaginary stars glinting on them.

"And sometimes they hug you like kyuu~~"

I leaned in.

"Mister...do you want to chuu~~"

"Y-Young Master!" the guard half-yelled, which both surprised him and brought me back into reality. But he seemed way more embarrassed than I was, and that's a given since I was quite the charmer in my previous life.

But still, forget the internally barfing, I'm officially a slime.

Once he had calmed down, he started speaking again.

"Please stop this, Young Master," he said, trying to avert his aways from mine. "I don't have any grudge against you but---"

[Puppy eyes Lv. 2]

"Haah I'm going crazy," he said, finally giving in. "Young Master, why are you doing this?"

"Chuu chuu?"

'Fine, fine," he seemed to lose his composure, so I decided to stop. "Listen, Young Master. This is a first and a last. You got it?"

I brightened up giving him my best smile.

"Yes! Mister is great!"

"And don't let Miss Haeran or the Sect Leader know about this. Not anyone, understood?"

"Sure! Thank you, Mister! You are the best chuu~~!"

"Yes, yes," he sighed painfully. "Anyway, you may spend about an hour there. I will check on you after it's over. And also, do not wander near the fence."


"It's dangerous, Young Master," he said, replacing his grim countenance with a scary expression. "There are monsters outside the fence, and you do not want to see that."

"Hmm...Doha understands," I blinked, innocently.

"If you need help, just call me twice."

Oh? Look at him. I thought he hated me but it seems like it's not like that?

"What is your name, Mister?"

"It's Hwan Unam. Just call me Hwan."

"Alright, Mister Hwan!"

Hwan turned to the other guard, who seemed kind of confused at the whole situation. With a slight nod from both of them, they raised their palms facing the East Gate as some sort of energy poured out from their hands. It looked similar to the mana I used in my past life; is this what they call ki?

The Gate didn't budge for a few seconds before it opened with a thud. A large gust of wind rushed in, but Hwan came to my rescue, putting up a ki barrier and waited until it died down.

"T-thank y-you..." I looked up to Hwan with sparkling eyes, for whom my respect increased by one. "Mister Hwan is so cool! So awesome!"

"This is nothing, Young Master," he said, quickly turning away. "Please enter and make sure to come back within an hour."

Hm? Did he just smile? Eh, no way. Maybe I saw it wrong.

"Sure, Mister Hwan!" I said waving a bye to them, with a huge smile plastered on my face, before entering the gate.


Noh Gungmyung had been working for the Tang Clan for about four years now. Though he does take pride as a martial artist, he isn't the best out there. He would be hardly made to be a third-rate warrior at best.

He decided to guard an abandoned place like the Miso Garden since the pay was good enough. It helped him pass every walk of life without much difficulty. Though there isn't much for the job, he didn't care. Where would one find a job this easy?

But it wasn't the case for Hwan Unam. Hwan and Gungmyung had joined around the same time for the vacant position of guards. Unlike Gungmyung who was in his late thirties and didn't care much about the murim, Hwan was in his mid-twenties and was different. He possessed greater martial prowess than most of the guards within the Tang Clan. Gungmyung had always wondered why someone as talented as Hwan would ever work as a mere guard.

When they first met each other, contrasted with the gleeful expression that Gungmyung held, Hwan had a very blank face that didn't seem to waver in the slightest. Even during the days the disciples of the Tang Clan always bullied them, Hwan neither bowed nor cared. He always stood like a statue that would never be broken.

Gungmyung never thought he would ever get to see Hwan lose his composure or smile at somebody either. But someone like the Young Master made it seem so easy.

"It seems like the rumours weren't true after all," he said, looking at Hwan. "The Young Master sure is a bright kid."

"I didn't hear any, Mr Noh," Hwan replied, his composure intact. "I'm not sure what you mean."

'Ho? Look at him,' Gungmyung thought silently, smiling.

"Well, I thought I saw you smile earlier," he teased.

"I think your eyes are starting to weaken, Mr Noh," Hwan retorted. "It must be the sun."

Surely, it was a bright day.

tyy for reading~~! hope you enjoyed~!

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