
All hope is not gone(job hunting 3)

Hello sis(tiya said as Sofia answered the call)hey little sis(Sofia responded)how was the job hunting?(Sofia asked)it was stressful and they were not looking for a part-time worker(Tiya answered)That's harsh(Sofia said).

    Any ways,I might have seen(Tiya said)do you know a place called morning bloom? (Tiya asked)yes I do,well everyone knows (Sofia answered)but why did you ask?(Sofia asked)I think that is the place I will be working at(Tiya replied).

     Really?(Sofia asked)so you already have a job(Sofia said)not really sis,like I told you they were not interested in a part-time worker (Tiya said) okay,but what are you going to do at morning bloom?(Sofia asked)I will go for... let's say an interview first(Tiya replied).

   When is that?(Sofia asked)tomorrow(Tiya answered)that's alright,but better get home on time,I don't want to hear that I forgot about the dinner(Sofia said almost laughing)are you serious?(Tiya asked)am really serious (Sofia said).

    Don't worry,I promise I will be there on time (Tiya said)okay little sis,good night and good luck for the interview(Sofia said)thank you sis, sweet dreams(tiya replied then ended the call)what did she say?(Mrs Johnson asked).

   She said the place is well known(Tiya said) okay,that is a relieve(Mrs Johnson said)yes,I will just take a texi,it will be more easier(Tiya said)that will be better(Mrs Johnson said)I will be fast with the interview,so that I will arrive home on time for Sofia's dinner(Tiya said).

      I was about to say so too,Sofia is just a darling(Mrs Johnson said)hmm,mom,I better head to my room now(Tiya said then peck her mom on her cheek)okay dear, sweet dream (Mrs Johnson said)you too mom(Tiya said).

    (Then went to her room,Tiya dropped her phone on her reading desk,she switched off the light then fell on top her bed)i hope they give me this job(Tiya said then closed her eyes).


   (Tiya woke up around 5:00am,she tidy up her room,she took her bath,then she went downstairs,she washed the dishes,tidy up the kitchen,swept the rooms(living room and dinning room)arranged everywhere).

    (She went back to the kitchen to prepare breakfast(pancakes)after preparing the breakfast,she set the dinning table,she climb upstairs and went to her room)what will I put on now?(Tiya asked as she opened her wardrobe,she took a short black gown and a black jacket with a flat shoe).

     This is better(Tiya said as she put on the gown,it was on top her kneels,she put on the jacket and wore her shoe,she rub some cosmetics on her face,she comb her hair)I better wake mom up(Tiya said as she head to the door)gosh,I forgot my handbag(Tiya said then turned to where her handbags was).

    (She picked a black handbag too,she wore her wristwatch and hand chain,she then came out of her room,she went to her  mom's room and knocked on the door) mom,get up(Tiya said as she knocked on the door,Mrs Johnson yawned from inside the room).

     What is the time?(Mrs Johnson asked then Tiya looked at her watch)half past six(Tiya replied)okay,am coming,just get ready,I will make breakfast(Mrs Johnson said then got down from her bed)no need mom,breakfast is already prepare(Tiya said)so quick?(Mrs Johnson asked).

    Yes mom,just brush your teeth then come downstairs and have your breakfast (Tiya answered)I will be waiting for you(Tiya added) okay dear,just a minute(Mrs Johnson said then Tiya went downstairs).



     (Mrs Johnson came downstairs,she went to the dinning room,Tiya was already seated) good morning mom(Tiya greeted) how was your night?(Mrs Johnson asked as she sat down)it was great(Tiya replied) so whats for breakfast?(Mrs Johnson asked).

      Pancakes with syrup(Tiya replied,so they started eating)are you nervous?(Mrs Johnson asked)a little(Tiya said)it is normal,but when you get there,please try to calm down(Mrs Johnson said).

      Okay mom (Tiya answered then Mrs Johnson got up and went to her room after some minutes she came back) here you go (Mrs Johnson said as she gave Tiya some note of money)for your transport fee(Mrs Johnson added).

    Thanks mom,you are the best(Tiya said then got up from the chair and gave her mom a hug)I will be going now(Tiya added)bye dear, good luck(Mrs Johnson said)thanks mom, bye(Tiya said as she opened the door then left).