
What happened

The Batcave, a fortress of solitude and vigilance for the caped crusader, now echoed with the frenzied tapping of Batman's fingers against the keyboard. The screens, usually displaying Gotham's nocturnal activities, now flickered with footage from medical bays, the members of the league analyzing with signs of worry etched on their faces.

Around Batman, the stalwart members of the Justice League gathered their expressions a canvas of worry and solemn contemplation. The footage playing out before them held the key to a mystery that had clearly taken a toll on their ranks. Some sported visible injuries, bandages peeking out from under costumes, while others stood with a haunted pallor, their resilience the only thing keeping them upright.

Despite their own physical states, their focus was undivided. Eyes locked onto the screens, they watched as Batman expertly sifted through the labyrinth of information. His fingers paused, and with a final keystroke, he brought up a new window on the monitor, drawing everyone's attention.

This window offered a glimpse into the events that had led them to this point. The League members leaned in closer, their battle-hardened faces reflecting the glow of the screen. The footage began to play, revealing scenes that promised answers to the questions that had been burning in their minds. There was a palpable tension in the air, a collective breath held in anticipation as the unfolding narrative promised to shed light on the enigmatic situation that had befallen their younger counterparts.

Footage P.O.V

As the footage rolled on, the scene inside Mount Justice's training room came into sharp focus. Superboy, his muscles tensing for action, launched himself towards Asher with a primal ferocity. His eyes were set, his intent clear - to subdue the unknown intruder with his formidable strength. But Asher, with a fluidity that bordered on the supernatural, sidestepped the charge with an elegance that made it seem as though he was merely part of the air itself, swirling effortlessly around Superboy's brute force.

In that brief moment of contact, the tension in the room was palpable. Superboy's charge, fueled by raw power and determination, was a testament to his Kryptonian heritage. Yet, Asher, an enigma, moved with a grace that was both mesmerizing and unnerving. 

As Superboy's momentum carried him past, crashing into the wall with a thunderous impact that echoed through the room, Robin sprang into action. His hands were a blur, launching a volley of batarangs with the precision and speed honed from years of training under the Dark Knight. Each projectile spun through the air with deadly intent, aimed with pinpoint accuracy. However, upon reaching their target, they were met with an unseen force, halting them mid-flight before they clattered harmlessly to the ground.

Undeterred, Robin, the Boy Wonder, intensified his assault. He unleashed another barrage of batarangs, this time some rigged to explode upon impact. The detonations were near-instantaneous, filling the room with a billowing smokescreen. The thick, grey haze swiftly enveloped the combatants, reducing visibility to near zero. The explosion was not just a tactical move but a testament to Robin's adaptability and resourcefulness.

suddenly the young team began moving unanimously as if they were connected in mind and body-

John Stewart, known as Green Lantern, broke the silence in the Batcave with his question directed at Batman. "So, Batman, why did you not intervene?" His arms were crossed, his body enveloped in a subtle glow of emerald energy, a visual manifestation of his readiness for action.

Before Batman could respond, Hawkgirl interjected, her voice laced with the wisdom of a warrior. "The only way to forge future camaraderie is to fight it out," she said, implying that sometimes understanding and respect could only be earned through throwing hands.

Batman nodded in agreement with Hawkgirl's assessment, his gaze returning to the monitor. As the footage played on, it was evident that Batman's intent was dual-fold: not only to gauge Asher's capabilities and gather data but also to test his character, which remained a subject of...ongoing analysis.

As the scene on the monitor switched to heat vision, the room's tension momentarily eased. The grainy smoke-filled footage transformed into a clear display of thermal signatures. Nine distinct, vibrant heat sources pulsed on the screen, each representing a member of Young Justice. Their outlines were vivid and dynamic, dancing and shifting with each movement.

But amidst these radiant figures, a tenth signature drew everyone's attention. It was faint, resembling a flickering candle flame in contrast to the bright bonfires of the others. John Constantine, standing a little apart from the group, flicked his lighter, casting a small, but noticeably stronger flame than the one on the screen. He quipped with his usual nonchalant tone, "Mine's bigger mate." A wry smirk played on his lips, his eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and curiosity.

Flash burst into laughter at the comment, the sound echoing in the high-tech room. Green Arrow, leaning against a console, joined in, his own chuckle helping to diffuse the previously charged atmosphere.

As the laughter subsided, focus returned to the monitor. Batman zoomed in on the feeble heat signature. It was Asher, his vampiric nature evident in his low body temperature. The visual starkly contrasted with the intense energy of the surrounding team members.

As the Young team move to surround "intruder", Asher the "intruder" remained unmoved, this caught the Justice league's eyes now standing still wouldn't have drawn as much attention, but the sudden grown in Asher's heat signiture grasp a hold of their every movement, the amound of heat radianting off him was like an unending aura of fire.

The smoke surrounding him disipated, and on screen his once naturally face had transformed into something ugly and somewhat terrifying, huge veins adored his face, from his eyes to the lower part of his forehead, thats spreads to the upper half of his cheeks, his eyes became an emissive red, his fangs grew only longer, the veins squirmed as if alive, in a primal stance, almost like a beast hunting for prey a stark contrast to the intelligent and calculating demeanor he had previously exhibited, But it was his claws that truly captured the essence of his transformation. They had extended to lengths that rivalled daggers, sharp and deadly.

Batman's gaze hardened as he observed this change. "He's losing control," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper but carrying a weight of concern.

In the Batcave, the members of the Justice League watched the screen intently, their attention fixed on the unfolding events. 

his expression was one of peace, hunger, lust, it was one of reaching paradise, but then his gaze fell to one of the heat signatures in the room, Asher's expression, initially one of serene bliss, twisted grotesquely. It was as if he had momentarily glimpsed paradise only to have it snatched away, replaced by a burning, malevolent fury. The serene visage morphed into something demonic, an avatar of wrath reminiscent of an Asura from myth.

His aura of heat intensified to an almost palpable level, the fiery outline around him flaring up dramatically. Even through the speakers, the low, guttural growl emanating from him was audible, sending a chill down the spines of the onlookers.

Then, in an instant, he vanished from the screen.

The Flash's exclamation shattered the tense silence of the room, drawing every eye towards him. "WHAT!?" he yelled in shock, his voice laced with a mixture of astonishment and disbelief. The usually unflappable Batman turned to him, his face an unreadable mask, yet there was a flicker of curiosity in his eyes. "What is it, Flash?" he inquired, his voice steady yet carrying an undercurrent of keen interest although he already knew what the flash is shocked by but it was better for him to explain it to the team, even superman seems shock.

The revelation that followed struck everyone like a bolt of lightning. "HE IS ALMOST AS FAST AS ME!" The Flash's words reverberated through the room, leaving an impact that was almost palpable. The mere idea that Asher Eclipse, not a Speed Force conduit nor a Kryptonian like Superman, could almost match the Flash's legendary speed was unfathomable.

The room fell into a stunned silence, with each hero grappling with the implications of this new information. this boy had no negative effects on his surrouding while moving that fast, there is no scientic explanation to understand how this can happen.

The realization spread across the room like a ripple, each member of the Justice League grappling with the implications of what they had just witnessed. A new form of speed, something beyond their comprehension, had just been unveiled before their very eyes. The members, each a seasoned hero in their own right, thought they had seen it all. But Asher Eclipse's display of speed was rewriting the rules.

They had all done their homework on vampires, scouring databases and ancient texts alike. Vampires were known for their enhanced abilities, their speed being a particularly fearsome trait. But Asher's performance transcended any vampiric lore they had encountered. His speed was not just a step above; it was in a league of its own.

Flash, the embodiment of superhuman speed, could circle the Earth in a mere 5 seconds. To the uninitiated, this feat might seem like the pinnacle of rapid movement. Yet here they were, confronted with the possibility that someone could rival, if not match, the Scarlet Speedster's velocity, without the speed force nor a kryptonian physology.

To put it into perspective, the Flash's speed, approximately 4,980 miles per second, amounts to about 3% of the speed of light. It was a benchmark that, until now, was considered the upper limit of speed for a living being. But Asher Eclipse was challenging that notion, effortlessly moving at velocities that defied explanation.

The heroes in the room were no strangers to extraordinary feats, but this was different. This was a demonstration of a power that blurred the lines between the physically possible and the unimaginable. It was a humbling reminder that, even in a world filled with gods, aliens, and meta-humans, there were still mysteries and wonders yet to be uncovered.

As they watched the footage, each member of the Justice League processed this revelation in their own way. Wonder Woman's eyes reflected a warrior's respect for a formidable new ally, while Batman's analytical mind raced to assess the strategic implications of Asher's abilities. Green Lantern's ring pulsed with energy, a symbol of the ever-expanding universe of possibilities that they were all part of.

In that moment, the Justice League was not just witnessing an unprecedented display of speed. They were standing at the threshold of a new frontier, where the limits of their world were being pushed further than ever before. And at the center of it all was Asher Eclipse, a being who was redefining what it meant to be fast.

(Author Notes: By comparison, in the comics The Flash's fastest feat is not beating a teleporter to the other side of the Galaxy, as many claim:

his fastest feat is In a defining moment, Flash had evacuated an entire city of 313 million people in the infinitesimal gap of time between the detonation of a nuclear bomb and the explosion's actual commencement.

This feat, accomplished in a mere 0.00001 seconds. Flash wasn't just moving fast; he was moving at a velocity that shattered the conventional understanding of physics.

He wasn't just traversing space; he was bending the flow of time around him. At approximately 1.043 billion times the speed of light, The Flash effectively paused time, creating a bubble where he operated on a plane beyond the reach of any normal physical laws.)

so Asher almost being as fast as the Flash, you best believe anyone would be shocked, even you the audience.

(A/N: 80/80 power stones for next chapter, Thank you for reading, don't forget to review, good ratings would be welcomed, that can also motivate me to release things that double chapters.)

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