
The Date 1

In the early part of May, the sun was warm as it smiled down on the earth as if in a warm greeting, the beauty of it dazzling the skies and brightening up the atmosphere.

Among several well known and we'll represented cities, was the infamous City A.

City A was the famous city known for industrial businesses and sophisticated lifestyles, parties and anything related to the high class lifestyle. 

There were other cities which were also popular and housed great, influential families and city A was the most prestigious in this aspect.

It was usually busy from Monday to Sunday, being the heart of the country and also the largest city amongst others.

On this Monday morning, several people in suits and formal attires went about their daily routines, no doubt searching for their daily bread and making great efforts to gather some good income to take home to their family or loved ones.

A sleek black car drove past the express road and entered the glamorous Lakefield street, driving straight ahead.

Inside this car was a man in a three piece deep blue suit, shiny black Italian shoes, black necktie and a classic Benjamin Coquito watch.

Like Dior and Gucci, Benjamin Coquito was a well-known brand in Europe, known for their exclusive fashion designs in clothing, accessories and makeup. Now expanding to Asia and other continents, it was of no doubt beginning to slowly take over the market and assert their own dominance with how exquisite and exceptional their products was.

The young man sitting in the backseat had an Egyptian godlike beauty, with slanted eyes and slightly pointed nose. His eyes were dark, a stark contrast to his fair complexion and delicate looking  features. He was staring at a newspaper intently and his eyes were fixed on the image of a beautiful young lady in a white suit.

He gently traced a finger on the lady's face. From the picture, she was facing another lady and the setting would immediately tell someone she was at a business meeting or some other formal function where the paparazzi had taken a picture of her.

The headline read, "The Liu heiress at it again: Acquisition of Mark and Son's building industry!"

"I'm finally back home, little one. And you won't easily slip out of my grasp like you did before." The young man murmured with a distant look in his eyes, his index finger still on the lady's face. He took his hand off and dropped the newspaper beside him.

"Should I proceed and drive to the event sir?" His driver asked after opening the partition, taking in the frosty expression on his boss's face.

It was a face that was fond of scaring an average man and making the knees of some lesser men buck in fear. Even his business associates knew better than to take a step that would result in him frowning at them or displeasing him. He wasn't the grandson of one of the richest families in city A for nothing.

"No. I need to see my dad so head straight to the old mansion. When I get there, drive to Fang's school to pick her up immediately." The young, handsome man ordered.

Even from the way he spoke, the way he looked out through the window with a gaze full of elegance and poise, one could already tell he was a well groomed young man from a highly prestigious family.

"Yes sir." The driver slid the partition close and drove past the street and entered back to the other side of the express before taking the turn that would lead him straight to the family's old estate.

As the driver took the turn, he couldn't help but mentally question why his boss loved passing through that long street because it was a long journey and would take them extra minutes to get back onto the express.

They could go straight ahead and head to the club or the old mansion or wherever they wanted without having to drive exactly across the full long and busy street.

Their company wasn't far from the express and it was an easy drive if they intended on navigating out of the large business community, after all they'd done it many times before.

Until one day when his boss told him to always drive through that street to wherever destination they were headed, even when their destination was merelya a street away from the so called company!

The driver however, knew better than to question his moody boss on what he thought was best. The rich sometimes had a weird way of thinking but the young man's way of thinking had been fetching him money and influence for years so it would mean he knows best. With this in mind, the driver shrugged and focused his attention on driving, since that was what he was paid for in the first place.

They finally drove out of the street and headed to the old mansion.

The Lakefield street was a popular street housing four industrial buildings and a few rented shops. In one of these buildings on Lakefield street, was a sky scraper company belonging to one of the most popular families in City A.

On the top floor of the tall building— which was the exact company that was drawn on a small part of the newspaper being read by the young handsome man from earlier— was an European styled office with the lavish interior designs in a white and purple theme. The office consisted of a sofa, three office chairs, a large mahogany desk, a chair, a bookshelf, a small fridge and some other office necessities.

The wall on the right side of the office and the wall backed by the CEO chair were both shiny floor to length glass walls which gave both the owner of the office and anyone who stepped into it a beautiful view of the outside world.

One would guess that the same walls were no doubt mechanically polished twice in a day just so they could remain absolutely spotless.

In the air conditioned room, behind the large mahogany desk sat a young lady on a black leather chair.

She was wearing a black short skirt and a white chiffon top and a pair of black heels rested on the left part of her legs under the table so in case the need ever arose, all she needed to do was slip her feet into it.

Her soft, waist length hair was put up in a lose bun, with a lose strand falling over the left side of her face to define her beauty and delicate features.

To the world, this lady was usually referred to as the devil CEO even though men wouldn't mind making deals with he'd if it meant that they would get to see her lovely face or hear her beautiful voice for a few minutes or hours!

Hello guys. Thank you for clicking on my book. I'm so happy you're here to read and I hope you enjoy it. Drop a comment or two on what you feel about the characters or the beginning of the story in general. Thank you!

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