
Chapter 4

Because Lu Han wanted to pursue the love of his heart he had to follow every footstep of Hao Yu no matter where he went.Lu Han he followed his instincts. "I must follow Hao Yu now".Lu Han left the school without asking permission from the school. Then he hurriedly ran into his classroom to pick up his bag and proceeded to the parking lot.Lu Han Bing's hasty behavior has made his classmates suspicious.Reprimand a girl. "Lu Han Bing, where are you going?"Lu Han Bing only answered briefly. "I have a little bit of work I need to get done, I need to go now".His classmates felt Lu Han Bing's temperament was very strange today. "What happened to him". said a student. "Lu Han where do you want to go. Now it's still time to study". Reprimand the girl.Lu Han Bing ignored Yu Qing's words and left.

The situation where Hao Yu is carrying Flora.Flora feels very uncomfortable with Hao Yu's actions against her."Hao Yu please take me down now".While Flora rebelling.At that time, Hao Yu was Gentelman towards Flora. He ignored Flora's words and continued to lead Flora towards his car.Flora is still being hard on Hao Yu. "Let me down. I can walk on my own". Flora said.Hao Yu said in his heart this new student was noisy."Can you shut up. I'm almost at my parking lot".said Hao Yu. Flora is still stubborn with Hao Yu. She asks Hao Yu to take her down. "Hao Yu please. I beg you to please take me down."Flora made a sympathetic face as she looked at Hao Yu's face.Flora's beautiful face made Hao Yu's heart beat faster. But Hao Yu he just covered his embarrassed face in front of Flora."Beautiful. Can you keep your mouth shut. You are very noisy".Hao Yu's voice was high.

At that time, Lu Han Bing managed to follow in Hao Yu's footsteps in the parking lot.This time Han Bing he was more careful with his every move."I have to be careful so they don't know that I'm following them."In his heart he wondered where exactly Xiu Hao Yu wanted to take Flora.He can't wait to follow Hao Yu.

From earlier, Flora was very noisy."You said I was noisy. In that case, please take me down."Hao Yu he is not willing to see his lover walk in pain. Hao Yu is a humane person. He's more of a gentleman.Angry Flora "Why are you trying to keep quiet. You didn't hear what I said".At that time, Hao Yu he was thinking of a way to make Flora be silent for a while. In fact, Hao Yu is trying to take advantage of Flora. Because Flora is the first love of his heart. Flashback Where Flora meets Hao Yu. Hao Yu only observed Flora's behavior from inside his car.it was then that Flora knocked on Hao Yu's glass window when she was startled by the loud sound of he car horn. Then Hao Yu lifted Flora into his car.Although Flora she was not willing to ride in he car at the time to go to school together.Flora's cute actions have made Hao Yu fall in love. Because Hao Yu is a person who is hard to be seduced by any girl.

Yu Qing she followed Han Bing from behind without his knowledge.She began to wonder why Han Bing was in such a hurry.That's when Yu Qing wanted to know where exactly does Han Bing want to go.Yu Qing noticed that Han Bing was actually following in Hao Yu's footsteps carefully. Yu Qing began to feel suspicious of Han Bing's attitude. "Oh God. What happened to them. Who is that girl." Because Yu Qing has feelings for Han Bing. He started to feel weird. "Why does he have to follow Hao Yu ?"

Han Bing he just laughed in he heart and said I never thought a girl as beautiful as Flora was so Noisy.Han Bing expects Hao Yu's day to be unfortunate with Flora's childish attitude.Suddenly Han Bing heard the voice of a girl from behind him who was falling.

It was then that Yu Qing jumped because her leg was bitten by an insect until she fell.""Ah, my leg hurts".

Flora is still urging Hao Yu so he can be brought down.Hao Yu stopped his step and put Flora down.Flora felt very happy because finally Hao Yu heard her words. Flora hasn't had time to say thank you.Suddenly Hao Yu kissed her mouth.Music also came suddenly.

Han Bing he kept looking back to see what was happening and whose voice.The moment Han Bing turned his head backwards, He didn't see anyone at that moment."Now is the time to learn. There can't be anyone here. Maybe this is just my feelings.Then Han Bing continued to follow in Hao Yu's footsteps. He did not expect the time he wanted to turn his head forward would be like this.Hao Yu and Flora were seen kissing in front of him. At that time, Han Bing's heart was very broken..Han Bing he stopped his step and Kneeling spontaneously.Han Bing was very shocked by Hao Yu's action.

Yu Qing he was shocked by Hao yu's actions against Flora. Yu Qing she took the opportunity to record a video of Hao Yu and Flora kissing."Wow, if I show this video to Xiao AI it must be going to be interesting."Without her realizing the school principal was behind her.

Hao Yu's actions had made her face turn red and embarrassed.Flora pushed Hao yu as hard as she could.She wiped his mouth with his hand and said "What are you trying to do this". Hao Yu felt proud of himself because his actions were successful in the end."Is this the only way I can keep you quiet for a while?" said Hao Yu.

Han Bing felt resigned and stopped his intention to follow in Hao Yu's footsteps .Because what happened in front of his eyes made him very sick and upset. Then Han Bing left them feeling disappointed.Then he went straight into his class in a sad state.

"Yu Qing, What are you doing why aren't you in class". The school principal scolded from behind.Yu Qing was very surprised. Then she hurried to hide her cell phone.The school principal tried to look around the school and he saw Hao Yu and Flora chatting in the car park."Are you watching Hao Yu and Flora from a distance." Ask the school principal. Yu Qing she tried to think of a way to save herself from getting school punishment."Nothing Sir . I'm looking for my stuff that fell just now."Say Yu Qing . The school principal told Yu Qing to search immediately and go back into the classroom.Yu Qing felt very relieved. But his footsteps to find Han Bing were gone."Where has Han Bing gone". He said in his heart. "Forget about Him". Yu Qing he was happy to be back because he had proof Hao Yu kissed Flora.

Han Bing returned to class in a very sad state."Friend what happened to you". Reprimanded Chen Zhen.Chen Zhen was one of the students from the young friends club at the school.Chen Zhen tried to say hello to Han Bing. But Han Bing did not entertain him.His classmates started gossiping. Chen Zhen tried to calm the situation in the classroom. "All your students, please be quiet for a while." Chen Zhen has known Han Bing since he was a child. They were very close when they were children. "Chen Zhen, after school can you come with me to my condominium?" Lu Han Bing asked. Chen Zhen he expects that his friend is grieving. "All right, we'll see you later." Short answer Chen.

Flora she ignored Hao Yu's words. And kept walking away from Hao Yu while holding his aching leg.Hao Yu was only able to shake his head while looking at Flora's stubborn behavior."Flora, where are you going?" Flora is a stubborn person and likes to contradict other people's words."You don't follow me. I can go home by myself".said Flora.For Hao Yu, a girl like Flora's temperament is very difficult to find nowadays. Hao Yu he thinks he must act fast before anyone else can steal Flora's heart. "Even Flora in pain still wants to be stubborn". Hao Yu said in his heart.Hao Yu shouted. "Wait for me, I'm coming".Who would have thought that stubborn Flora was trying to walk fast without accidentally falling.

Flashback .Before the incident Flora fell .Hao Yu had asked Flora to wait for him. At that time, Hao Yu managed to save Flora who almost fell.Hao Yu pulled Flora's hand and hugged her. They were eye to eye. Sweet music began. "I said wait for me". Hao Yu said while whispering in Flora's ear. Flora's eyes glazed over after seeing Hao Yu's good looks. "I'm sorry, Thank you Hao Yu".Hao Yu hugged Flora tightly. Flora's thanks made her heart beat faster. Then, Hao Yu carries Flora in his car. "Let me take you to a very special place".

Jia Bao was still thinking about Hao Yu. "Why is Hao Yu still not coming back to the classroom yet". Jia Bao he always thought nonsense about Hao Yu.He wondered if he had been punished by the school principal? Jia Bao he wants to see Hao Yu but can't because now is the time to study. "Maybe after class I go find him or I direct call him". Say Jia Bao .

Mr. Hao arrived at the international airport. He felt reluctant to leave his wife and beloved child at home.Mr. Hao's thoughts began to cross about his wife. He began to suspect that his wife was cheating on him.Mr. Hao calls his P.A. and instructs him to investigate his suspicious wife.Suddenly Mr. Hao's P.A. phone rang."Michea I want you to follow in my wife's footsteps and I want you to investigate who she went out with". Said Mr. Hao.Then Michael hung up his cell phone.

Yu Qing sent a brief massage to Xiao AI. "Xiao AI tonight we meet". Xiao AI agrees with Yu Qing.

Hao Yu wants to bring Flora to eat at a fancy restaurant in the town near his house. "Hao Yu today I am very grateful to you. Today you saved my life a lot from danger". Actually Hao Yu is very happy because he can help Flora at any time if Flora needs him. "You don't have to thank me. You have to thank God". Flora felt strange with Hao Yu's words. "Why do I have to thank God?". Flora asked with a beautiful face. Hao Yu he deliberately teased Flora's soul. "Because God has destined you for me". Hao Yu blushed. Flora hit Hao Yu's shoulder spoiledly. Hao Yu's words embarrassed her .

Han Bing's mind began to be distracted. He kept thinking about Flora until he lost the focus of learning in the classroom. Reprimand teacher Han Bing. "Han Bing, did you hear what I taught?". Han Bing he did not hear that his teacher scolded him. Then, Chen Zhen pushed Han Bing's shoulder. "Han Bing. Please Focus". Chen said. He teacher was angry with him because he lost focus in the classroom."I'm sorry teacher". Said Lu Han.

Michael he will find a place where Monalisa always hangs out. Michael he continues to investigate Mona. Until he spun around town. Michael he was a devout P.A to his Master. Directed tasks can always be completed quickly.

Study time is over.

Hao Yu spent almost hours circling the city. "Hao Yu, where are you taking me ?." Flora began to feel scared. Because study time was over. She was afraid her mother would scold her if she came home late. Hao Yu Why don't we go next time?Hao Yu he can guess that Flora is afraid of being scolded by her mother. "All right, I'm sending you home now".

"Now that study time is over, why hasn't Hao Yu come to class yet?"Jia Bao and Xiao AI think the same thing.Then, Jia Bao he rushed towards the school car park.Jia Bao just realized that his good friend Hao Yu had left him all day at school ."Why did he come out without telling me". Jia Bao complained. Jia Bao was angry with Hao Yu's actions.

Lu Han Bing he went home with Chen Zhen. On the way, Han Bing saw Hao Yu's car heading south. "Han Bing isn't that Hao Yu's car. Where do you think he's going?" Chen asked. Han Bing was just silent all the way with Chen Zhen. Chen Zhen suspects that Han Bing must have a problem that is troubling his mind.

Xiao AI saw Jia Bao as if he was calling someone. "Jia Bao who are you calling?" Xiao asked.Jia Bao doesn't like Xiao AI. Because Xiao AI is an arrogant student and she likes to show off in school and outside of school. Xiao AI is someone who likes to rebel if she can't get something.Jia Bao was disgusted with Xiao AI's face. "Xiao AI where's Hao Yu's car?" Said AI Li. Xiao AI she just noticed that Hao Yu's car is not there now .Xiao AI was shocked and wondered.

Hao Yu's phone rang .Ring ... Ring ... Ring ..

Hao Yu was angry in his heart "Who called him at this time. Him just want to make friends with Flora" .Not having time to say Hao Yu continued to be attacked by Jia Bao."Hao Yu, where did you go all day, why don't you let me know?". Jia Hao said in a high tone.Hao Yu just laughed in his car. "Calm down, I'll be out for a while later I'll be home".Then Hao Yu hung up his cell phone. Jia Bao was angry at Hao Yu "I haven't finished talking to him dare he close my call". Jia Bao thought about how to get home. Jia Bao sat in the school hut and thought for a moment. "Why don't I call Michael to pick me up home."

Michael he had searched all the places where Mona was hanging out but couldn't find her. Suddenly his cell phone rang. Michael wondered why Jia Bao suddenly called him. "Michael can you come to my school pick -up Me ?" Jia Bao asked. Michael just answered briefly and continued on to school.

Mr. Hao he is not Focus on his work. He thought about his wife all day.

It was almost night. Flora's mother began to worry about her daughter. "The day is getting darker where Flora is going at this time". Flora's mother is worried if anything happens to her daughter.Flora's mother sat unhappy thinking about Flora. Soon there was a luxury car parked in front of Flora's house. Flora shouted from in front of the house "Mom, I'm home". Flora's mother hurriedly ran towards Flora. "My daughter , where did you go? Why did you come home late at night like this". Flora's mother asked in a worried tone.

Finally, Han Bing arrived at his condominium.Han Bing gives Jia Bao the keys and directs him to enter his condominium first because he wants to go out for a while to buy some food for dinner. "All right, Chen answered."

Hao Yu is very jealous of Flora because she has a very kind mother.Flashback.Hao Yu recalls when he was a child. Suddenly her tears fell in front of Flora and Flora's mother. Flora deliberately teased Hao Yu. "Hao Yu are you crying?" Flora asked with a laugh. Hao Yu wiped his crying face and then his became gentlemanly.He just closed the embarrassment "No, my eyes are in the dust". Flora's mother saw Flora's bandaged legs.

Han Bing went to a roadside shop to pack food for dinner.While Han Bing was parking his car. He saw Ai Xiao was with Yu Qing talking seriously.Han Bing's curiosity grew stronger. Han Bing became suspicious of Yu Qing and AI Xiao because previously their relationship was very strained. Yu Qing invites Xiao AI to go to a fancy restaurant. Han Bing thinks maybe they have a bad plan to make. Han Bing wants to follow in their footsteps but the day is getting darker .Because Han Bing is worried if Chan Zhen is still not eating.