
Angry Little Buddy

"Hello Xaine, we meet again." Zhang Lei said with a smile.

"He...hello Madame." Xaine replied awkwardly. "Do you know my daughter?" Mr. Yu asked Zhang Lei.

"I met her yesterday in a cafe." she did not elaborate further about what happened in their encounter yesterday. Zhang Lei knew that it was not the appropriate time to discuss personal matters especially she was at work. "So regarding the purpose of our meeting, I have to say that I need to postpone the merger as of now. I reviewed the contract with my legal team and we saw some questionable parts that might lead to problems for both parties. I am not saying I am closing the doors about our business transaction I just need time to make it perfect and we could all benefit from the merger. My legal team will contact your legal team and they will review it again and make some amendments. Do have any questions about that Mr. Yu?"

Mr. Yu's face could not be read. He gave a heavy sigh looked Zhang Lei in the eyes and said, "You are still naive when it comes to business. I was already on my prime while you were still wearing diapers. In business you should decide smartly and be very keen on who's your friends and foes. I am a patient man Madame, however I have my limits. I'll give you three days. After that we will terminate our business transaction.

"You are right Mr. Yu I am still young and I do not have enough experience yet. But I have impeccable qualifications and sharp sense to see that something is not fair with any business dealings. You may have been in this business for so long but at time goes by your means are getting weaker to the point that you use subterfuge just to benefit more. I changed my mind. I am terminating it right now. I have my limits too. It was not me who badly wanted this merger. My company is doing magnificently. We can stand on our own even without your company. You may now leave. We have nothing more to discuss." With that Zhang Lei stood up and went back to her desk. Meanwhile the father-daughter duo sullenly left the office. They could not do anything.

"What are you going to do now dad?" Xiane asked worriedly. She was thinking that Zhang Lei was doing this because of what she did. She wanted to go back inside her office and confront her about what happened. She must do something so that Zhang Lei might change her mind. "I don't know Xiane. I have another option in mind. The Li technologies. Perhaps that young CEO will be more rational. And I heard he is single you can marry him and both our businesses will be stronger!" Mr. Yu was already ecstatic about his idea. Xiane was hopeful too and was already imagining her being married to the CEO of Li Technologies. Unbeknownst to her she will receive a more fatal blow when she find out who the CEO is. 'Watch out Zhang Lei I will crush you soon.' She became delusional.

When they were inside their car, Mr. Yu called his secretary. "I need you to set me an appointment with the CEO of Li Technologies today." "I will do what I can sir. "Do whatever it takes. Just make it today!" he demanded and hung up without waiting for his secretary to respond.

At Li Technologies

Li Jei was busy reading files when his secretary called. "Sir, there is a Mr. Yu who wants to set up a meeting with you. He wants it today. I told him that your schedule is tight but he insists." Li Jei sighed, "What do we know about Mr. Yu?" " He is a businessman who gained a lot of partners before but lately, he uses dirty tricks to his associates and does not care as long as he benefit the most."

"I see, set the meeting in an hour." "Right away sir."

Li Jei was already waiting for Mr. Yu to arrive any moment now.

He is sitting on the couch legs crossed and watching at the time on the wall clock. He want this meeting to be over with. He was planning to surprise his fiance by visiting her office as soon as he is done.

There was a knock on his door. " Come in."

His secretary came in with Mr.Yu behind him.

"Sir, this is Mr. Yu. and his daughter Xiane." Li Jei stood up and offered them to seat. "Hello CEO Li, you might be wondering why I was so desperate to meet you today. You see I have a business proposition that you can not resist. My company supplies the finest materials used in cellphones and other gaming gadgets My company is the only one who has the capacity to produce this raw materials. I know your business is the perfect combination for mine. I offer you a partnership. If we become partners, you get the highest quality of raw materials for your products and in return I will offer a fair price for for my supplies. And also it would be great for our companies if you will marry my daughter as well. How is that? Sounds a good business?" Mr. Yu was all smiles and Xiane was being demure at his side. She thought that this will be a done deal.

"It sounds like a good proposition Mr. Yu but the problem is I am not interested. I do have my own suppliers and they provide me the quality that I need. Also, I am already engaged." Mr. Yu and Xiane were dumbfounded about this revelation. "Engaged? To whom?" Xiane was devastated upon hearing this. All illusions shattered to pieces. "You will know soon enough. If that is all Mr. Yu., Ms. Yu, my secretary will escort you out. I still have more important things to attend to." He stood up and went to his desk.

The two left his office.

Li Jei got his phone and left his office. He drove towards Zhang Lei's office. Mr. Yu and Xiane were getting in their car when they saw him passed by. They hurriedly get in. "Follow that car. Hurry!" They trailed Li Jei and they saw it went toward the Zhang's Empire building. They stopped. "Daddy let's go home. I know who his fiance is. Let's just be happy for them. I do not want to do something that could compromise more our situation as it is right now. I want to leave this city and start over somewhere else." Her father sighed and hugged her. "Alright, lets go home. I am sorry for letting you undergo all this. I promise to give you a better life. I will start a clean slate too for our family."

Zhang Lei was typing something on her laptop when someone opened the door. She got a glimpse of long slender fingers. Then there was a bouquet of red roses covering the person's face. She knew who it was so she ran and jumped at him just in time that Li Jei was able to caught her. Her legs wrapped his waist. Zhang Lei forgot that they were at the office. She missed him so much. He is like her energy pill. " Aaawww Honey, I missed you badly. I had a tiring day and I am glad you're here. He placed the roses on the table near them and they shared a searing kiss. He walked toward the couch and sat while Zhang Lei was now on his lap. They continued making out. Li Jie slipped his free hand under Zhang Lei top and caressed her breast. She moaned and she felt something hard where she was sitting. She stopped kissing and giggled with pleasure. "Honey, I think your little buddy is angry. What should we do?" While she was talking she moved up and down sliding over Li Jei which made him more hard. She purposely did it to turn him on. And she did not fail. "Hmmm Honey you're so irresistible. I will really fail in the control department if you keep on doing that." Li Jei's voice came out raspy. "I am helping you to get the lowest grade on that area honey." She laughed. Their lips meet again. They are just inseparable.

Meanwhile Zhang Lei's parents were looking around for a cafe after they left Shen's studio to fit their outfits for the Gala. "Meilyn, let's check that cafe their cakes looks good." Ren said. "Sweetheart, you can't eat sweets remember?" "Sweetheart just this once... I want those cakes, they are so inviting." While they were arguing somebody called. "Meilyn?" Meilyn turned around and saw her old friend. "Leian? Oh its you, so good to see you. How are you?" the friends hugged each other. "What are you doing her" "My husband and I are looking for the S.O. Couture." "Oh I know that place actually we were just their too. Why don't we eat first and we will accompany you there later. By the way Leian, this my husband Ren." "Nice to meet you Ren, this is Don my husband." The men shook hands and greeted each other.

Ren's face lit up since his wife agreed to let him eat some cakes today. They all ordered some cakes and some coffee. This give Ren great delight. He looked like a kid who just received a great reward from his mom. "Leian did you hear something from your son about their date with my daughter?" "Actually Mei he did not say much he just said it was fine. I wish they would end up together." Leian said. "My daughter too she did just say he was nice. They are just so mysterious. I think there might be something going on between those two that we don't know. I can feel that something good is about to happen. You can call it a mother's intuition. "Let the kids be if they end up together then we will give them our blessings if they choose someone else we can't do anything." Ren said while savoring his second slice of cake. "Ren is right you did your part to help them meet. It's up to them if they want to go further their relationship." Don added. The women just gave a sigh. They can't do anything but just wait. Meanwhile, Leian's phone rang it was his son. "Hello mom, can we have dinner tonight? Please tell dad as well. I will text the address. Meet me a there at 7pm." "Okey son. What is this all about? You are suddenly inviting us to dinner." " I'll let you know later. See you mom." with that he hung up. Meilyn also received a call from her daughter saying the same thing. The two women looked at each other and were ecstatic. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" They said at the same time "Oh Meilyn, I think this is what we are waiting for. We will become inlaws soon!"

Unaware that their parents were together when they called them. Both Zhang Lei and Li Jei went home and changed. They were excited to surprise their parents. "Honey, what do you think about this dress?" "Hon, you look beautiful in whatever you wear. Although, I preferred if it was 100 percent off you." he said teasingly. "Li Jei focus. I don't want to look bad to your parents in out first meeting." she said pouting. He stopped laughing and hugged her. "It's normal to feel nervous but, my parents are really good people. I am sure they would love you even love you more than their own son. I promise everything will be fine. You're very lovely on this dress. This is fine. Come on we need to leave early. It will takes us an hour to reach the restaurant.

Li Jei reserved a private room in one of his five star hotels. The hotel is located in the opposite direction from their house so it will take them an hour plus traffic to be there on time. Li Jei drove while Zhang Lei sat next to him. They held hands as they sped towards the city's busiest street.

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