
You are mine or not

A story of insane person turning into a delicate person going to fall in love learning to love every moment learning to live now that’s how Emerald is she is going to move on got to live with her love and struggle to stay together.

STBboss · Kỳ huyễn
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Maya feigning to be in love with me

We were close enough and Areca had a crush on Sean she wanted him to be with her but Sean had a paranoid personality once he gets his mind on something he doesn't like to hear others' opinions and that's why he was not showing his reaction to Areca's love he knew all the time Areca loves him.

Sean was hard as a rock when it comes to Areca at that time and I think Areca was a goddess that everyone on campus wanted her to date but Sean was not responding to her maybe he was scared that he will turn her into something sacred and won't let her go he will keep her imprisoned so no one can get closer to her guess what Sean wanted to be a doctor to find a cure for himself so he can live a good life. Maybe Sean had a crush on Areca too you saw her she is beautiful too much an eye-catching person she is someone with a persona no one could and still can't ignore her.

On the other hand, Maya and I had a good relationship she fell in love with me a nerd fell in love with me she would study and take care of me. (All of it was fake)

Emerald: where is she nowwww??

Blake: don't cut me in between I will tell you just listen maybe it will hurt your feelings but please endure that for me okay!!!

Blake was worried about Emerald as he knew he was going to open up about the story of his first love.

Blake: Maya's care turned me into a softy the hardcore stone started to melt for Maya I fell in love with her and I had my first with her on campus.

I had no one to visit and Jey and all of you were far away and it was vacation being granted to us after the final examinations of our first year the annual exam was too hard we all worked hard and were tired of the college granted us the vacation and everyone packed their bags to visit their families I wanted to go but when I called Jey he told me they are somewhere else and are not at home guess what you all of you went to Hawai.

Maya heard this and told me she is not going to visit her family either they are not home too her elder brothers were abroad they were dealing with their company business and her father and mother went to France for some fun and her elder sister is a fan of landscapes so she is never found at home they meet once a year that is on new year's eve.

One day and Maya were hungry so we went outside to eat something she was a rich kid but liked the street food we bought the dinner and on our way back it started pouring we had no umbrella and we both got drenched from pouring her body was visible to be and she was looking too hot I lend her my coat to hid her body when we came back to our room she threw the coat away and said she wants to take a bath when she was taking a bath power outage took place.

I turned on the torch and was going to give it to her she came outside wrapped in the towel and the water droplets were flowing down her body I told her to dress up but she was not in the mood to she asked if I hate her body she saw me hiding it outside too I was blushing from all the heat I plunged forwards and kissed her lower lip and suddenly the towel dropped down her body I saw it all I picked the towels and wrapped it around her and she was stuck in a place may be paralyzed from the kiss she gazed at me and I started to talk.

Blake: Maya I hid your body outside because it makes me jealous when someone other than me stares at you I don't want to share you with anybody it was my first kiss and you are its owner Maya I love you, Maya you can have me all to yourself.

Maya: are you sure you are all mine?? (she knew in her heart she can never have Blake to herself that's why she asked)

She was shocked and was happy to know my feeling she came closer and just gave me a peck ( She get to know the iceberg melted its time to trap the water in a bottle) I couldn't help myself anymore I kissed her and it started to turn into a passionate one with affection I kissed her lower lip and then I started to kiss her beauty one I kissed her and we dropped down in one bed she started to chuckle(she get to know that now the prey is in a trap her chuckling was not related to the so-called love making she found out she has finally reached her goal) and her chuckling made me want to go further she help me undress and we both had a night together when we stopped she said we forgot the dinner I kissed her and said wasn't you enough for my dinner she hugged me said she is feeling hungry.

Emerald: so you are telling me about your first night with your first love?? Aren't you too heartless don't you know I will suffer?

Blake: you have to be all ears soon it ended she left me she was playing with my emotions and was a spy she was spying on me for her family I remember that day when I heard everything and when I started to interrogate her she said so what she gave me her first time that was exchanged for my secrets she wanted to know my background and about the property I get to know my parents were hiding from their families they wanted a good life without gunshots and they started to live far away from their families so they can have a piece of mind too they didn't know that their background will turn my life upside down.

To know more read "You are mine or not"

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