
The beginning

Once Upon a time, that is proably how you think this story starts ,well your wrong you'll just have to find out for yourself

There was this girl called Yona she was 10 years old, she had bright red hair,she lived in a small village, everyone in her village had very strong arms exept for Yona she had strong legs instead of strong arms,her dad was the chief of that village her mom had ran away when she was young. The reason why was because unfortunately people in the village did not praise her for having red hair they called her a demon ,because of her red hair her mom ran away. Her dad was not afraid of her he loved her and she loved him .He was all she had she didn't mind. Although sometimes she would see the other children in the village go out hunting, but she always had to go alone

When she was 13

One day, when she came back from hunting she saw smoke in the distance coming from the village she ran as fast as she could but when she finally got there everything was on fire.

She saw her father laying on the ground he said to her "run some slave merchants from the Kingdom Alizard had come and taken all the children in the village and are going to sell them as slaves, run my daughter save your self ".

Yona started to cry so loud that the slave merchants heard her. They were shocked by the colour of her hair and thought that she was very valuable and took her, everything went dark after that.

The next morning, she woke up in a cage she had chains on her legs she was surrounded by children in chains , as always the children were in shock afraid to be next to her but....there was this boy with that looked about 13 the same age as her he had amazing white sliver hair everyone was also afraid of him just like her....but then she realised what had happened the other day and she knew that everyone in that cage was going to be sold as slaves including her. She started thinking of a plan to get everyone out of the chains. Then she realised that she could break through those chains with her legs. Suddenly she broke her chains then started to break all the other children's chains including the mysterious boy's chains he stood there in shock. Suddenly she broke the iron bars with her bare feet all the children ran out not even thanking Yona except for the mysterious boy,Yona smiled at him.

When Yona was out of the cage she headed straight for the woods she kept running as fast as the wind. It was starting to get dark so she looked for shelter when she found a cave and slept there and started a fire, and slept there for the night.

The next morning,she woke up and starts to travel again until she reached a mysterious part of the woods where she heard a weird noise. It sounded like a roar. Yona walked towards the weird noise and hid behide a tree. Suprisingly she found the mysterious boy next to a creature that had shimmering white scales, piercing blue eyes, gigantic wings and claws with long sharp nails. Even though Yona had only heard about these creatures in stories her dad used to tell her but the description matched perfectly to a DRAGON....

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