

Due to the use of healing magic Josh was able to get back on his feet and was able to trade in the three missions that he had done for a total of 105000 points for exchange. With this he was able to get one single medium mana stone. "'Analysis' why did you make me get this? Isn't a bit small to be a mana stone?" Asked Josh as he suspiciously looks at the stone the as big as his palm thinking it might be fake.

'Mana stones are highly condensed mana that is crystallized, so what your looking right now is possibly 5 or 10 times of your current mana supply, mana stones are also have different purity's which allows people to divide them into 4 levels and due to the stone being more pure than low level mana stones it allows you to cultivate faster than with 10 low level mana stones' said 'Analysis'. With a nod Josh walked to teleported and was transported back city 10000 (Au note: I'll abbreviate the cities by c-??? Now)

Arriving back at c-10000 he rushed back to his house as he couldn't wait to cultivate to high level adept. After 3-4 hours he was able to absorb all of the pure mana in the stone while purifying some of the less pure mana. With this he was able to get 25% through medium level adept, seeing his cultivation only went up to 25% of medium adept level he asked "why haven't I gone up to at least to half of medium adept level?" 'Analysis' responded with " the Origin Chaos Magician Cultivation Book only absorbs pure mana and since you only have 3 chapters of the book it's only able to purify 10% of the mana stone"

"Well that kind of sucks but I can't complain since it is such a powerful cultivation book, anyways what should I do now?" Asked Josh. " What you should do now is to cultivate to high level adept and to do more mission to then get more spells to use for when you participate in the Rising Magician tournament which will be held in 3 months" responded 'Analysis'

Josh nodded and what proceeded was 3 months of doing non stop missions and training. After the 3 months was able to procure 5 new spells each 3 being basic spells and two being medium level spells. The 3 spells he got were mana shield, strengthen, and swift steps, mana shield was used for defense strengthen was to defend or to attack with his body and swift steps being used for running or to dodge.

The two medium leveled spells he had acquired were both offensive spells that took most of his time to get since each costed around 20 million points while the basic spells costed 5 million points each. One medium level spells was ice storm which created ice spikes that can be used to attack the opponent, the other medium level spell were earth spikes to attack from ground.

along with this he had encountered a bottle neck in his cultivation and was still stuck in middle adept level. With him being stuck he could only increase his mastery of his spells to all medium level with wind cutter and fireball in advance level of mastery.

" should I still participate in the tournament 'Analysis'?" Josh Said as he laid down in bed. "You should, it would still be a great learning experience but it's just that you wouldn't have such a high chance of winning since your only a little bit stronger than a pinnacle level adept. With only that you would have a hard time again those so called 'geniuses' since they have better items and more mastered spells than you. But that's only because they started cultivating earlier than you and that they have a good background, if you all had started cultivating at the same time they would all spurt out blood seeing how fast your cultivating!" Responded 'Analysis' with a hint of disdain toward to those 'geniuses'

Josh laughed and looked out the window "I guess your right, with how fast I'm cultivating they might really just spurt out blood" with that he went out to register for the tournament at c-2000. Upon registering he was given a small pamphlet which was used to record the rules with the three main rules being that only those adept pinnacle or lower can enter, must be 16 years or younger to participate, and lastly DO NOT KILL ANYONE.

After reading the rules he booked out a room in a hotel for a month with his remaining points. After 5 days the tournament starts and is being broad cast to all cities through a magic communication crystal.

For the tournament since there are so many people participating they divide it into 16 group elimination rounds which will eventually have only 16 people left for the main event. With this in mind Josh performed well enough but also conserved his mana and stayed low. He was able to beat most of his opponents within a few moves and continued until he met with a 'genius' in the final elimination round.

While the tournament was called the Rising Magician tournament everyone else saw it as the strongest 16 rising super power tournament. This name was given because most of the time in the tournament the 16 people who move on are from the 10 supreme powers and 6 supreme government.

The one facing Josh was from the Russian government and he was called Olok (I don't know any russian name so I made this one up) he specialized in ice spells and was a pinnacle level adept. Josh seeing that who he was facing was from one of the 16 supreme powers got serious for the first time in the tournament.

He readied a fireball and a earth spike to strike, as for Olok as he saw this casted out a ice floor and a ice spike to throw Josh off. To this Josh canceled his earth spike and use the fireball to melt the ice floor and use a mana shield to defend against the ice spike. He then readied his own ice spike and used a earth spike.

Olok not expecting Josh to melt his ice and then to block his ice spike was quite suppressed but hurriedly came back to his senses and quick dodged the ice spike but the earth spike was a bit too fast and he was forced to put a mana shield on his body which was able to block the spike but he felt the shock of the spike since it was so close and was stunned.

Taking this opportunity Josh used swift steps to get near Olok and used two quick wind cutters which was blocked by another mana shield but this time this mana shield had a small crack at its center. Seeing his attacks work Josh used a earth spike to attack Oloks back and used a ice spike to crack his front mana shield.

Olok retaliated with a ice floor which disorientated Josh and took that time to launch an ice prison which then entrapped Josh. Josh seeing that he was trapped used two fireballs to get out and then used another fire ball to melt the ice floor, he strengthens his body and used swift steps to get even closer to Olok and threw out a punch to Oloks magic shield which drew even more cracks.

Olok tried to retreat but was met by Joshes ice storm which surrounded him and as Josh was about to finish him off he yelled " I surrender". Which stopped the battle, Olok knowing he failed came to Josh and quickly congratulated him for winning and went back to his area.

The battle between Josh and Olok impressed and surprised many people mainly those people from the 16 supreme powers. This especially surprised the Russian as they did t think that the talent they raised so far would fall in the elimination round. As Josh just kind of came out of no where the 16 supreme powers ordered an investigation on his background.

But from the report that they got they were even more surprised to learn that he was once a crippled but someday was magically able to cultivate. Reading this the 16 supreme powers all thought of one thing 'he must have acquired a supreme treasure that allowed him to get a pinnacle level magic core and this treasure must have boosted his cultivation by at least 10 times to get this far within 4 months' with such thoughts the interest on Josh reached new heights. The tournament stopped that day with the 16 people who were going on being decided and would resume tomorrow.

Wow longest chapter yet, anyways I would like some feed back on what I’m doing right and wrong by you guys. Also I’ll add spell mastery later in the auxiliary chapter. Also what should I name ‘Analysis’ it’s kind of hard to always add ‘Analysis’ in there and I’m also not very good with names.

bobandraycreators' thoughts