
Yamcha with Sonic Survival System. [ Dragonball/Dc/Marvel]

You ever wondered what could have happened if you were inserted in another plane of existence, and treated not as an outsider, but an actuall being born from there? Well, that is what I experienced as Yamcha, Heartbreak, this Yamcha, is a hell of a lot different. Especially with his system at the palm of his hands. This Yamcha will not focus on his system, but a perfect Balance, as all things should be. Set not at the beginning But during the first Iron man Saga.

Ken_Uzumaki · Tranh châm biếm
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A young blond haired extremely handsome man known as Minato Namikaze stood on the Balcony of the Hokage Tower gazing at all of the civilians in the village, as all of them had came to here this important speech involving the kyuubi attack that had happened a day ago. He was the Yondaime Hokage. The person next to him was a complete milf of a woman with red hair, pale skin, and purple tinted eyes, she was Kushina Uzumaki Namikaze.

In her arms held two twin daughters, one with redhead and the other with blonde

Minato took a deep breath before he eventually spoke, "A horrifying tragedy occured, yesterday. Many people civilian and Shinobi alike have died in order to protect not only the ones they hold dear but the entirety of Konoha itself."

There was a pause, before eventually Minato continued, " Here are the Konoha heroes themselves, he guestured two his two children, "The Chakra of the Kyuubi have been seperated in to yin and yang and have been sealed inside of them."

Many civilians heard this had their expressions mixed into a look of fear, shock, and horror, but one thing all of them had on, was a look of horror on their faces.

"No need to fear, because I have used my most powerful of seals to imprison the demons soul so it should never return again."

"Shinobi and Civilians of Konoha, I may have bested the Rampaging demon, but I was not one to defeat it, the one who defeated it was not my doing but the doing but the doing of my children, for it was because of them, that the demon had been sealed in the first place, without them, the village's fate would have been sealed."

Kushina took her children and gave her to minato who held them up in the air.

"Ladies and Gentlement, I present to you, the Heroes of Konoha, Narumi and Naruko Uzumaki!"

The crowd roared in cheers, but there was one person that stood out amongst the crowd.

That person was Naruto Uzumaki himself, in this world, he is older and a lot more wiser than he lets on. He was just going with the flow, but deep down he wondered how this whole thing would play out.


The Next Day

Walking calmly sipping on some tea was a person none other than Naruto Uzumak.

He was walking through the village with a peaceful expression on his face.

"It's been so long since I reincarnated." He mumbled, "I managed to unlock Ki in the Naruto world, and I managed to train so hard, harder than I ever had."

Naruto smirked silently to myself, Ignoring the looks of disgust and disdain from the villagers.

Confused? Well you see when Naruto was reborn, he never had Chakra, as he was never able to use it. He found out over time that his body was messed up in away and he was only allowed to use Ki.

Ki was honestly all he needed though, but he couldn't be a ninja because of this, and now with the whole presentation that went in yesterday, people started to treat him like a disgrace because he was the hokage's son.

Naruto didn't mind though, he never cared about the villagers anyway. He kind of thought his family would forget about him like those fanfictions that he read one point of time in his previous life, but they had been really good to him.

He loved his sisters dearly too. But deep down, he knew something was going to go to hell, he just knew. So he made sure not to get to invested into his family, because he knew that they would forget.

What he knew was that he was right, they would forget, and it is all thanks to not only their stupidity, but to his Godfather, and that damned Prophecy...

Prophecy Naruto scoffs at, I mean he saw the destiny of everyone else, he knows he is the true child of prophecy, not just because he has Ki, but because of what he saw.

Naruto walks home with a book in hand, about seals, he looks on with a contemplated look.

"I wonder if I could use KI instead of Chakra and recreate these techniques." He muttered.