Toya Hiryu lives a double life, along with frenemy Kai Riden, to the world they're excellent father figures, bachelors, and billionaires, but behind the closet they are Yakuza leaders brought together by the love of the same woman. They have to figure out a way to make sure their two worlds never meet and keep this secret life hidden from the people they care about most. They definitely do not have the best luck in that department.
Rae P.O.V
I get out of the train and some rando bumps me from behind and I spill my coffee on my shirt. This is just the worst way for my day to start. I walk into a clothing shop and pick out a replacement top and jacket to match.
I pay for it and walk into the lady's bathroom to change my outfit. I walk out and make my way to the diner. I have a meeting with my best friend, she's one of those friends who has everything going for them.
Perfect job, perfect boyfriend, soon to be married, and life's just great. Then there's me. I'm not average, I am worse, I am the worlds unluckiest person I know and I really hate it. I've always grown up unlucky.
I join her and she smiles at me admiring my outfit. I smile, it definitely is way better then I expected.
Well, as I was saying. I have the worst luck, but today I decided that no matter what I will not allow any of my bad luck to make me look bad in front of her. I am going to walk out of here feeling better about myself.
I get so jealous whenever she's around. I hate myself for it because she is a genuinely good friend.
Today, I am starting my become a better person program, number 1, I am going to stop bullying myself. No matter what happens to me today, I am not going to be mad at myself or be a damn cry baby.
I will be mature about it. That's right. MATURE.
"Rae, I haven't seen you in so long, I am so glad you finally made time." She says smiling.
I nod, "Yeah, decided I'd stop avoiding people. Can't be afraid of stepping outside of my apartment forever. It doesn't put food on the table." Wish it did.
We catch up and as always, she is confiding in me about her nice life problems like it could ever compare to mine, sometimes I wonder just how people think, I mean, someone will call the day their boyfriend dumps them their worst day and my daily standard of worst day is the usual.
1. Someone is murdered before your very eyes.
2. Out of an entire group of people you're the one singled out by a group of thugs and get robbed
3. You're fired, AGAIN
4. Employees and most everybody doesn't like you and there's no reason for it.
That's my normal. I give her some advice; I don't get what the big deal is. She'll have a new boyfriend next week anyway.
"So, what's been going on with you?"
"Well, things have changed for me. My bad luck has completely disappeared. I am working my way up and I think I'm at the verge of meeting someone who will see past my weird bad luck and actually turn it around into something special. Like I've always wanted."
This is what I tell myself every day, and you know what. I don't believe it yet, but I won't quit on it. I am going to see it somehow. When I wish hard enough, things happen. Like the time I just wished that when puberty strikes me, it better work in my favour.
I drew it all the time. I said it over and over again in the mirror. Guess what, yup. It happened. I'm doing the same thing now. It's like a vision board, but not specific. I like to keep my options open.