
Raiders of Chaos

Had to make a different cover I guess, it seems the cover I wanted to put up is fine for paragraph comments but too revealing for it to be the cover art.


Norscans, both those from the north and south Chaos Wastes all have these in common, they raid everywhere that has gold for themselves before offering the rest to the gods of chaos.

And while Tzeentch, Nurgle and Khorne have no influence on this world and their prayers towards to them go unnoticed and they recieve no booms from them they turned to the only god that does bless them.

And that is the Serpent God, or otherwise known as Slaanesh and they want to prove they are the better to serve her so they wished to prove that by taking down her favored Daemon Prince.

There's a good chance she promised Daemonhood to whoever took me down though I also knew that Norsca become Vassals so long as their clan chief was defeated in single combat but someone of either another tribe or a follower of the ruinous powers.

"These filthy marauders dont deserve to be graced by my goddesses blessings!" To say I was exceedingly mad would be an understatement as most of my soldiers trailed a fair distance lest they taste my fury, not even the two Chaos Furies that are meant for bringing me pleasure were keeping their distance as the anger radiating off me was making even them stay away.

Soon enough we had passed the southern sentinel mountains allowing us to see our home cities in the distance and not only that I saw a three Marauding armies, all with separate flags denoting they come from three separate tribes which made me feel slightly relieved as their are seven tribes I'm supposed to subjugate but only three have begun their raids which gives me time to prepare our ships to set sail south.

Though those are the seven tribes of the western half of the Southern Wastes as that's the side closest to Lustria as the Southern Chaos Wastes was as large or even slightly larger than the Old World itself.


Seeing them and how angry I was feeling my army stood back as my body was engulfed within a magic spell I casted upon myself just with a simple thought as I grabbed at my horns and shook my head back and forth as I began to lose my sense of reason.

"Ugly! Ugly! UGLY!!!" Is all my men heard me shout out as the spell Hysterical Frenzy upon myself as I took my blade to rush the army's of marauders and started with the slaughter while my army acted as my back up as my insane frenzy cut through the many Norscans.

Now they put up a fight, or at least tried to fight back, but when they saw that any cuts and slashes not only began to rapidly heal by the second but to them seemed to infuriate me even more as anything that got in my way was cut down with my blade making the ground run red with blood.

Norscans are known for there foolhardiness and never to run from a battle but with only one man rampaging across their army's without so much as a scratch on him began to cause the Norscans to waver and not long began to flee back to their longships in hopes of living to fight another day.

It didn't help that their leaders had been killed in some of the most gruesome ways imaginable with their heads being put onto spikes as war trophies.

This wasn't a battle these foolish Norscans were ready for, it was nothing more than a blood bath leading to the one sided massacre of their warriors resulting in those that could to flee back to their tails between there legs.

"Gather there souls and enslave any of those that surrendered, for now let us return back to the capital for our next plans!" I barked at my soldiers as this wasn't sustainable as is for my lands to be left I defended as I go off to war.

But with the boon from my goddess now in play and the lands of both the Capes and Night Road Providences fully consumed by Slaaneshy corruption the people residing within them couldn't be in an even high state of bliss than they could before.

Most corruptions on the mortal worlds cause mortals to go mad and either go insane or just die from not being able to withstand the corruption all around them before they are consumed by it altogether.

But for us beings of chaos it Nourishes our bodies along with making it easier for us to appear in the mortal plane as our existence are not natural to the world of men, though the hard part is just coming into the world where as staying in the mortal plane is easy.

Not only that but you can't ever truly kill a daemon as a death in the mortal plane sends us back to the Realms of Chaos and only someone with a weapon forged and blessed by the mortal gods going into the Realms of Chaos is the only true way to kill a daemon.

Well that isn't completely true as weak daemons can be permanently killed by mortals, but most of those things are barely sentient in the first place and are the chaff of any army of chaos.

"I need a new army tor protect the homeland before I head down to the southern wastes." I mutter as I enter my capital before arriving before the main central piece of my capital, right under my palace of Excess, is none other than the tear in reality that acts as a gateway between the Mortal plane and my goddesses realm.

"I need a new general." I say before channeling some of the excess favor and souls I had just harvested into the portal of Slaanesh to summon myself a new general as with Seline being indisposed for the time being I need someone else to be here and lead my soldiers even if for the time being we can only afford to have the most basic of chaos warriors.

Soon enough with the accumulation of both favor and souls a man appeared decked fully in chaos armor as he stood before me before kneeling down on one knee with with his sword stabbed into the ground.

"Slithael Greysoul is here to serve you my lord!" He said with a strong and thick voice that was pleasant to the ears to here.


"Good, you shall remain here for the time being as I make Emmy way southward to deal with our enemies in the southern wastes, your job for now is to protect our territory from any more Norscan invasions and if the Lizardmen to the North Declare war on either our Vassal or Military Ally you will head north to back them up." I explained to Slithael who just nodded before pulling himself up and heading out to slowly muster his army.

"Prepare me my ship! We are heading to the Southern Wastes!"

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