
Soul Weapons

C44 Soul Weapons

Kyle was pissed, he was very angry since he was toyed by Feng Yexue.

But he could only grit his teeth and calm himself down.

There's no way he would complain to her about things like this, because at the same time; he was angry at himself.

He had been talking to her in these past few hours, so he already had a clue about Feng Yexue's personality.

However, he still let his guards down and let Feng Yexue control his emotions.

Kyle was a control freak, so he hated being manipulated or controlled by anybody, however, Feng Yexue was someone way above his strength and she had been kind to him in their past encounters, so taking it all out against her; just because he got teased seems unfair.

He could only grit himself and listen to her. Someone like Feng Yexue is gonna teach him about weapons, so Kyle thought it wasn't a bad idea.

"So, what stage are you in mastering your soul weapon?" Feng Yexue asked him.

This made Kyle wonder... He hadn't had any info in the stages of weapon, but he remembered Tang Chi.

He had heard from the rumors when Chi showed off his prowess, that he had stepped into the *one with the sword state*, so he had a clue on what she was saying, but his clue was lacking so he asked her:

"Stages in the weapon? What are those?"

Feng Yexue wasn't surprised she heard him. She had already known that Kyle was from the Beast Plains.

The people in the Beast Plains lacks information, so she had already guessed for him to not know any matters regarding the soul weapons since even Xiantian cultivators were scarce out there.

"Soul-weapons are the inborn gifts that we humans had. This made the human cultivators be the one of reigning race in this continent. Once you mastered your own soul-weapon proficiently, you could achieve and transcend to a stage where you could control your soul-weapon much easier." She explained while waving her soul-weapon in front of him.

"There are different states in the ways of mastering a weapon and it depends on the weapon that you are using, in your case; The first state is *one with the halberd*."

She continued to explain while Kyle was listening attentively.

She waved her umbrella elegantly and she placed it in front of her while focusing on it.

Moments later... The expression in her face sharpened and Kyle felt a familiar sensation in her eyes.

"This is the first state of my soul weapon *one with the spear*. My soul-weapon is a mutated variation form of a spear, so I used it using my spear arts."

"When one cultivator stepped on this state, they would feel their weapons as their arms and could control their weapons more proficiently. Being on this state also means you awakened your natural instincts in using your weapon, hence you could achieve different ways to attack using your weapon." She explained while she showed Kyle some of her moves.

Kyle got impressed on what she said and he thought "so its like you suddenly became a master of weapons, so that's why that Chi looks so domineering whenever he was on this state."

"Achieving this state takes time and talent, However, Soul-Weapons are something born inside a human's soul; so Xiantian cultivators could achieve this state if they used there Soul-Weapons after a couple of years, but there were other geniuses out there who could already step on this stage just by practicing and mastering an ordinary weapon."

"Hoho, so are you one of those geniuses?" Kyle amused her while he thought about how Chi achieved this state years ago, even when he was still at the 8th stage Houtian.

"Well, its normal for someone who was borne to be an MC to be a genius." Kyle thought while remembering Chi.

"Of course, but the weapon I trained when I was younger was a spear, so thankfully... It suited my soul-weapon. Anyways, let's continue with our discussion."

"After you master the *one with the weapon* state, the next state would be called as *weapon intent*. once you achieve this state, you could attack in a small range with the use of your intent. You could also use the power of your soul to control your weapon/s and use it for attacking and defending. The range of your attacks differs from the strength of your soul." Feng Yexue explained while she controlled her umbrella and it levitated in front of him.

Seeing this made Kyle realized what Chi had done during the tournament. "So Chi had already stepped on this state huh?" He thought while reminiscing his memories from the tournament.

"Achieving this state is, even harder since it needs your perfect mastery in your weapon and uses the power of your soul. There are ways to cultivate a soul, but those Soul Symbolizer sects monopolized it, hence the other ordinary cultivators could only cultivate their soul through time. Some had even stepped to the late stage Xiantian without achieving to a breakthrough in this stage."

"Soul Symbolizers? What are those?" Kyle had heard something intriguing, so he asked about it since it was the first time that he heard this word.

"Huh? Even that information is not able to pass in the Beast Plains? Did you see those formations that were laid all over this pagoda? Those are made by a high ranking Soul Symbolizer. Anyways, let's continue." She obviously did not want to talk about Soul Symbolizers right now, so Kyle did not continue to pester her about it and just listened attentively.

"The next states are *Weapon Qi*, *Weapon Domain* and *Weapon Force. Totaling up to five states. Once you mastered those states, you could start to learn about the Truths, but those stages are still far away from your league. Learning those stages is detrimental to you, so it is better to concentrate on achieving the first two stages first." Feng Yexue did not explain the others and took her umbrella back to her hand.

Kyle was getting excited to hear the stages, Unfortunately... Feng Yexue did not continue and their discussion about the states of weapon ended there.

Kyle knew that she was someone who was more experienced and stronger than him, so he could only abide by her words and nod at her.

"Now if you want to achieve the first stage, you need to keep on using your halberd every day. Train with it, sleep with it, don't let it out of your sight or let it out of your hands. You must treat the halberd as yourself, not as a weapon. Doing this could help you familiarize with it let you understand the meaning of *one with the weapon* easier. Do you got that?" Feng Yexue explained like a teacher.

She owed Kyle a favor by not taking advantage of her, so she gave her all and taught him about soul weapons.

She also felt comfortable in teaching him, so she didn't hold back and taught him properly.

Kyle didn't disobey and continued to train with his halberd.

Feng Yexue didn't just stood by and trained with Kyle. The both of them sparred, but obviously... They only used simple moves and nothing dangerous.

Feng Yexue had just lost against the dragon, so it would need a couple of days to fight again.

Seeing that there was nothing to do, she decided to train with Kyle together, even though she could only learn a little bit by doing so.

But she didn't care about this. She knew it would take a long time before he could defeat or pass the child dragon's test, so she decided to train with him.

Who knows... She might have a sudden epiphany and understand the laws clearly.

So the two of them decided to head back in the formation and train together.

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