
Written in the STARS?(Completed)

Riele Morris is the reigning CEO to the biggest construction company in the world. Having had her trust broken by her ex, the idea of having anything to do with any other man repulsed her. What happens when a Woman that vowed never to be caught up with any man is thrown into a roller coaster of them?. What happens to her “no man rule?” especially when her ex comes into the picture wanting her back! …… “So come on girl, let us know which of them it will be” Candice asks excitedly. Riele looked around at their expectant gazes and after much thought, gave the first answer that seemed like the truth to her. “None”. With that she up and left them with confusion swarming in their head and faces.

PennedSylva · Thành thị
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55 Chs

Chapter 35: Make a wish


It was all sad and quiet again.

"If I tell you girls, would you stop moping around ?".

Riele gave up seeing as they looked pretty down.



"Uh Huh".


The excitement from their answers made Riele smile.

"Well I plan on coming back...."




It wasn't much of a hassle seeing as though I liked the little girl so I accepted with all happiness but right now standing at the gift shop I wondered why I did. Now I'm stuck with looking for the perfect gift for a two year old.

'Is there even something the daughter of a great business man and big time model doesn't have?'

My point exactly. 

I was still trying to think of something when.....

"Omg I'm so sorry". 

I looked down at the lady trying to pick up the doll I'd been holding. 

"Same here, I wasn't really looking either". I replied as politely as I could, though that wasn't in my dictionary. 

She stood up and I could now see her face. My brows shot up seeing who I'd encountered.


Oh! how I'd miss that name, it was ridiculous.

"Uh sorry Mason. I meant Mason'' . Liv facepalm.

 I waved her off with something that looked more like a grimace than a smile. It really was such a hard task

'not when it involved Riele'

"Oh thank God". She let out an awkward laughter and we just stood there not knowing what to say or do.

"Uh so what are you doing here and by here I mean, here". She emphasized the last word looking around the aisle we were standing, which was full of kiddies stuff.

"Well you see my girlfriend is about to give birth and I have to get our baby some stuff, you know".

Her eyes widened a fraction and her mouth hung open. I don't think she knows she's reacting this much though.

"You've got a girlfriend who apparently is expecting a child?". She finally asked and I couldn't help but laugh a little. It was fun messing with people especially with that particular line because they always found it a big deal. I really can't blame them though.

"No Liv. Take a joke".

It was more hilarious when she let out a breath. Was it that bad with me?. And this is someone that doesn't even know me.

"You sure do know how to make someone feel good about themselves". I told her as I caught sight of a Barbie doll and walked towards it.

"It's not my fault you are who you are". Came her reply.

"Aren't you being judgemental right now?"

I asked while I checked out the doll. It looked cute.

"Everybody in one way or the other has judged or judges people but trust me when I say this was more of a fact stated than judgment. By the way I think Venice would love that". She said and before I could turn around to reply she had walked through the exit. Looking closely I could now see she had a kiddie bag with her.

If she knew I was here for Venice, why did she ask what brought me here in the first place?. I could stand here wondering why or I could get Venice's gift and head to the party.

Choosing the latter, I put the doll in the little shopping basket I had picked up and kept walking around in search of other things I hoped she'd like.



The whole place was set for little vee's second birthday. The little girl had been screaming down the house for months about how she wanted a purple themed party. 

In her words "I want to be pwinshess Sofia ''.

Her parents understood she meant Disney's princess Sofia and got right on it. You'd think it was a wedding with the way the whole planning was going on. Literally everybody had jobs assigned to them. 

Vanny was in charge of decor, Mia of food, Liv of the performance by different acts and Nathan had to send out invites to her friends and of course her mother Candice had the honor of styling the birthday girl to perfection.


"Yes darling".

Candice was everywhere trying to arrange Venice's hair in however way she could . She couldn't help but chastise herself for giving birth to such a diva and picky little human. She had employed people to do her hair and dress styling. She was just going to monitor everything went well but today wasn't one of Venice's "be kind to people" day. She screamed at the stylists requesting for her mother and only her mother to touch her hair.

Candice herself wasn't even ready so it was all too much coupled up with the fact she had no idea what she was doing but had to try her best in copying the hairstyle the little girl had chosen.

"Are you angwy". She asked in her little baby voice and Candice melted as usual at the sight.

"Mama's not angry baby. I'm just wondering how you grew so quick". 

Oh yes! She really did wonder about that. It was nothing funny to Nathan when he had to wake up by 2am just because Candice was bawling her eyes out to the fact Venice would get married and leave her soon.

"Babe she's turning just two". He had said and he paid dearly for it as that night she had given him quite the punishment for not understanding 2 was way too big of a number.

The little girl's giggles filled the room at her mother's comment.

"You wook pweety mama".

Candice had managed to get her makeup done thank goodness, she was about styling her hair when Venice began to fuss around. And from the look of things she'd have no time for that anymore, thank God she rarely had bad hair days, would have been a disaster.

"Awwww thank you baby. You're prettier than mama though". She gushed and the little girl smiled happily.

It was no story the love she had for her mother, although she was more of a daddy's girl, you wouldn't notice because she was as much a mummy's girl. Her parents loved her dearly and so did her aunties and uncles. She was a spoiled little girl, that much was obvious.

"Okay all set". Candice exclaimed looking closely at the picture and her daughter's hair.

"Wow I actually did good". It surprised Candice how well she did. Dare she even say it looked better than the example used.

"Wow" came another voice from the door of Venice's room. Even before she took a look she smiled recognising her father's voice.

"Daddy!!!". She ran straight into his arms and he spun her around while she giggled uncontrollably before setting her down and holding onto her because of the after effect of being spun.

"Ni Ni?".

He called with a tiny baby voice.

"Yes Daddy". She replied eager to hear what he had to say. He was after all her hero.

"My eyes hurt". He pouted and the little girl frowned. She didn't like when anyone was sad and definitely not her father.

"Why daddy". She touched his eyes, probably trying to make the pain go away and it was the cutest sight for Candice.

"Your beauty is too much for my eyes. my baby girl is the cutest in the whole wide world and I don't know how she does it!" Nathan exclaimed with the biggest smile and Candice bursted out in laughter at how Venice didn't find his acting funny. The little girl now had a glare resembling one that Candice makes when Nathan does something bad.

"I think it's unfair I got two of the same person. How the hell am I scared in my own house?" Nathan asked no one in particular looking up to the heavens.

"Bad bad daddy!". The little girl warned using her index and Nathan couldn't help but feel like a child caught stealing sweets.

"I'm sorry princess". He bowed his head in shame. All he wanted to do was praise his daughter. Was that such a bad thing?.

Little vee made eye contact with her mother who was torn between laughing or feeling bad for her husband. Giving her daughter a subtle nod, little vee hugged her dad giggling.

"You know she's messing with you right babe?". Candice touched the shoulder of an already defeated Nathan.

"Where the hell does she learn things like these from?"

Nathan asked Candice in a whisper as he stood with a still giggling Venice in his arms.

"Even I don't know".

"I yove you daddy". Venice broke their conversation and every form of defeat and sadness left Nathan's Body to be replaced with warmth.

Kissing his daughter on the cheeks he replied back in a baby voice too mimicking her wrong pronunciation

"Yove you too my Ni Ni".


Venice was all over the place elated. She'd greeted everyone and showed off her Sofia themed party to her friends from school. It was always like this with her. It wasn't necessarily bragging , she was more of just happy to share her joy.

"Venice, come on, it's time to cut the cake!".

Her aunt Vanny called out and along with the friends she'd been touring with, she ran to where the others were now settled with a big cake taller than herself .

"Ready to make a wish?". Her mother bent to her height smiling and Venice nodded eagerly.

"Okay baby. Now Close your eyes and make a wish".

As soon as little Vee closed her eyes, Candice turned to Mia who stood by the switch and nodded. The room immediately went dark leaving the soft glow emitting from the decor lights used to beautify the place.

Venice made her wish and opened her eyes confused on why the lights were off.

"Mama?". She turned to her mum.

"It's fine baby. I hope this was your wish because this would be so awkward". Candice let out a little laugh and so did the others before the lights came back on.

Venice, still so confused, looked around, finally happy to see the light back on but paused at one particular spot.

She squinted her eyes and her little brows came together in concentration before it finally clicked and her eyes widened.

"AUNT Ri ri?!"

Omg little vee is the cutest! I can't be the only one in love with her right?

By the way our dearest Ri ri is back and it's about to go down! Who missed her ?

Next update tomorrow *kisses*

PennedSylvacreators' thoughts