
Written in the STARS?(Completed)

Riele Morris is the reigning CEO to the biggest construction company in the world. Having had her trust broken by her ex, the idea of having anything to do with any other man repulsed her. What happens when a Woman that vowed never to be caught up with any man is thrown into a roller coaster of them?. What happens to her “no man rule?” especially when her ex comes into the picture wanting her back! …… “So come on girl, let us know which of them it will be” Candice asks excitedly. Riele looked around at their expectant gazes and after much thought, gave the first answer that seemed like the truth to her. “None”. With that she up and left them with confusion swarming in their head and faces.

PennedSylva · Thành thị
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55 Chs

Chapter 31: Almost died

Previously on WITS?...

"Hi, am I speaking to a relative of Seth Anderson?".

 The voice came through and hearing that name made my blood run cold. I didn't have a good feeling about this.

"Uh yes?". My answer came out as more of a question. I mean I wasn't really a relative to him.

"He was just rushed to the hospital".

 All I could hear was the crashing of my phone and my inner Scream





Riele has always had a soft spot for Seth and it was undeniable. She could say all she wanted and behave as rudely to him as she'd want but one thing was a fact, any harm to Seth was an indirect harm to Riele 

 She didn't like it that way. She loathed that part of her. To her, it was a weakness. He had always been her kryptonite and she knew it. Worst part? He did too, at least that's what she told herself. She believed it was all the more reason why he took her for granted. She laid herself down for him and he stepped all over her trust. Same trust she didn't know she had for him or perhaps forced her mind to have for him.

 At one point in their relationship, she tried so hard not to care. She always told herself she showed too much of it and that's why he misused her emotions. Maybe if she could be as nonchalant as he was sometimes, it would help him appreciate her more.

 She actually did start it. At the beginning she hardly opened up. She didn't want to seem bare to him and most times she stopped herself from feeling too much but eventually she got lost in him, it changed her and now it was him who acted her once upon a time role.

But they spoke about it right?. She always did let him know how much it hurt and how she knew she always did it before but she changed when she saw it hurt him so why couldn't he do the same for her. 

 He always did listen and then change for a while but before you know it, he's back to being nonchalant. It pained her, most especially for the fact that she started getting used to it. It's not meant to be that way. Relationships don't work that way.

 Even with all his attitude towards certain issues, she needed no one to tell her how much Seth loved her and for goodness sake it irritated her when her mind tried to say otherwise. It's like there's a whole other person living in her head that is solemnly against Seth and so most times even their happy moments never last because she thinks the worst of him even when he does nothing.

 She possessed some toxic traits that was greatly the reason behind Seth's nonchalance. She knew this but she wanted more from him.

 Seth wasn't perfect obviously. He had his own flaws and for someone like Riele who was so into feelings and touchy matters, little things triggered her. Knowing this about his girl, he should have tried to be better action wise but it was always the same.

 Seth believed most things he did was just for publicity but what good was it when her feelings got hurt in the process?

 There was a compromise to be made by these two but were they ready?

 It annoyed her so much when he ignored some of her reactions. She felt unloved and not cared about. I mean someone who loves you is meant to be ready to listen and make everything right with you right??

 This was all Riele thought, undermining the fact how her reactions might actually affect him mentally and even when she thought of this fact she felt she was only making excuses for him.

 Seth had always wanted Riele to be happy. He was not a good guy or prince charming and there wasn't a doubt about that but all this was new to him. Being with one girl?. He knew nothing about relationships and sometimes just learned from Riele also undermining the fact she wasn't so perfect and needed help too. She also didn't understand anything about relationships and just tried to be as good as she could.

 Then again does anyone ever have a manual for a good relationship?.

 It's not as if he wanted to ignore her when she complained about stuff or be nonchalant towards her. To his best of knowledge he was avoiding escalations of the matter. it's not as if he saw it as her complaining too much, He just preferred they make up quick and not dwell too much on a problem. On the other hand Riele Prefered talking it out and making sure everything was clear. The word "sorry"never cut out anything for Riele and so instead of you saying that, she Prefered whatever situation that led to the word should never repeat and how best could she do that? Well to the best of her knowledge ,by making her point known!.

 Seth had gathered that anytime a problem came up between them, Riele had tendencies of bringing back past problems that had no business with their ongoing misunderstanding and stuff like that just gets him upset and in order not to get upset at her he avoids talking or replying when she says some stuff. What could he possibly say to actually rectify whatever had been done?. He believed as she'd said it, everyone knew their fault and should know how to act next time but she always wanted something which he never knew what it was. If only he knew that words went a long way for her, his reassurance was what she needed. He did give it to her sometimes but Riele wanted it all the time. Riele wasn't an insecure person but when it came to relationships and attachments, she was. 

She was an overthinker and the only way through an overthinker was constant reassurance. It doesn't stop them from allowing their thoughts to run wild but it helps them have other thoughts to focus on. Positive thoughts that could counter the negative ones. Seth's choice of career wasn't the most comforting in any way and all this kept putting her in fear and making her much more insecure. Even when things are going well, she couldn't help but think something would go wrong. Seth didn't like that and it irritated him to the core. As unrealistic as it sounded to Riele, Seth sometimes felt she didn't love him and probably had someone else. He felt she was looking for a fight at any given time just to see a reason to leave him. 

They were both not understanding the single and most important fact. Their feelings. Communication without understanding in a relationship is like a disaster waiting to happen. He didn't understand her feelings and neither did she understand his. She was seeking perfection from him but forgot he was human too.

 It was all getting too much for Riele that she decided to gain back that attitude of hers. They could both be nonchalant then . After all, two can play.

 How true was that though???

Here she was running through the corridors of the hospital Seth was said to have been in and she couldn't help but do a silent prayer in her mind for him as she ran.

 She was a Christian and believed in miracles so she tended to pray at any little inconvenience. It became so normal to her that she sometimes did it unknowingly. Example being now.

 She came to a halt in front of the doors and took in a long breath before pushing open the doors.

 As soon as she did her eyes connected directly with his and they held each others' for what felt like forever till a throat was cleared announcing some other presence in the room.

"Hello my sweet child".

 The voice of Seth's grandma as melodious as ever reached Riele's ears and she smiled running into the old woman's arms.

"Hi grandma".

 It came out so casually. She'd gotten used to referring to her that way and she wouldn't change it no matter the status between her and Seth. 

 His grandma was her favorite person. She'd met her on several occasions when the older woman had visited New York while she and Seth were still together.

 Shockingly she had never met his parents. They were very busy people but she knew much about them and so did they about her. Courtesy of Seth.

"It's been a long time, dear. How have you been".

 The old lady asked Patting Riele's cheeks. It brought a sense of nostalgia to Riele. The woman had always liked doing that to her. At first it kind of annoyed Riele but along the line she got used to it and it's safe to say she missed it.

"I've been fine grandma but clearly you've been finer". Riele gushed, making the older woman's smile grow wide.

"Ever the charmer". She waved off Riele.

"As much as I love talking to you and catching up , someone else probably is more in need of that than I am right now".

 The woman said, whispering the last part to Riele's hearing only. She kissed her on the cheek and left them alone.

"Hi Riele".

 That felt wrong. Way too wrong but Riele swallowed that thought and just went along.

"Hi Seth".

 He squinted his eyes at her with a tiny hidden smile. He knew him calling her by her name didn't sit well with her and no matter how much she played it off, he saw right through her.

"What brings you here?". It hurt him to ask her that but what could he do?

It also hurt Riele to hear him ask that but it was for the best.

"Uh. I got a call from the hospital?". She stuttered, sounding unsure.

Come to think of it, his grandma was here, for what reason did they call her also ?.

 She was busy pondering on that when Seth spoke up again.

"Oh. I'm sorry about that". He apologized. "My grandma didn't pick up at first and your number was saved in my important contact folder". He avoided her eyes.

It was obvious they didn't know how to act around each other which brought her to a memory of when Seth had told her these exact words.

"We can't be just friends my enchantress, It's just not possible".

The memory was like a bitter truth at this point and it should probably annoy her but she was happy?. And not for the fact he was going to have to stay away from her but for a fact she was not going to admit to.

"What happened?".

 Seth could very well hear the emotion in her voice and the inner joy he derives from her care never ceased to amaze him. He could take anything in life but when she didn't care, it hurt him like hell.

 He didn't like when she tried not to care even though he knew deep down she did, it didn't change the fact it hurt the times she acted like she didn't. She was a pro at it even though he knew it was all a facade, it still confused him most times.

 Seeing as how she looked scared and worried about him, he did what he knew how to do best. It was a lie he could live with and at least he knew he'd gain from it. But then again to be fair, it's not so much as a lie.

"Almost died". He spoke, looking equally as mortified as she did when he let those words out.

Seth is such a drama king lol but I find it cute he's always seeking for her attention at any given opportunity. Next chapter with mason, how do you think it would go?

Next update, tomorrow *kisses*

PennedSylvacreators' thoughts