
Written in the STARS?(Completed)

Riele Morris is the reigning CEO to the biggest construction company in the world. Having had her trust broken by her ex, the idea of having anything to do with any other man repulsed her. What happens when a Woman that vowed never to be caught up with any man is thrown into a roller coaster of them?. What happens to her “no man rule?” especially when her ex comes into the picture wanting her back! …… “So come on girl, let us know which of them it will be” Candice asks excitedly. Riele looked around at their expectant gazes and after much thought, gave the first answer that seemed like the truth to her. “None”. With that she up and left them with confusion swarming in their head and faces.

PennedSylva · Thành thị
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55 Chs

Chapter 27: Are you ever gonna trust me?

A/N: you're about to get confused from this chapter but sit tight, focus and just let it all unravel. It's gonna be clear soon. Moving on😁😁😁. Enjoy ♥️


 The little child's tiny feet could be heard around the house as the child ran downstairs and into the mother's back holding tightly onto her legs.

 The mother was startled but immediately relaxed, figuring out it was probably her 7 year old.


"Yes little one".

 The mother turned and bent to the child's height smiling but soon frowned when she noticed the tears streaming down the child's face.

"What happened baby?". The woman was surprised at the abrupt change in the child's expression.

 She was cooking in the kitchen and had left the child to a cartoon playing on the TV in the sitting room, although she noticed on picking up the child from school that the child had been awfully more quiet than usual today. She did know her child was prone to crying. The littlest of things could trigger the child's tears but this felt different. She could feel the child's shiver and it made her blood run cold.

 What could be the problem?.

" Speak up sweetheart, what is it?"

 The child finally looking up at the mother sniffed and decided to speak up.

"I'm scared mummy".

"Of what my dear?". The mother asked lifting the child and moving towards the sitting room to sit and listen better to what would be said.

 One thing the child never lacked was the parents' love. Although the parents being around every time to listen to the child is a rare case like this current one but there was no doubt they loved their child.They were always so busy with business and making sure the child never lacked so they weren't always present but when they were, they made sure the child was happy. 

"Me, you and Daddy forever. Okay mummy?".

 The woman had always known her child was very smart. Part reason why they never fought in front of her or had any sort of misunderstandings. It always ended in the bedroom.

"Of course my dear. Where's this all coming from anyways?".

"She said her daddy and mummy don't like each other".The child was quick to answer. 

 Never being one to talk or having anyone around much to listen, the child always grabbed the opportunity to express the feelings harbored but sometimes it also made the child want to hide things from others.

"Who baby? Who said that?". The mother urged knowing how well her child could decide to be closed off soon and so wanted to speed things up.

"The new kid in school".

 Because of how smart the child was, the mother quickly believed it must have been a new student as the child knew all the children in the class by their names and yet seemed not to know this one's.

"She was crying mummy". The child said resuming another set of tears again and the mother quickly guessed the child was scared of the same thing happening to her parents.

"My darling" the mother hugged the child trying to apply some sort of comfort. "They'll be fine, I assure you. I'm sure it's not the way the girl in your class saw it".

"No mummy!!!" The child screamed and the mother was shocked. The child was never one to shout or even complain. It takes so much to see the child in this state.

"She said they fight every day and now her daddy is leaving" The child sniffed and at that point the father came back from work.

 The child quickly left the mother and ran towards the father who in turn had a smile but like the mother's earlier on, it changed to a frown noticing the child's tears.

"What's wrong my sweet child?". The father picked up the child.

 The child having said enough to the mother just leaned on the father's neck holding tightly to him with both eyes closed.

 The father looked at the mother exchanging questioning looks with her to which she shrugged her shoulders.


5 Years ago from The actual present time (that is from the last chapter )….

"You really are over reacting babe".

 The young couple stared heatedly at each other for long before the girl cried out.

"Look at me and tell me you had nothing with that girl". She was clearly upset but it was evident she was pleading with him to actually say he did nothing. She couldn't bear it. She thought she might probably run mad. She placed the young man on very high expectations but also didn't, it's quite confusing. She knew the world at large had very deceptive men. She didn't want to but she fell hard for this one. How could she cope? She saw the future with him, she named babies, she imagined herself in a wedding dress. She wasn't in a rush to get married but whenever it may be, she saw no one but him.

 So many stories, even from her friends that got heartbroken. The world no longer believed in loyalty but she did and she gave her all to this man so she expected same from him. She didn't want to join the rest of the world in their negative thinking of how it was now normal to expect a man to cheat. Why the hell would she join such a school of thoughts? How possible is it that there aren't at least few men who don't cheat.

 The world had become so bad that they've accepted these shits as norms and it hurt. It most especially hurt to think that one person she thought would be different might actually not be?

 It was funny to her. She indeed laughed out loud and the young man stood staring at her. He knew her too well to know this wasn't the funny type of laugh. She was going crazy with thoughts inside her head now and he never liked when she over thought. It was never good and he felt her mind really hated him. She was one to say 'it was fine' but could go home or out of his sight just to begin thinking it again and making herself unintentionally hurt even when things weren't true. It was as if her mind was programmed to only feel negative things for him.

 Was it his lifestyle? His career path? Or his past?. He now regrets the fact that he told her about his former self. How he played with girls, how they always thought they were his girlfriends but he never regarded them as such. He didn't live a good life before but there was just something about her that made him not leave like he did the others. He didn't like when she cried, he didn't like when she over thinks herself into silence.

 She was always so closed off and so when she started opening up little by little, he told her about his past. He thought it would build some sort of trust between them or something. He also just wanted her to know he's never been serious about anyone as he was with her.

 There were moments when things were hard to resist but he wasn't a good boy and he always told her this. Nevertheless he did promise to be better and truly he was trying, to his best of knowledge.

"I did nothing babe, have I ever lied to you?".

 The boy answered. 

Seeing her this way was never a good sight for him. It literally tore at his heart, it probably hurt him more than it did her .

The girl stared long and hard at him. He knew deep down that her over-thinking mind was working rapidly and believed nothing he said but knowing her well, she might say nothing more.

"I don't know , but if you say so". The girl replied, rubbing at her forehead.

"Are you ever gonna trust me?". The boy asked, now a little irritated at the fact that they've been together for close to a year now and she still didn't trust him.

"Are you ever gonna give me reasons to?". She said and left him there all alone. And now he was the one left hurt.

 It was no secret her words gets to him more than anyone's. And she knew this so she always did it on purpose because the girl was always on fight mode.

 She had a motto and it went

'you hurt me, I'd by all means hurt you'.

Confusing? I know but continue reading to know what's going on and who these characters are, if you don't know already

Next update incoming!

PennedSylvacreators' thoughts