
Written in the STARS?(Completed)

Riele Morris is the reigning CEO to the biggest construction company in the world. Having had her trust broken by her ex, the idea of having anything to do with any other man repulsed her. What happens when a Woman that vowed never to be caught up with any man is thrown into a roller coaster of them?. What happens to her “no man rule?” especially when her ex comes into the picture wanting her back! …… “So come on girl, let us know which of them it will be” Candice asks excitedly. Riele looked around at their expectant gazes and after much thought, gave the first answer that seemed like the truth to her. “None”. With that she up and left them with confusion swarming in their head and faces.

PennedSylva · Thành thị
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55 Chs

Chapter 26: I. Do. Not. Want. To. Die

Previously on WITS?...

 In the midst of my playing around , I turned and saw jerkface studying me intensely before removing his eyes when he got caught.

 Inwardly I laughed at his actions. Obviously he found me attractive and I can't blame him.

 As much as I'd want to tease him about it right now, I was having way too much fun for that and I sure as hell won't let him or anything at all spoil it.



 We got home quite late. Mostly because I didn't want to leave and surprisingly he didn't make me.

 His clearing of throat made me halt by the staircase turning to look at him.

"I don't think father buys anything we've been doing".

 This is something he could have discussed in the car with me but then this is jerkface. He must have probably thought why not prolong the sleep she longs for?. I hope with these points of mine, you all believe this is the devil.

"Are you listening?".

"Yes I am. What exactly you want me to say is what I don't know". I drawled nonchalantly. I was so tired. Last thing I needed was this and honestly I didn't know what he wanted me to say.

"Why do you think he isn't buying it anyways?". I asked in order not to seem uninterested when in fact I really I'm not interested.

"Well what would you call him walking up to me and asking why we act so distant and apparently someone made him know we don't share the same room". He finished off squinting at me and I looked around the house like I didn't know what he was on about.

 Noticing he wasn't going to stop staring till I admit, I gave up. 

"Well it's not my fault he woke up looking for me everywhere. What was I supposed to do, ignore when he called out?".

"Yes!!". He hissed in frustration, running his hand through his hair.

 I guess I could have pretended not to be there but well the deed was done.

"So what do we do?".

"We....." He approached me holding me by my waist. "My dear girlfriend are going to have to be the best actor and actress ever known to the movie industry". He finished, twirling me and I couldn't help but let a little smile slip.

 This man changes mood like a pregnant woman and I found it amusing.

"Well I did win an award in kindergarten for most dramatic". I flipped my hair crossing my hand around his neck playing along.

Noticing the position we were both in, he cleared his throat awkwardly, taking a step back from me but maintained a little smile.

"As much as I hate you, I know we'd make a great team". He said passing by me to his room.

"Right back at you Jerkface". He turned back to look at me amused at the name I'm sure.

"By the way we'd be sharing a bed till he leaves".

 I was still processing when I heard him shut the door obviously running away from my outburst.

 Oh no he don't.


I woke up noticing jerkface was nowhere to be found.

Yes you guessed right. After much debate and fighting two nights ago, I agreed but only on the condition he slept on the couch in the room and after glaring threateningly at me, he eventually gave up when I threatened to call Jacob

"Mad woman". He had called me but that was his business.

 Preparing for work today proved so tough and tiring as I've taken quite some days off but I was ready. What I wasn't ready for though, was coming downstairs to a bouquet of flowers in jerkface's hand while he smiled and led me to the seat close to Jacob. 

 Since that night he hit jerkface with a spoon, he always preferred I sat next to him. Tyler didn't live here with jerkface. Apparently this was their family house but Tyler wanted his privacy.

 Talking about Tyler, I still had to text him about the details for our meeting. I'll just meet him up tomorrow.

"For you cat girl".

I bit back a snarky reply and instead went with

"Thank you Jerkface".

 I replied equally smiling and the smile increased when I saw jerkface's eye grow big at the name I called him. I'm sure it didn't surprise him. It was more of the fact I had the guts to say it in front of his father. If only he knew the reply I would have loved to give him. This is the nicest I can give.

"Cat girl? Jerkface?". Jacob began looking confused.

 Okay I probably should not have called him____

"Awwwwwww that's so sweet"

"What?" I said simultaneously with jerkface.

How did he find such a thing sweet?

"I mean it's unusual but it's probably an inside joke between you both". He explained smiling while I and jerkface exchanged funny looks. 

Jacob wasn't far from the truth, except it's not a joke but it indeed is an inside name between both of us.

"So babe, dad would be going to the company with me today and when we are done, how about I come pick you up later for dinner?".

Smiling like I don't intend to kill him, I replied "Sure darling. I'm off now". 

 I stood up and instantly got confused on why he was standing also.

"Uh wh….." I couldn't finish my question when I felt his lips on my cheek. I was taken aback and I couldn't help but freeze right there staring at him and he stared back. We stood there for God knows how long before his father cleared his throat and we got back to our senses.

"You know" he started. "You both could take the day off to complete whatever that was and I'll just cover for you at work today son". He winked at Mason and I almost died of embarrassment.

'we calling him Mason now?'.

You of all people should understand my brain is jumbled up right now..

"Uh I'll just go". I ran so fast out of there like they were the scariest of people to be around me.

'Relax Riele. Don't fucking get all worked up'

 I know, I know. He just took me off guard.


 I was outside waiting for jerkface as he'd called earlier to enquire about the Dinner plan and also to let me know he'd be here soon.

 I didn't like wasting people's time in order for them not to do the same to me. If I were to arrive late to something planned with someone else then there was definitely a good enough reason.



'yeah I thought as much'.

That's your business. At least today I'm punctual and by the way, where the hell is he?.

 Beep! Beep! Beep!

Just dropped him off at home

 go to your friends' or any other place. 

I don't care.

I'll come pick you up in two hours time

So it looks like we went out together.


I kept staring at the message thinking it was a joke or something. So you mean to say I've been standing here for nothing? And he only called earlier to deceive his father??!!!.

 I laughed, Hysterically. I'm killing this Man and no one's stopping me.

 Deciding to go see a movie to kill time, I entered my car and drove to the cinema. It's been a while since I had a solo time out. I was very happy I didn't have to take my security with me anywhere these past few days because surprisingly it's like the paparazzi decided to leave me alone. Although I think it was basically for the fact there was nothing interesting about my life. Sad but the plain reality. It's a plus for me anyways. I mean I don't have to be worried of them getting a whiff of I and jerkface's alignment.

 I couldn't help but get angry at what that idiot did. It's not like I wanted to spend time with him but he at least could have let me in on the plan.

'the question here should be why you didn't know it was a plan?'

What's that supposed to mean?.

'you both aren't a real couple, why do you think he'd take you out on a real date? When his father isn't there to make y'all pretend?'

 I thought about what my subconscious said and actually now found myself to be a fool. Why did I expect anything?. This whole thing was to be a pretense in front of just his father.I face palmed thinking of how foolish I had been to hold a grudge against him. Well at least I can watch my movie in peace and maybe invite the girls to jo...

 I halted my thoughts when I heard the screeching of tyres. About four cars blocked all sides of my car and my immediate reaction was to freeze in fear.

'nice choice'

Apparently I can never be serious in a situation. Is it really the time for this?

'No it isn't. You do you'.

I got back to the situation on ground and couldn't help but get more scared when I saw some group of men coming down from the ones by each side of my car. They approached me and at this point I saw my life flashing before my eyes. I only watch shits like this in movies and they never get out of the situation and it always ends up in them dying, kidnapped or being robbed. I'd pick being robbed right now please.


Knock knock!!

I jolted at the knock on my windows.

 At least I'm not as stupid as the movies whereby they wind down or come out of the car. Not happening buddies. We'll all stay here and see who gets tired. That would probably work and in the meantime I can't let myself be frozen like the ones in the movie. I'll just call the police right now 


 I dropped my phone in fear when I saw they actually smashed the glass to my passenger window.

 OH GOD.....

Cliffhanger? I'm sorry lol

Meanwhile merry Christmas everyone! (Nigerian time though).

In the spirit of Christmas, I'm doing a triple update today so let's go!!!!

PennedSylvacreators' thoughts