
Writing is my Passion2

James was an aspiring author and reading fanatic. He loved reading; webnovels, fan-fics, best-sellers, teen novels, hell even children stories. One day, on his way home to read the latest series of a light-novel he'd been following, he hears a tires screaching... Next thing you know, he's been reincarnated as 6 year old kid, with a terrible headache.

TMHisOurSavior · Kỳ huyễn
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New life

Helen was a kind 67 year-old lady, who took care of the orphanage.

She had some friends who would help her out, along with the social service workers who came by. Many of her friends were children who had grown up in the orphanage. She had helped in them in the past, so as they grew older, they wanted to give back to her.

Jaime felt alone in this new world when he first arrived, but the great people in the orphanage helped him cheer up.

"I'm sorry I took your spot Leo" Jaime thought to himself.

Leo had died falling off a tree, when the back of his head hit the ground.

It was somewhat of a freak accident, but when you're only 6 years old, anything can be deadly.

Jaime got some of his memories, and his personality had become a little childish.

He had a bit of a sweet-tooth now as well.


"Leo, can you help me with my homework."

"I can help you, but I'm not going to do it for you."

Many of the younger children in the house looked to Leo to help them, even before Jaime replaced him.

Apparently, young Leo had an eidetic memory, or a photographic memory. This made it easy for him to memorize things like English and Math.

Helen acted as their teacher, she was a high school teacher for 4 years. She would home school them until middle school, and then they would go to a public school close to the orphanage.

She would assign homework, like in most schools, and the children had to do it to avoid scolding from Helen.

Jaime had been to college, so helping the children in the orphanage with homework was easy.

There were a total of 7 children in this house. There were 2 children older than Jaime, but Jaime was the tallest of them. The oldest was a boy named Johnny, and the second oldest was a girl named Sarah, both 8 years old.

The other children's names were Sam (6), Tammy (5), Connor (5), and Madelyn (2).

It was the older children's job to look out for the smaller children, but it was mostly Leo's responsibility as he was seen as the most "mature" one. Sarah would occasionally help to nag the other children, but she would still often bicker over who was the "on-in-charge" with Johnny.


After Leo was done helping with chores around the house, and telling the other children what to do, he talked to the system.

The system offered many sorts of benefits.

(As the best system in the galaxy, I can offer you many types of advantages. I can give you big, strong muscles to conquer all the known universe!)

"...I don't think I need that, this is a pretty modern world, so there is no need to conquer anything. I just want something that can secure my future."

(That's why I want to give you big and strong muscles!)

"...no, I just want something that can give me money - not muscles."

(Okay, well I can give you the writing system, the artist system, the muscle system, the muscle system, the Ancient-Murim-one-shot-kill system...)

"Wait, what was the first one?"

(The Ancient-Murim-one-shot-kill system? Well, can't I just give you the big muscle system?)

"No, you said something about the writing system"

(Oh) (:O)

(Yes, the writing system can give you the expert ability to write like any professional author. It's a bit of a boring system. I mean its just writing, and the ability to copy anyone's style, as well as the ability to memorize any novel in existence. Kind of a big let down from the Ancient-Murim-one-shot-kill system)

"Wait, what?! The writing system sounds awesome! It's like a dream come true for any otaku... I think I'd like to go with that one. If I had it me and the orphanage would be very secure."

As soon as Leo heard about the writing system, he knew that it would be a money-printing machine. After all, this was a different world where many of the past books he read about in his old world didn't exist. He could simply write about all of the stories he loved and make a fortune. Being someone who loved reading, it sounded like a dream.

"Yes, system, I would like the writing system"

The system looks at his small user, who lacks many muscles. He closely examines the 6-year-old boy from head to toe.

(...I'm just gonna give you the muscle system.)

"What?! No, just give me the writing system!"